With this meeting we therefore invite scholars to present proposals that shed light about prosopography from a wide range of perspectives and interdisciplinary approaches. The main objective is not so much the presentation of definitive results, but the proposal of possible updates of investigative methods and a reflection on the current potential of prosopographical research.
Presentation of promising research concerning already established works will therefore be welcome, as well as investigations concerning noteworthy sources that may still raise questions concerning their prosopographical treatment.
In summary, during the study days at the University of Bergamo (16-18 May 2024), different prosopographical projects in diachronic and diatopic order will be compared from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Guest speaker (Prof. Peter Schreiner, University of Cologne) will introduce the first day with a lectio magistralis (16 May). Committee members and prosopography experts (Prof. Paolo Cesaretti, Riccardo Rao, Marco Pellegrini, Francesco Lo Monaco – University of Bergamo; Prof. Salvatore Cosentino – University of Bologna) will be chairs of the various working sessions, which will be structured on a chronological and disciplinary basis (17 May).
The event will also be disseminated through the main social media (web portal, facebook, instagram, x-twitter). It is planned to publish the conference proceedings.
Proposals for papers will have to concern projects connected with the following research topics:
- Prosopography in Ancient History
- Late Antique Prosopography
- Byzantine Prosopography
- Medieval (Western, Slavic, or Arabian) Prosopography
- Prosopography in the Modern Age and in other cultures
- Prosopography and Contemporary Age
- Prosopography of disciplines and genres
- Prosopography and new Methodologies (Digital Humanities)
- Prosopography and Civil Rights
Proposals will be written and presented in one of the following languages (Italian, English,Spanish, German or French), should contain a preliminary title and a short abstract of about 300 words, which presents the specific research topic.
Please send paper proposals to elena.gritti@unibg.it by 8.01.2024
The selected papers will be announced by e-mail till 31.01.2024. Selected speakers will be suggested contracted residential solutions, but travel and accommodation costs will not be
covered. There are no registration fees.