Musik und Geschichte in pluralen Gesellschaften - Deutsch-französische Perspektiven

Musik and History in Plural Societies. French-German Perspectives

Dr. Talia Bachir-Loopuyt (University of Tours), Dr. Karim Hammou (CNRS Paris), PD Dr. Eva Tabea Meineke (University of Mannheim) and Professor Dr. Gesa zur Nieden (University of Greifswald)
Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, Martin-Luther-Straße 14
Gefördert durch
Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, University of Greifswald, University of Tours
Findet statt
Vom - Bis
18.03.2024 - 20.03.2024
Gesa zur Nieden, Institut für Kirchenmusik und Musikwissenschaft, Universität Greifswald

Seit Anbruch des Millenniums bezieht das Verständnis von Geschichte, Erinnerungen und Erinnerungskulturen zunehmend gesellschaftliche, kulturelle und religiöse Pluralität mit ein. Auf der Tagung sprechen internationale Expert:innen über Musik als Dialog im Angesicht unterschiedlicher historiographischer Ansätze, über Verhandlungen von Zeitgeschichte und Erinnerungskultur in verschiedenen musikgebundenen Medienformaten, über die Hörbarkeit von Vergangenheitsvorstellungen und ihren politischen Strukturen sowie über die Temporalitäten, die beim Umgang mit geschichts- und erinnerungsrelevanten Themen im Rap, in zeitgenössischer Musik, im Musiktheater und in der populären Musik eine Rolle spielen

Musik and History in Plural Societies. French-German Perspectives

Since the dawn of the millennium, the understanding of history, memories and cultures of remembrance has increasingly included social, cultural and religious plurality. This concerns not only reflections on the polyphony of the historiography of a society in which "not everyone has the same history" (Zafer Şenocak), but also the content and narratives of history in a world characterized by mobility, migration, displacement and global networking. On the basis of the postcolonial approaches that are strongly debated in France or the concept of multidirectional memory (Michael Rothberg), which is also heavily criticized in the German-speaking world, very different discourses can be observed in individual geographical areas, which are themselves historically conditioned. At the same time, transnational approaches to a plural conception of history such as 'travelling memories' (Astrid Erll) have recently attracted increasing attention.

The conference is based on the assumption that music as a medium, but also in its diversity of genres, plays an important role in the reconceptualization of a contemporary plural history. This raises very different questions: To what extent can historical narratives and objects, memories, networks or life paths be transported and conveyed in music – without music always having to be understood as a universal medium of expression? In what ways is music suitable for reflecting historiographies, their narratives and interconnections in an artistic manner and enriching them with diverse voices? How do minorities or individual groups in today's societies achieve audibility and recognition through music and sound? Can musical practices, instruments and patterns of reception be used to link the music-historical discourses of a pluralistic society with general cultural and social history? And last but not least: How is the potential of music in connection with history and memory reflected in cultural studies or in other media?

At the conference, international experts from historical musicology, ethnomusicology, music anthropology, sociology and literary studies will talk about music as dialogue between different historiographical approaches, about negotiations of contemporary history and memory culture in various music-based media formats, about the audibility of ideas of the past and their political structures, and about the temporalities that play a role in dealing with themes relevant to history and memory in rap, contemporary music, music theatre and popular music.

The lectures of the multilingual conference will be held in German, English and French with summarising presentations in English.


Monday, 18 March 2024, Hörsaal, hybrid
16h45-17h Katharina Riedel (Rector University of Greifswald), Thomas Klinger (Academic Director Alfried Krupp Institute of Advanced Studies): Welcoming Addresses
17-17h30 Talia Bachir-Loopuyt (Tours), Karim Hammou (Paris), Eva-Tabea Meineke (Mannheim), Gesa zur Nieden (Greifswald): Introduction
17h30-18h30 Introductive conference by Philip V. Bohlman (Chicago/Hannover): Grenzgebiet / Grenzgänger:innen / Grenzübergang. Zur ästhetischen Topographie der musikhistorischen Vielfalt

Tuesday, 19 March 2024, Hörsaal, hybrid
Music historiographies and the question of dialogue (Gesa zur Nieden & Eva-Tabea Meineke)
9h-9h30h Martin Stokes (London): MENA (Middle-East and North Africa) region: Music Historiographies and 'the Great Unmixing'
9h30h-10h Tobias Janz (Bonn): How to Agree to Disagree (in Music History)
10h-10h20 Discussion
Coffee break
11h-11h30 Catherine Rudent (Paris): Les quiz musicaux à la télévision : une manière de faire histoire commune ?
11h30-12h Christoph Oliver Mayer (Berlin): Erinnerungskultur und Zeitgeschichte auf der Bühne des Eurovision Song Contest? Zu den französischen Wettbewerbsbeiträgen der Jahre 2015 bis 2019
12h-12h20 Discussion
Lunch break

Audible pasts and empires (Karim Hammou & Talia Bachir-Loopuyt)
14-14h30 Fanny Gribenski (New York): Sensing the plurality of audible pasts: colonial bells and the French empire
14h30-15h Christina Richter-Ibáñez (Frankfurt): Vom Abbild zum Spiegelbild der Geschichte? Darius Milhauds und Mauricio Kagels künstlerische Antworten auf die Eroberung Amerikas
15h-15h20 Discussion
Coffee break
15h40-16h10 Rachel Gillett (Utrecht): Braiding history and identity in music from Martinique to Marseille
16h10-16h40 Ulrike Präger (Louisville): “Musicking” in Postmigrant Plural Societies: Re-thinking Musical Impact for Migration
16h40-17h Discussion
18h-18h40 Christine Fischer (Musik der Jahrhunderte/Neue Vokalsolisten): Geschichte und Erinnerungen in Konzepten zeitgenössischer Musik. Einblicke in die Arbeit von Musik der Jahrhunderte und dem Festival ECLAT
18h40-19h Discussion

Wednesday, 20 March 2024, Hörsaal, hybrid
Linking the Past to the Present / Temporalities (Talia Bachir-Loopuyt & Gesa zur Nieden)
8h30-10h Film A Magical Substance Flows into Me (Jumana Manna 2016)
10h-10h30 Louis Delpech (Hamburg): Music and the making of collective memory. A look at Halbwach’s workshop
10h30-11h Denis Laborde (Berlin/Paris): Des réfugiés dans le chœur des esclaves? Nabucco au Staatsoper de Hambourg, 10 mars 2019
11h-11h30 Discussion, final remarks & farewell


Tobias Surborg M.A.
Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald
17487 Greifswald
Phone: +49 3834 420 5015
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Sprach(en) der Veranstaltung
Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch
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