Introduction to the conference (Dr. Ashley Null/Dr. Benjamin Houltberg)
Section 1: Early modern Christianity and performance-based identity
Martin Luther’s ethics and the modern “moralization of Christianity” (Dr. Andreas Stegmann, Wittenberg Center for Reformation Studies)
Does Tridentine Catholicism advocate performance-based identity? (Dr. Colin Donnelly, University of Limerick)
‘Reformation Anglicanism’ and relationship-based identity (Dr. Ashley Null, Wittenberg Center for Reformation Studies)
Did early modern Reformed Christianity contribute to the rise of performance-based identity? (Prof. Gert van den Brink, Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn)
Optimizing oneself and creating a new man: mentalities, discourses, and practices in the early modern period (Dr. Georg Eckert, Universität Freiburg)
Concluding discussion: Historical perspectives on relationship-based and performance-based identity (chair: Prof. Dorothea Wendebourg)
Section 2: Performance-based identity today
‘Identity’ and ‘performance’ as key concepts of the modern world (Prof. Günter Thomas, Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Religion and performance-based identity today (Dr. Laura Upenieks, Baylor University)
Psychological research into performance-based vs. purpose-based identity (Dr. Benjamin Houltberg, Search Institute)
Sociological research into performance-based identity – The example of professional football players (Dr. Graham Daniels, University of Cambridge)
Philosophical analysis of performance-based identity (Prof. Sabrina Little, Christopher Newport University)
Sport and religion: in dialogue with Roman-Catholic perspectives from the 20th and 21st centuries (Dr. Robert Ellis, University of Oxford)
Concluding discussion: The Reformation as a resource for today? (chair: Prof. Jörg Dierken, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg)