Gender Studies Small Grant Program 1997-98 (GSGP)

Gender Studies Small Grant Program 1997-98 (GSGP)

The Program on Gender and Culture Gender Studies Small Grant Program (GSGP) (Central European University1051 Budapest)
Central European University1051 Budapest
Vom - Bis
01.07.1997 -
Program on Gender & Culture:

The GSGP is open to all NGO's and University Departments in Gender Studies, or Gender related issues in CEE/NIS giving grant awards of up to $2,000.

GSGP Introduction

The GSGP has been established jointly by the Open Society Institute and the CEU Program on Gender and Culture to support gender initiatives in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and of the Newly Independent States (NIS). The program is based on the belief that small grants can often provide a vital and critical support for new and innovative programs. We are open to a wide variety of funding requests, but would like particularly to encourage groups which are just getting started and need seed money to raise more substantial funds elsewhere, or to establish basic infrastructures. Priority will be given to projects that are innovative, will result in increased opportunities for others (e.g. greater access to materials and resources, or to participate in gender related activities) and will have a lasting impact.


-- Institutes, centers, programs and departments actively involved in teaching, research or policy activities that are of importance to gender issues are welcome to apply for grants up to $2,000 to be completed in up to 12 months. Only institutions which are located in the region are eligible to participate in GSGP. -- Requests may include, but are not limited to: support for conferences, seminars, workshops, curriculum development, acquisition of materials (e.g. books, journals, CD roms) and services (e.g. translations of manuscripts when publishing agreements are concluded, research/librarian services when documentation is provided that such a person would make a substantial contribution to increasing access to gender oriented resources). -- The funding may also be used for equipment like photocopy machines, fax machines, modems and computer upgrades. -- First time applicants are welcome, but they should take sufficient care and effort to document their requests in great detail. -- Applications from individuals, requests for individual travel support or for research will not be considered. -- Applicants will not be eligible to receive more than one grant within a given yearly cycle (see below -- Deadlines).

Application Procedures

There is no formal application form. However, each organisation applying to the GSGP should submit the following documentation:

-- Two page proposal describing the objectives of the GSGP project and expected outcomes. -- Detailed budget and budget narrative that clearly explains individual line items (no more than $2,000). -- A one page summary of the past activities of the group, program or department, and the names, full address and telephone/fax numbers of two individuals who can evaluate and comment on the group's work and the proposed activities and who can be contacted if the GSGP board would like further information about the applicant organisation. -- Complete address and all practical contact information for the applicant. -- Complete bank information including Bank Name, full address, telephone number, fax number, account holders name, account number, SWIFT code, and any other routing or code numbers. If bank information is not available at the time that the proposal is submitted, a note must be included to this effect. If that proposal is awarded a grant, bank information should be provided within two weeks of notification of the award by the GSGP.



Round Two: Summer 1997
July 1, 1997 Application Deadline
August 1, 1997 Award Notification
August 15, 1997 Funding begins
August 15, 1998 Grant Period Ends
September 15, 1998 Grant Report Due

Conditions of Application

-- GSGP will attempt to provide confirmation of receiving individual applications, however, it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that applications reach GSGP by the due date. -- Applications not received by the application deadline for one round will only be considered when the next round comes up for review.

Selection Procedures

-- The selection board will be composed of the two Co-Directors and Associate Director of the Programme on Gender and Culture, one faculty member and the Executive Director of the Open Society Institute who will review applications and select recipients.

Notification of Grant Awards

-- Applicants will be notified of the Decision of the Selection Board by post, fax, or e- mail (whichever is quicker). Upon confirmation of receipt of the grant award, the applicant will have one year to fulfil the conditions spelled out in the grant proposal.

Grant Reports

-- All grant recipients will be required to submit a report, thirty days after the stipulated completion of the grant, on the success of their project in the form of a two page description of how the grant was utilised, a budget report, and in the case of publications -- a copy of the publication. Grant recipients who wish to extend their grant, must file with the GSGP thirty days before the end of their grant period. -- The grant reports are an essential element for the GSGP as they provide the justification for the continued funding of the program. Grant recipients who do not provide reports on their projects will not be eligible to receive GSGP grants in future rounds.



The Program on Gender and Culture
Gender Studies Small Grant Program (GSGP)
Central European University
1051 Budapest
Nador u. 9
tel: +36-1-327-3034
Fax: +36-1/327-3001
Email: <>

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