Why Universitites? Reimagining Higher Education and Research

Why Universities? Reimagining Higher Education and Research

Roskilde University
Gefördert durch
European Reform University Alliance
Findet statt
In Präsenz
Vom - Bis
11.10.2023 - 12.10.2023
Felicitas Kaiser

The Europea Reform University Alliance (ERUA) was founded on a shared vision of universities as creative and experimental spaces and the critical function of the modern university in shaping more just, open, and inclusive societies. The conference investigates the role of alternative and experimental forms of higher education and research in a tim

Abstracts (max. 250 words) should be submitted no later than May 15.

Why Universities? Reimagining Higher Education and Research

The European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) was founded on a shared vision of universities as creative and experimental spaces and the critical function of the modern university in shaping more just, open, and inclusive societies. The conference investigates the role of alternative and experimental forms of higher education and research in a time of challenges: expanded student populations, technological disruption, the emergence of a global market of higher education, and the growth of social inequality and anti-scientific sentiment. We ask: How do –- and how should - these challenges reconfigure the role of the university in the world? Why do we need universities today?

The conference will address this question by focusing on three themes, 1) universities and internationalization, 2) challenges to teaching, and 3) responsible research.

We are inviting papers and panels that explore these themes as well as innovative examples of teaching and research practices. We welcome submissions in diverse formats and across disciplines that might encourage interactive formats which facilitate audience engagement. We welcome proposals from researchers, educators, students and practitioners

Abstracts (max. 250 words) should be uploaded no later than May 15.
Please upload your abstract via this link: https://events.ruc.dk/abstractserua2023/signup

If you are interested in chairing a panel or participating in the selection of papers, please contact the chair of the relevant stream.



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