Mountain Entrepreneurs – Generations and Transformations (1740–1830)

Mountain Entrepreneurs – Generations and Transformations (1740–1830)

Margareth Lanzinger (Vienna), Jon Mathieu (Luzern), Juan Hernandez Franco (Murcia), Antonio Irigoyen (Murcia) and Ana Zabalza (Navarra)
Universität Wien / University of Vienna, Main Building, Universitätsring 1, Seminarraum Geschichte 1
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14.09.2023 - 15.09.2023
Margareth Lanzinger, Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Universität Wien

A cooperation of the projects “Generaciones inciertas. Las familias de los influyentes españoles en tiempos de transformación (1740–1830) | Uncertain Generations. Influential Spanish Families in Times of Transformation (1740–1830)”, Universidad de Murcia
“The Role of Wealth in Defining and Constituting Kinship Spaces from 16th to the 18th Century”, FWF, Department of Economic and Social History, University of Vienna

Mountain Entrepreneurs – Generations and Transformations (1740–1830)

Exploring the activities, undertakings and ways of life of different generations of influential families can help explain social transformations that took place during the second half of the eighteenth and the first decades of the nineteenth centuries. Both the project and workshop aim to bring family and kinship to the fore as historical agents for change – rather than economic developments or governmental measures. In this sense, generation is seen as a key concept that bridges continuity with innovation at the personal and familial levels. Specifically, it is involved in social, economic and political processes and at the same time influences these processes. Thus, our aim is, essentially, to link historical time with family time.

Building upon recent research on historical kinship, we want to examine to what extent changes were influenced by the transition from vertical to horizontal family logics. From this follows the question whether there was indeed a sequence of generations with a generation of founders establishing the family’s wealth, followed by generations of transformation and change.

The central question of the workshop is: how did influential families deal with transformations that took place between the mid-eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries and how did these families organize their social relations? To answer this question, it is necessary to characterise the different generations, work out their specific profiles and decisive factors such as family and power structures, belongings, gender relations, activities, family and kinship organisation, handling of property and wealth, education, training and professionalisation, conflicts and tensions, public presence and appearances, ideas and ideals.

The workshop focuses on mountain societies from the Carpathians to the Alpine area, the Pyrenees, the Cantabrian Mountains and beyond. As the bourgeois intellectual elite increasingly saw the mountains in a new and idealised light, familial and social change takes on another dimension here. These perceptions were often marked by ethnographic views of ‘the other’ oscillating between primitivisation and romanticisation. Economically, however, these regions were in close exchange with the surrounding lowlands – in the Alps, for example, through the enormously important transit trade.

Workshop languages are English, Italian and Spanish (with a PowerPoint presentation in English).


14 September 2023

14.00 Welcome and Introduction

14.10–14.55 / Borut Žerjal and Luigi Lorenzetti
Migrazioni, imprenditorialità familiare e pratiche redistributive nelle valli sudalpine (XVII–inizio XIX secc.)
14.55–16.40 / Jon Mathieu
Elite Entrepreneurs in the Grisons: Planta-Zernez and Planta-Zuoz, 1740–1830

Coffee break

17.00–17.45 / Francisco Hidalgo Fernández
De la montaña al litoral mediterráneo. Trayectorias familiares ante la migración estructural (obispado de Bearne-Málaga, siglos XVIII–XIX)
17.45–18.30 / Mark Bertogliati and Stefania Bianchi
Le metamorfosi della mobilità. Trasversalità di mete e mestieri nelle famiglie della Svizzera italiana tra l’età dei baliaggi e lo Stato Federale

15 September 2023

9.30–10.15 / Senta Herkle
The Massner Forwarding House and the Grisons Alpine trade 1700–1830
10.15–11.00 / Ana Zabalza Seguín
Opportunities and Crises. Three Generations of the Sesma Family (1740–1830)

Coffee break

11.20–12.05 / Pablo Sánchez Pascual
Estrategias de ascenso social de una familia de comerciantes asturianos: los Méndez de Vigo (1740–1806)
12.05–12.50 / Nere Jone Intxaustegi Jauregi
The Merchant Families of Bilbao in the Second Half of the 18th Century: Survival and Social Transformations

Lunch break

14.15–15.00 / Margareth Lanzinger
Innkeepers – Traders – Hauliers: Generations and Diversification on South Tyrolean Transit Routes

Coffee break

15.15–16.00 / Giovanni Gregorini and Luca Mocarelli
The Lords of Iron: Family Rise and Fall in an Iron-Producing Valley in XVIII–XIX Centuries Lombardy


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Land Veranstaltung
Sprach(en) der Veranstaltung
Englisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Sprache der Ankündigung