The Department of History and the Department of Political History at the University of Turku (University of Turku, Main Building, Lecture Hall 1)
University of Turku, Main Building, Lecture Hall 1
Turku, Finland
Vom - Bis
09.10.1997 - 11.10.1997
Salmi, Hannu

The Department of History and the Department of Political History at the University of Turku have been awarded the status of a Centre of Excellence by the Finnish Ministry of Education for the high quality of their academic teaching. In order to celebrate this commendation, we are organizing a symposium History and Memory, a gathering directed both to scholars and to students alike.
The main topics discussed include the following: In what ways does the role of the historian relate to collective memory? What is the role of historians in the formation of historical consciousness? What are the ways in which history written by professional historians stands in relation to memory in everyday life? To what extent is history a domain of professional historians? What do historians - and people in general - forget about history? Is there a history ofoblivion?

Further information:

Anne Ollila, e-mail: aollila@utu.fi
Registration and Accommodation:

Paavo Oinonen, e-mail: paaoino@utu.fi


Thursday October 9, 1997
12.15 Opening address: Rector Keijo Virtanen (University of Turku, Finland)
12.30 F.R. Ankersmit (University of Groningen, Holland): "Remembering the Holocaust: Mourning and Melancholia" Comment: Merja-Liisa Hinkkanen (University of Turku, Finland)
14.00 Georg G. Iggers (State University of New York, USA): "The Role of Professional Historical Scholarship in the Creation and Distortion of Memory" Comment: Seppo Hentila (University of Helsinki, Finland)
15.30 Coffee
16.00 Jorma Kalela (University of Turku, Finland): "The Challenge of Oral History" Comment: Jyrki Poysa (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Friday October 10, 1997
9.30 Natalie Zemon Davis (Princeton University, USA): "Who Owns History?" Comment: Marjatta Rahikainen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
11.00 Chris Wickham (University of Birmingham, Great Britain): "The Role of the Historians in the Formation of Social Memory" Comment: Pauli Kettunen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Patrick H. Hutton (University of Vermont, USA): "Mentalities, Matrix of Memory" Comment: Ulla-Maija Peltonen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
15.00 Coffee
15.30 Veijo Hietala (University of Turku, Finland): "Between Private and Public History - Cinema as Memory" Comment: Henry Bacon (University of Oulu, Finland)


Paavo Oinonen, e-mail: paaoino@utu.fi

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