Ethics of the Sciences. Considering Technological, Political and Societal Transformations

International Symposium: „Ethics of the Sciences. Considering Technological, Political and Societal Transformations“

Forschungsinitiative "Ethics of Sciences"; Institute of Advanced Studies for Ethics of the Sciences
Leibnizhaus, Holzmarkt 4–6
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
14.03.2024 - 15.03.2024
Jan Hinrichsen, Institut für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen

Die Forschungsinitiative Ethics of Sciences (EOS) veranstaltet in Kooperation mit dem Institute of Advanced Studies for Ethics of the Sciences (IASEOS) am 14. und 15. März 2024 in Hannover das International Symposium „Ethics of the Sciences".

International Symposium: „Ethics of the Sciences. Considering Technological, Political and Societal Transformations“

Die Forschungsinitiative Ethics of Sciences (EOS) veranstaltet in Kooperation mit dem Institute of Advanced Studies for Ethics of the Sciences (IASEOS) am 14. und 15. März 2024 in Hannover das International Symposium „Ethics of the Sciences". Mit unseren internationalen Gästen diskutieren wir aktuelle ethische Herausforderungen, die sich den Wissenschaften vor dem Hintergrund gegenwärtiger gesellschaftlicher, politischer und technologischer Transformationsprozesse stellen.

Im Zentrum des Symposiums stehen der Einfluss von Digitalisierung auf wissenschaftliche Praxis, die Herausforderungen der Wissenschaftskommunikation in Zeiten zunehmender Unsicherheit und Ungewissheit, die Politikberatung durch Wissenschaft sowie Fragen nach epistemischer (Un-)Gerechtigkeit. Gerahmt wird die Veranstaltung von zwei Keynotes:

Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter): „Open Science and the Ethics of Research. A Troubled Relationship“
Eric Meslin (Immediate Past President Council of Canadian Academies, Ottawa): „Whom, What and Why We Should Trust. Ethical Prerequisites for Good Governance in Science“

Um Anmeldung bis zum 4. März 2024 unter jan.hinrichsen(at) wird gebeten.


Thursday, March 14th 2024

1:05 pm: Welcome Address: Volker Epping (Leibniz University Hannover (LUH)); Metin Tolan (University of Göttingen (UGOE))

1:15 pm: Introduction Talk: Nils Hoppe (LUH) & Silke Schicktanz (UGOE/University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG))

1:45 pm: Keynote Lecture I: Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter)
“Open Science and the Ethics of Research: A Troubled Relationship”

2:45 pm: Coffee Break and Interactive Poster Discussion

Session I: Open Science/Digitalisation
Chair: Jochem Rieger (Carl von Ossietzky Universität of Oldenburg (UOL))
3:30 pm: Katie Shilton (University of Maryland)
“Awareness, Participation, and Power: Navigating Digital Data Ethics in the Age of AI”
3:50 pm: Catrin Misselhorn (UGOE)
“Ethics by Chat? Large Language Models and Machine Ethics”
4:10 pm: Panel Discussion with Sabina Leonelli, Katie Shilton & Catrin Misselhorn

4:30 pm: Coffee Break

Session II: Science Communication/Public Engagement
Chair: Christoph Hönnige (LUH)
4:45 pm: Anne-Sophie Behm-Bahtat (Wissenschaft im Dialog, Berlin)
“Communicating Scientific Uncertainties: A Matter of Trust?”
5:05 pm: Mark Schweda (UOL)
“Same Same but Different? Perspectives and Pitfalls of Ethics Communication”
5:25 pm: Panel Discussion with Anne-Sophie Behm-Bahtat & Mark Schweda

5:45 pm: End of Meeting

Friday, March 15th 2024

9:00 am: Welcome Nils Hoppe & Silke Schicktanz

9:05 am: Keynote Lecture II: Eric Meslin (Council of Canadian Academies, Ottawa)
“Whom, What and Why We Should Trust: Ethical Prerequisites for
Good Governance in Science”

10:05 am: Coffee Break

Session III: Policy Advise/Governance
Chair: Simon Fink (UGOE)
10:30 am: Dovile Rimkute (Leiden University)
“Risk Regulation in the European Regulatory State: Science-Based
or Reputation-Sourced”
10:50 am: Philippe van Basshuysen (LUH)
“Managing Performative Science”
11:10 am: Panel Discussion with Eric Meslin, Dovile Rimkute & Philippe van Basshuysen

11:30 am: Interactive Poster Discussion

12:15 am: Lunch

Session IV: Epistemic (In)justice/Pluralism
Chair: Margarete Vöhringer (UGOE)
1:15 pm: Harish Naraindas (Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi)
“Ayurgenomics, Epigenetics and P4 Medicine: Toward an
Epistemic Democracy?”
1:35 pm: Birgit Abels (UGOE)
“Multi/Plural: Changing the Intellectual Climate?”
1:55 pm: Panel Discussion with Harish Naraindas & Birgit Abels

2:15 pm: Coffee Break

2:30 pm: Discussion/Lessons learned

3:30 pm: Closing remarks: Silke Schicktanz & Nils Hoppe

3:40 pm: End of Meeting

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