Virtus: Journal of Nobility Studies

Virtus. Journal for Nobility Studies

Virtus. Journal for Nobility Studies
Findet statt
Vom - Bis
01.03.2024 -
Liesbeth Geevers, Geschichte, Univ. Lund

We solicit original research articles on any aspect of the history of the (European) nobility, from the medieval period to the present.

Virtus. Journal for Nobility Studies

About the Journal

Virtus. Journal of Nobility Studies is an independent and multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with contributions on all aspects of the history of the nobility. The journal aims at providing a multilingual (English and Dutch) forum for academic exchange and discussion of research and ideas in the field of the history of nobility and related areas of study, such as genealogy, heraldry, court studies and castellology. Virtus publishes original research from historians, art historians, sociologists, archaeologists, architectural historians, literary scholars and all others who write about noble elites, nobility and knighthood. Its focus encompasses a variety of analytical perspectives, including (but not limited to) cultural, political, social and economic approaches, as well as gender, identity and material culture.

Virtus was founded by the Stichting Werkgroep Adelsgeschiedenis in 2003, and is published by Uitgeverij Verloren, Hilversum, the Netherlands in collaboration with University of Groningen Press.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides Gold Open Access in English and Green Open Access in Dutch (delay 12 months) to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Author Guidelines

The editorial board welcomes manuscripts reporting original research or interpretations (in English, Dutch or German) from a wide range of fields relating to the history of noble elites. Virtus comprises full (peer-reviewed) research articles, historiographical essays, shorter (report-type) contributions and book reviews, meant to engage scholars and general readers alike.

Full articles are typically 8.000 words (including footnotes) and short articles 5.000 words. Book reviews should be no longer than 2.000 words.

Manuscripts should be sent to the editor, Liesbeth Geevers (

Download the complete author guidelines in Dutch (PDF) or in English (PDF).

For more information see


Liesbeth Geevers (
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Sprach(en) der Veranstaltung
Dutch, Englisch
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