…et licteris disegnatis. Sichtbarkeit und Zugänglichkeit von Grabdenkmälern in spätmittelalterlichen Kirchen

…et licteris disegnatis. Visibility and Accessibility of Funerary Monuments in late medieval Churches

Lorenzo Curatella (Universität Heidelberg-Historisches Seminar); Federica Cosenza (Universität Heidelberg-Historisches Seminar); Prof. Dr. Romedio Schmitz-Esser (Universität Heidelberg-Historisches Seminar)
Basilica di Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Piazza della Minerva 42
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08.09.2023 - 09.09.2023
Lorenzo Curatella, Historisches Seminar, Universität Heidelberg

…et licteris disegnatis. Sichtbarkeit und Zugänglichkeit von Grabdenkmälern in spätmittelalterlichen Kirchen

Seitdem Gräber von Gläubigen in der Kirche aufgenommen wurden, stellten sie hier auch wichtige Teile der Ausstattung dar, die mit der individuellen und familiären "Memoria" eng verflochten waren. Durch Umbauten und Zerstörungen hat sich die Aufstellung und damit die heutige Wahrnehmung der Grabdenkmäler jedoch oftmals grundlegend gewandelt.

…et licteris disegnatis. Visibilità e accessibilità delle sepolture nelle chiese basso medievali.

Fin dal loro apparire all’interno delle chiese, le tombe furono considerate un elemento importante come mezzo di trasmissione della memoria, personale e familiare. Restauri e distruzioni hanno oggi modificato la loro percezione, trattandosi spesso di elementi rimossi dalla posizione originaria ma di cui risulta fondamentale capire se venissero compresi o visti da chiunque o se la trasmissione era concepita già nella creazione per essere indirizzata verso determinati lettori. La limitazione d’accesso ad alcuni ambienti ecclesiastici, la privatizzazione delle cappelle familiari, l’uso di un determinato linguaggio, la volontà testamentaria di porre la propria sepoltura in una determinata posizione sono prove di una specifica necessità di mostrarsi ad un pubblico selezionato. D’altro canto, determinate scelte dovettero prendere in considerazioni alcuni problemi legati all’illuminazione, al passaggio dei devoti o alle celebrazioni liturgiche. Il convegno cercherà di illuminare questi problemi, usando una prospettiva multidisciplinare per aprire la discussione sulla percezione dei monumenti funebri nel basso medioevo.

…et licteris disegnatis. Visibility and Accessibility of Funerary Monuments in late medieval Churches

Since their appearance inside the churches, tombs were an important element of their décor and the symbols of individual and dynastic memory. Continuous renovation and destruction of churches during the last centuries caused the loss of a lot of late medieval tombs or at least their change from the original position. This altered the perception of the tombs, making it difficult to understand the original intent of the deceased (or the commissioners of such monuments), and, thus, their intended audience. The choice of the tombs’ placement within the church was influenced by several factors: considerations regarding the lighting within the building, devotional paths and the use of space by liturgical celebrations are only a few examples of such reasons for the final decision making. The choice of specific ecclesiastical spaces, the privatization of family chapels, the use of language in the inscriptions and the font of writing or the expression of specific layouts of burials in last wills are all hinting at the need for representation in front of a specific audience we still need to understand better. This workshop takes these problems up, using a multidisciplinary perspective to open up the discussion on how funerary monuments were perceived in the later Middle Ages.

The aim of the conference is to address the issue of the visibility and accessibility of burials in medieval churches. The main focus of the workshop is the epigraphic analysis of this aspect, as highlighted by the papers of FEDERICA COSENZA and LORENZO CURATELLA, who will analyse in detail the prestigious burials in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, using this example to highlight the main questions that the conference aims to answer; In the next two papers, by GIORGIA MARIA ANNOSCIA and FLAVIA DE RUBEIS, epigraphy and iconography will also play a major role in the analysis of strategies for communicating death in the Roman and Italian Middle Ages. Epigraphy will also be at the heart of the presentation by ANDREAS ZAJIC, who will focus on the readers of these inscriptions, as well as that of ANNA PETUTSCHNIG and ELISABETH TANGERNER, who will discuss tomb graffiti using the example of the cloister of Regensburg Cathedral. A more iconographic perspective will be offered by ANDREAS REHBERG, who will discuss heraldic ornamentation, which is also one of the most visible aspects of medieval tombs and funerary chapels. The workshop aims to approach the topic in a multidisciplinary way: the contributions of SUSANNE KERN and PAOLA VITOLO will give us the opportunity to reflect further on the structure and topography of burials in medieval churches and cloisters, with Italian and international examples, while ALFONSO FORGIONE will give us an overview of the visibility and accessibility of burials from an archaeological point of view, focusing on some Italian cases in Abruzzo and Tuscany. So far, the lectures have focused on the theme of visibility, but it is also right to think about those who did not want to be visible: in this sense, the lecture by HANNA HIRT, who will focus on the signs of humility on late medieval tombs, will be enlightening. Finally, the evening lecture by GIULIA BARONE will play a central role, taking a devotional approach to the phenomenon of tombstones and chapels in medieval Roman churches.



Federica Cosenza (Heidelberg) & Lorenzo Curatella (Heidelberg): Chapels and tombs in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva.

Giorgia Maria Annoscia (Rome): Epigrafia esposta ed epitaffi a Roma nel XII e XIII secolo.

Flavia De Rubeis (Venice): Dal committente al lettore: strategie grafiche nella memoria funeraria nei secoli XIV e XV.

Susanne Kern (Mainz): Besuch am Grab. Zur Zugänglichkeit von Grablegen in Kloster- und Stiftskirchen.

Anna Petutsching (Münster) & Elisabeth Tangerner (Salzburg): Mortal enemies, admirers and jokers: Tombstone graffiti considering the example of the cloister at Regensburg Cathedral.

Andreas Zajic (Wien): Between Ostension and Privacy: Broad and Restricted Audiences of Pre-modern Inscriptions Commemorating the Dead.

Paola Vitolo (Naples): Elaborare e rielaborare la memoria. Sepolture tardomedievali e visibilità nei processi di riallestimento di Età moderna (alcuni casi in Italia meridionale).

Fabrizio Federici (Florence): Antiquari e storici della Roma barocca alle prese con gli epitaffi medievali.

Giulia Barone (Rome): Tra devozione e ostentazione. Lastre tombali e cappelle nelle chiese romane tardomedievali.


Andreas Rehberg (Rome): L’ornamentazione araldica delle lastre e delle cappelle funerarie a Roma (secoli XIII-inizio XVI)

Hanna Hirt (Heidelberg): Aiming for Non-Visibility. Signs of Humility in Late Medieval Burials.

Alfonso Forgione (L’Aquila): Visibilità ed accessibilità delle sepolture funerarie in edifici religiosi e aree cimiteriali: il dato archeologico da alcuni casi campione di Abruzzo e Toscana.


E-Mail: federica.Cosenza@uni-heidelberg.de
E-Mail: lorenzo.Curatella@uni-heidelberg.de

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