Contesting 21st Century B/Orders

Contesting 21st Century B/Orders

Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION
European University Viadrina
Frankfurt (Oder)
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06.09.2023 - 08.09.2023
Maria Klessmann, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

International Conference
September 6–8, 2023
European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
Organized by the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION

Contesting 21st Century B/Orders

Borders are sites of contestation worldwide and have undergone a fundamental transformation within the last decades. “Border struggles” at and around borders thereby play a crucial role in (de)stabilizing certain societal orders and accordingly border and migration regimes. During its 16 sessions, the conference „Contesting 21st Century B/Orders“ aims to discuss a range of border and order concepts from socio-symbolic to geopolitical perspectives. By bringing together scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds the conference wants to deepen the understanding of how the borders of the contemporary world are shaped and how societal orders in the 21st century are changing through new forms of border and boundary drawing.

The conference is organized by the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION which celebrates its 10thanniversary this year, in collaboration with the research networks ”Borders in Globalization” (BIG) and the „Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network” (TEIN).


Keynote Speakers: Marie Sandberg (Univ. Copenhagen) and Elizabeth Vallet (BIG, Univ. du Québec à Montréal), Roundtable Speakers: Sabine Hess (Univ. Göttingen), Emanuel Brunet-Jailly (Univ. Victoria), Elżbieta Opiłowska (Univ. Wroclaw), Astrid Fellner (Univ. Saarland) and many others.

Program & Registration:

To view the conference program, please visit the website:

The registration for non-speakers is open until August 20, 2023. To register please go to:


Wed, September 06, 2023

13:15 Welcome

Panel: “Peripherisation and Peripheral Selves in Liminal Zones of the 21st Century”
Hosts: Gautam Chakrabarti (EUV), Amelie Kutter (EUV)

Panel: “Transformation Processes in Borderlands in Times of Crises”
Host: Florian Weber (Saarland Univ.)

Panel: “Multilingualism in Vocational Training: Co-constructing Communicative Borderlands”
Hosts: Konstanze Jungbluth (EUV), Nicole Richter (EUV) , Claudia Polzin-Haumann (Saarland Univ.)

Panel: “Border Conflicts and Their Management in a New European Reality: 3 Perspectives on Negotiating Territory, Identitites and Power”
Hosts: Lars Kirchhoff (EUV), Anne Holper (EUV)

Keynote Lecture: Élisabeth Vallet (BIG, Univ. Québec à Montreal) “Who Needs a Border Wall? B/Ordering Through Othering in a Pandemic World”

Thu, September 07, 2023

Panel: “Imagining and Contesting Future Borders”
Hosts: Hannes Krämer (Univ. Duisburg-Essen), Dominik Gerst (Univ. Duisburg-Essen)

Panel: “21st Century B/Orders & Civil Society (part 1): Translocal Cooperation & Public Welfare”
Host: Peter Ulrich (Potsdam Univ.)

Panel: “Border (Inter)Action”
Hosts: Concha Maria Höfler (Nottingham Trent Univ.), Sabine Lehner (St. Pölten Univ. of Applied Sciences), Maria Klessmann (EUV)

Panel: “21st Century B/Orders & Civil Society (part 2): Translocal Cooperation & Civil Society”
Host: Peter Ulrich (Potsdam Univ.)

Panel: “Drowned, Watered Down and Resurfaced. Forensics, Politics of Memory and Conviviality along Liquid Borders”
Hosts: Estela Schindel (EUV), Darja Klingenberg (EUV)

Panel: “Polish Racial Frontier – Refugees on the Eastern Border of Poland”
Host: Lidia Zessin-Jurek (Czech Academy of Sciences)

Keynote Lecture: Marie Sandberg (Univ. Copenhagen) “From ’borderless world’ to ’borders are everywhere’. Revisiting the notion of b/order after the practice turn in critical border studies.”

Fri, September 08, 2023

Panel: “Researching Digital Borders – Taking Stock, Challenges and New Directions of Research”
Hosts: Nina Amelung (Lisbon Univ.), Silvan Pollozek (EUV)

Panel: “Forced Migrants from Ukraine: Negotiations of ‘Here and There’”
Host: Zeynep Yanaşmayan-Wegele (DeZIM)

Panel: “Race and Religion as Epistemic and Symbolic Borders”
Hosts: Luis M. Hernandez Aguilar (EUV), Kira Kosnick (EUV), Darja Klingenberg (EUV)

Panel: “Migrant Entrepreneurs and B/Order Asymmetries as a Resource”
Hosts: Carolin Leutloff-Grandits (EUV), Judith Möllers (IAMO Halle/S.), Ulf Brunnbauer (IOS Regensburg)

Panel: „Transnational Gender Activism“
Host: Latife Akyüz (EUV)

Panel: “Language and Border Studies – Intricate Yet Underexplored Relationships”
Hosts: Britta Schneider (EUV), Rita Vallentin (EUV)

Round Table: “Contested 21st Century B/Orders: Challenges for Transnational Research”
With: Elżbieta Opiłowska (Univ. Wrocław), Emanuel Brunet-Jailly (Univ. Victoria), Astrid Fellner (Univ. Saarland), Sabine Hess (Univ. Göttingen)
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