The Holocaust and Migration: Beyond Flight and Displacement

The Holocaust and Migration: Beyond Flight and Displacement

Dr. Sebastian Musch und Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wilhelm
Georg-von-Vollmar-Akademie e.V
Gefördert durch
Gerda Henkel Stiftung, Alfred Landecker Foundation
Kochel am See
Findet statt
Vom - Bis
21.05.2023 - 23.05.2023
Sebastian Musch, Neueste Geschichte und Historische Migrationsforschung, Universität Osnabrück

Internationale Tagung an der Georg von-Vollmar-Akademie, Kochel am See.

Organisiert von Dr. Sebastian Musch, Alfred Landecker Lecturer am Historischen Seminar und Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS), Universität Osnabrück, und Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wilhelm von der Abteilung für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur am Historischen Seminar der LMU München.

The Holocaust and Migration: Beyond Flight and Displacement

Welche Impulse kann die Migrationsgeschichte der Erforschung des Holocausts geben? Welche neuen Erkenntnisse können wir über (Zwangs-)Migration im Zusammenhang mit der Erforschung des Holocaust gewinnen?

Diese und ähnliche Fragen werden von 23 internationalen Expert:innen auf einer Tagung diskutiert, die von der Universität Osnabrück und der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU München) in Kooperation mit der Georg-von-Vollmar-Akademie am Tagungsort Kochel am See durchgeführt wird.

Die Teilnahme an der Tagung ist persönlich oder digital möglich.

Die Anmeldung erfolgt unter


Arrival on Sunday, May, 21st

2:00 pm:

Welcome by the management of Georg-von-Vollmar-Akademie
Opening Remarks by the organizers Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wilhelm and Dr. Sebastian Musch and the Special Envoy Against Anti-Semitism in the State of Bavaria, Dr. Ludwig Spaenle

Welcome-Reception with Coffee and Cake
Leisurely walk to Kochelsee and Franz-Marc- Museum

5 pm – 7 pm:
The Holocaust, Forced Migrations and Global Reactions

- "' prevent the accumulation of undeportable aliens': International Reactions to the Refugee Crisis of the 1930ies"
Susanne Heim (Institut für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin)

- "Polish Plans of Forced Jewish Emigration on the Eve of World War II"
Zofia Trębacz (Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute, Warszaw)

- "The Bermuda Conference as a Display of Power Structures in the Holocaust Migration Regime"
Annika Heyen (Universität Osnabrück)

7 pm:

Monday, May, 22nd

09 am – 12.30 pm:
The Impact of the Nazi’s Racial Plans to Forced Settlement, Labor and Displacement

- "Germanization and Forced Migration in the 'Mustergau Wartheland'"
Jonathan Huener (University of Vermont)

- "Völkish Policy and Population Displacement"
Alexa Stiller (Universität Zürich)

- "Foreign Laborers and Prisoners of War in the German War Economy. A New Look at Forced Labor and the Aftermath of the Holocaust in Post-war Germany and Europe"
Edith Raim (Universität Augsburg)

- "Nazi Ghettoization: Displacement and Concentration of Jews as a Genocidal Strategy"
Wendy Lower (Claremont Mc Kenna College)

12.30 pm

2 pm - 5.30 pm
Escape: The Holocaust, the Journey to Destruction and Opportunities to Escape, Hide, or Find Support

- "Escaping the Lemberg Ghetto: Flight and Survival on the Lwów- Dniprópetróvsk Rescue Trail"
Ayelet E. Herbst (LMU München)

- "Who Got Out and Who Didn’t? The Mechanics of Migration and the Victims of the Holocaust in Small-Town Lithuania"
Eric Goldstein (Emory University)

- "To the East! Polish Jews in the Soviet Union (1939–1946)“ Markus Nesselrodt
(Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt an der Oder)

6 pm

Tuesday, 23rd:

8.30 pm -10.30 pm
Reorganization and Displacement

- "From Mauritius to Rwanda via the Kindertransport. Remembering and Forgetting Forced Migration"
Tony Kushner (University of Southampton)

- "Points of Departure, Points of Reference: Refugees and Inter- governmental Organisations in the Aftermath of the Second World War"
Peter Gatrell (University of Manchester)

- "Finding Refuge in Statelessness? Discussions on Citizenship and Displacement of Jews in Post-war Germany"
Miriam Rürup (MMZ/Universität Potsdam)

11 am – 1 pm:
Re-organization, Internment and Memory

- "Lockdown Empire: Detention, Displacement and Britain’s Colonial Camps for Jewish refugees"
Eliana Haddjisavvas (Birkbeck College, University of London)

- "Immigration, Politics, National Identity and Cultural Revival: American Jewry and the Challenge of Jewish Diaspora in the Shadow of the Holocaust"
Zohar Segev (University of Haifa)

- "Building a Future for the Past: German Refugee Rabbis in the United States after 1933"
Cornelia Wilhelm (LMU München)

1 pm

2.30 pm
Roundtable discussion

Moderated by Andreas Brämer (IGdJ, Hamburg)

Michael Brenner (LMU München)
Christoph Rass (Universität Osnabrück)
Gaelle Fisher (Center for Holocaust Studies, IfZ München) Susanne Heim (IfZ München-Berlin)

5 pm

Participation fee: 160€
reduced participation fee: 80€
one-day participation fee: 40€
digital participation fee: 15€
reduced digital participation fee: 0€

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