Combining the Arts. Multimedia Performances in the Early 19th-Century Habsburg Empire

Combining the Arts. Multimedia Performances in the Early 19th-Century Habsburg Empire

Schubert Research Center (Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien (mdw))
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien (mdw)
Gefördert durch
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Findet statt
In Präsenz
Vom - Bis
12.10.2023 - 14.10.2023
Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl, Kommission für Interdisziplinäre Schubert Forschung, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Third Annual Conference of the Schubert Research Center Vienna on 12–14 October 2023

Combining the Arts. Multimedia Performances in the Early 19th-Century Habsburg Empire

The third annual conference of the Schubert Research Center presents papers by international scholars who will speak on several aspects of multimedia performances on stages, in ballrooms, in court, and in private places. There will be a lecture performance on gestures and a concert entitled "Lebenstänze – Lebensstürme. Eine musikalisch-deklamatorisch-tanzalische Abendunterhaltung". No registration needed, free entrance.


Thursday, 12 October

Welcome and Introduction
9:30 Welcome: Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl
9:45 Introduction: More Than Just Music: The Rich Combination of the Arts in Schubert’s Vienna: Christopher Gibbs

Morning Session: Ballrooms, Salons and Theaters
Chair: Thomas Seedorf

10:00 Erica Buurman: The Multimedia Ballroom in Schubert’s Vienna
10:45 Coffee
11:15 Nancy November / Imogen Morris: Why Were Music Theatrical Soirées and Salons So Popular in Schubert’s Vienna?
12:00 Mary Riggs / Robert Riggs: Multimedia Performances in the Kärntnertortheater

Afternoon Program
15:45 Guided tour through the historical Theater in der Josefstadt
Theater in der Josefstadt, Josefstädter Straße 24


19:00 Lebenstänze – Lebensstürme. Eine „musikalisch-deklamatorisch-tanzalische Abendunterhaltung”
Musik von Franz Schubert

Friday, 13 October
Morning Session: Visualized Body Gestures and Literary Soundscapes
Chair: Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl

9:30 Bettina Brandl-Risi: Blurring the Poses of Representation – In-Betweenness in Tableau Vivant Performances
10:15 Emily Eubanks: The Soundscape of Austrian Patriotism: Ferdinand II in Karoline Pichler’s Salon
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Margit Legler: The Physical Eloquence of Schubert’s Time (Performance Lecture)

Afternoon Session: Lied and Melodrama
Chair: Franz Fillafer

14:00 Cheston Humphries: Genre Conventions in the Early German Lied and the Declamatory Tradition
14:45 Louis De Nil: Singing Schubert’s Erlkönig Dramatically in Vienna’s Vormärz Period
15:30 Coffee

16:00 Panel: Multimediality at the Viennese Court – Ambigu (1815)
- Werner Telesko: The Viennese Court as a Place of Multimedia Practices in the Early 19th Century
- Alfred Noe: The Dramatic Elements in the Ambigu at the Viennese Court in 1815. A Five-Flavour Pièce Montée
- Livio Marcaletti: Melodrame, Comic Ensemble Pieces and Dances: How Music Blends with the Arts in the 1815 Ambigu

Saturday, 14 October
Morning Session: Ballet, Opera and Orchestral Works
Chair: Livio Marcaletti

9:30 Joan Grimalt: Beethoven’s Multimedia Prometheus Myth, 1801–2023. Die Geschöpfe des Prometheus op. 43, Between Rhetorical Music, Pantomime, and Stage Performance
10:15 Kirby E. Haugland: Staging an Effective Revolution: Lodoïska in Habsburg Europe
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Christine Fischer: Tableau Vivant and Symphonic Music? An Attempt to Approach Figurative Associations in Schubert’s Orchestral Works
12:15 Summary, Desiderata and Farewell

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