The Multicultural Middle Ages and Renaissance: A Dialogue of the Disciplines

The Multicultural Middle Ages and Renaissance: A Dialogue of the Disciplines

The Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association (University of Alberta, The Banff Centre for Conferences)
University of Alberta, The Banff Centre for Conferences
Banff Centre for Conferences, Max Bell Building
Banff, Alberta
Vom - Bis
15.05.1997 - 18.05.1997
MacIntyre, Jean

The Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association

The Multicultural Middle Ages and Renaissance: A Dialogue of the Disciplines

Sponsored by the University of Alberta

The Banff Centre for Conferences

May 15-18, 1997

The organizers acknowledge with thanks the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; the University of Alberta Conference Fund; Dean of Arts Patricia Clements, University of Alberta; Dean of Humanities Ronald B. Bond, University of Calgary; Dean of Arts Baghwan Dua, University of Lethbridge; the Department of English, University of Alberta; the Executive Council of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association
Members of the Departments of English, History and Classics, Modern Language and Comparative Studies at the University of Alberta, especially June MacLellan and Arlette Zinck
Student assistants
Christine Zaharia, Jennifer Prestash, Connie Wong, Lisa Saiphoo, Shandra Thomson


Wednesday, May 14
2:00-10:00 Registration Max Bell Main Floor Lounge
6:00 Dinner for early arrivals, Donald Cameron Hall Dining Room

Thursday, May 15
7:00-8:30 Breakfast , Donald Cameron Hall Dining Room
8:30 .Executive Council meeting Max Bell 150
8:30 Registration (all day) Max Bell Main Floor Lounge
12:00 Lunch, Donald Cameron Hall Dining Room
12:45 Welcome to participants announcements
First Plenary Session
Max Bell
"The Elizabethan Woman as Suitor: Epistolary Rhetoric and Shakespearean Intertexts" Lynne Magnusson, University of Waterloo Chair, Sara Jayne Steen, Montana State University
2:15-2:30 Break
2:30-4:00 Concurrent sessions
1. Max Bell 160 Art and Literature
Chair, Arlette Zinck, University of Alberta
"The Chaucer Chest and 'The Pardoner's Tale': Didactic Intention in Narrative Art" Muriel Whitaker, University of Alberta
"Lemaire de Belges and the Fabric of History: The Tapestries of L'Histoire Fabuleuse des Gaules" Robert Rigoulot, University of Illinois
2. Max Bell 155 Medieval English Literature
Chair: Pamela Farvolden, University of Alberta
"Rewriting History: Subject and Structure in Pearl" Shankar Raman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Identical Alliteration in the Alliterative Morte Arthure" Yasuyo Moriya, National Christian University, Japan
"Medieval 'Anthropology': The Case of Noah's Sons" Mark Blum, University of British Columbia
3. Max Bell 156 History of Science
Chair : Robert Graybill, Central Missouri University
"Holy Hermaphrodites and Medical Facts" The Depiction of Hermaphrodites in Alchemy and Medicine" Michael T. Walton, Phyllis J. Walton, Salt Lake City, & Robert Fineman, MD, Washington State Department of Health.
"Quack-Bashing: Attacking Mountebankes in Plague Time 1563-1625" Nat Hardy, University of Alberta
"The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa of Avila" Suzanne Vorvis, University of Calgary
4. Max Bell 158 Protestant Women Writers
Chair, Clifford Werier, Mount Royal College
"Anne Vaughan Lok and Protestant Psalm Translation" Kenneth Graham, Nex Mexico State University
"The Reformation comes from America: Works and Words of Godly Women in the New World." Sylvia Brown, University of Alberta
"Anne Bradstreet: Poet of Old England and New England" Adelaide P. Amore, Southern Connecticut State University
4:00-4:30 Tea Break , Max Bell Lounge
4:30-6:00 Concurrent Sessions
1. Max Bell 160 Medival Art
Chair, Paul Thomas, Brigham Young University
"The Sculptured Lion: A Comparative Study of Romanesque and Tang-Song Dynasty Aesthetics" Xiangyang Guan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
"'Arms and the Man': Giangaleazzo Visconti's Heraldry as Personal Image in the Visconti Hours" Valerie A. Kidrick, University of Iowa.
2. Max Bell 155 Renaissance History
Chair James Marino, University of Alberta
"Machiavelli's Art of War: A Reconsideration" Marcia Colish, Oberlin College
"Secretary to Lord Grey: Spenser's Preferment" Jean Brink, Arizona State University
"Britannia Rules the Waves: The Iconic Formation of Empire in Elizabethan England" Lesley Cormack, University of Alberta
3. Max Bell 156 Images and Meanings
Chair Margaret Hadley, University of Calgary
"The Hawstead Emblems: Painted Furniture and Feminine Morality in the English Renaissance" Anna Marie Roos, Salisbury State University
"John Evelyn and the Garden of Epicurus" Carola Small and Alistair Small, University of Alberta
"Old Texts, New Technologies" Paul Dyck, University of Alberta
4. Max Bell 158 Medieval French
Chair Carol Everest, King's University College
"Fiction in the Customaries: Beaumanoir's Cases" F.R.P. Akehurst, University of Minnesota
"Their Clothing Becomes Them: The Narrative Function of Clothing in Chretien de Troyes" Monica L Wright, Washington University, St Louis
5. Max Bell 159 Spiritual Journeys
Chair Ehud Ben Zvi, University of Alberta???
"Women as Witnesses in the Spiritual Journal of R. Hayim Vital" Harris Lenowitz, University of Utah
"Three Wise Women: Mary Ward, Marguerite Bourgeois, and Margaret Fell" Sr Marion Norman IBVM, Loretto College
"Authorizing Ideologies, Constructing Identities in Radical Discourse: Richard Overton's Remonstrance of Many Thousand Citizens " Michael Donnelly, Kansas State University
6:00-7:00 Dinner, Donald Cameron Hall Dining Room
7:30 Second Plenary Session
Max Bell Auditorium
" Pieter Breughel's 'Fall of Icarus':A Case of Conceptual Metaphors" Jetske Sybesma, University of Alberta
Chair: Diana Shklanka, University College of the Cariboo

