Alexey Tikhomirov, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie, Universität Bielefeld
05 October 2023
Welcome – Frank Grüner (Bielefeld U)
Introduction – Alexey Tikhomirov (Bielefeld U/Münster U)
Section 1: Experts across Cold War Borders
Chair: Frank Grüner (Bielefeld U)
Oxana Nagornaja (Independent scholar), Cultural Brokers of the “Cold War”: Soviet UNESCO Experts, Global Spaces of Culture, and the Search for Transnational Subjectivity
Rachel Applebaum (Tufts U), The Linguistic Cold War: Russian and English Language Teachers in the Global South
Nataliya Shok (Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC), Physicians against Nuclear War: Soviet-American Medical Cooperation and Solidarities in the 1970s and 1980s
Discussant: Klaus Gestwa (Tübingen U)
Coffee break
Section 2: Literature, Media, and Communication through the Iron Curtain
Chair: Nadezhda Beliakova (Bielefeld U)
Anja Schade (Hildesheim U), From the Manuscript to its Distribution: Sechaba as an Example of the Transnational Dimension of the Anti-Apartheid Struggle during the Cold War
Rósa Magnúsdóttir (Iceland U), Birgitte Beck Pristed (Aarhus U), Forbidden Love: The Thorn Birds and Soviet Readers’ Emotional Responses to Translated Western Bestsellers during the Late Cold War
Luca Nigro (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa), Translating and Exporting Revolution: The Role of Italian “Foreign Experts” in Maoist Internationalism in Western Europe (1956–1966)
Discussant: Miriam Dobson (Sheffield U)
Section 3: Subjectivities in Flux: Migration, Humanitarian Aid, and International Exchange Initiatives during the Global Conflict
Chair: Anastasiia Zaplatina (Bielefeld U)
Galina Zelenina (Independent scholar), Notes from the Top of the Intourist Hotel: How Western Travelers Helped Soviet Jews Betray Their (Step)Motherland
Vitalij Fastovskij (Münster U), Narrating Migration in the Cold War: The Tolstoy Foundation, Displaced People, and “Eastern Bloc Refugees” (1949–1989)
Wallace L. Daniel (Mercer U) Henry Dakin, Personal Diplomacy, and the Cold War
Discussant: Rósa Magnúsdóttir (Iceland U)
Coffee break
Section 4: Mastering Space and Mapping the “I” in Transnational Solidarities
Chair: Konstantin Kotelnikov (Bielefeld U)
Irina Kotkina (New Europe College, Bucharest), To What Extent was the “Iron Curtain” Soundproof? The Bolshoi Theatre Opera and In-/Formal Relationships with the West, 1955–1989
Maria Zolotukhina (Independent scholar), Soviet Schools in a Non-Soviet Environment: Growing Up Abroad in the 1970s and 1980s
Uladzimir Valodzin (European University Institute, Florence), “You Came to Study, Not to Amuse Yourself”: Conflicts between the University Administration and Students from the Global South in Soviet Minsk in the 1960s
Discussant: Eleonora Gilburd (U of Chicago)
Dinner for participants
06 October 2023
Section 5: Art and Music through the Iron Curtain: Entanglements and Exchange
Chair: Olga Olkheft (Bielefeld U)
Dorine Schellens (Leiden U), “Where Is the Line between Us?”: Cross-Cultural Entanglements in the Early History of Moscow Conceptualism
Szabolcs László (Institute of History, Budapest), Democratizing Music through the Kodály Method: Mapping a Transnational Network of Hungarian and American Music Educators during the Cold War (1960s–1970s)
Simo Mikkonen (Jyväskylä U), Negotiating Transcultural Space: Soviet Musicians in Cold War Era Finland
Discussant: Birgitte Beck Pristed (Aarhus U)
Coffee break
Section 6: Religious Activists and Networks across Political Blocs
Chair: Luise Fast (Bielefeld U)
Miriam Dobson (Sheffield U), “The Greatest Love Story Ever Told”: Western Missionaries and Soviet Evangelicals in the Late Cold War
Nadezhda Beliakova (Bielefeld U), Smuggling Bibles through the “Iron Curtain” as Personal Experience and Cold War Adventure
Johannes Dyck (Museum for Russian-German Cultural History, Detmold), “I Drew Árpád Arder's Attention to the Fact That He Is a Citizen of the Soviet Union”: A Citizen of the World within the Confines of Estonia
Discussant: Katja Tolstaya (Amsterdam FU)
Section 7: Divided Ideologies, United Ways of Life: Cold War Materialities, Universal Values, and the Search for Global Modernity
Chair: Alexey Tikhomirov (Bielefeld U/Münster U)
Susan Reid (Durham U), Global Assemblages: How Cold War Connections and Disconnections Shaped the Late Soviet Home
Ksenia Tatarchenko (Singapore Management U), On Rights and Autonomous Agents: Тhe 4th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Conflict of Cold War Universalities
Anna Ozhiganova (Erlangen-Nürnberg U), Soviet-American New Age Diplomacy in the 1980s: Ambassadors, Projects, and Mutual Impacts
Discussant: Simo Mikkonen (Jyväskylä U)
Coffee break
Concluding Remarks and Roundtable:
Dis-/Connections, Entanglements, Translations, Ruptures: Cold War Subjectivities, Networks, and Spaces in Understanding Historical Change
Chair: Katja Tolstaya (Amsterdam FU)
Miriam Dobson (Sheffield U)
Eleonora Gilburd (U of Chicago)
Frank Grüner (Bielefeld U)
Oxana Nagornaja (Independent scholar)
Dinner for participants