Friday, May 16
7:00-8:00 Breakfast, Donald Cameron Hall Dining Room
8:30 Third Plenary Session
Max Bell Auditorium
"Les jeux et la violence dans la societe medievale" Jean-Michel Mehl, Universite des Sciences Humaines,Strasbourg
Chair, Patricia Demers, University of Alberta
9:30-10:00 Coffee break, Max Bell Lounge
10:00-12:00 Concurrent sessions
1. Max Bell 160 Medieval History
Chair, Carola Small, University of Alberta
"Pursuing Heretics in Medieval Languedoc: Social Facilitators and Social Constraints" James Given, University of California Irvine
"Defining the Lawful Marriage: A Medieval Perspective." Paul Pixton, Brigham Young University
2. Max Bell 155 Possessions, Property, and Land
Chair, Isobel Grundy, University of Alberta
"Aristocratic Possessions" Mary O'Connor, McMaster University,
"Plebeian Objects" Sara Heller Mendelson, McMaster University
"Aristocratic Si(gh)tings: Aemilia Lanier's 'Cooke-ham' and the Politics of Patronage" Lisa Schnell, University of Vermont
"The Gendered Language of Mary Wroth's Urania" Sylvia Bowerbank, McMaster University
3. Max Bell 156 Golden Age Spanish Literature
Chair, Madison Sowell, Brigham Young University
"Romance Features of Juan de Flores'Grisel y Mirabella" John T. Cull, College of the Holy Cross
"Queer Miracles: Lope's pretty boy in El caballero del milagro" Harry Velez Quinones, University of Puget Sound, "Los libros de emblemas de Lorenzo Ortiz (1632-1698) y la emblematica jesuita" Antonio Bernat Vistarini, Universitat de les Illes Balears
"The Women in Edmund Gayton's Don Quixote Travesty" Robert T. Hathaway, Colgate University
4. Max Bell 158 Sixteenth Century French Prose Literature
Chair: Eileen Conway, University of Alberta
"Found(er)ing Myths: The mouvelles' dys-integration of society" Yvette -M. Smith , University of Illinois, Urbana
"Marguerite de Navarre's Heptameron 38: Wives' Tales Retorld" Paula Somers, University ofMissouri
"Conversation as a Hermeneutic Model for Reading and Writing in Some of Montaigne's Essais" R. Sheppard, University of British Columbia
"Springing the Trap: Des Periers, Montaigne, and the Craft of the Blacksmith" Janet L. Solberg, Kalamazoo College
5. Max Bell 159 Religion
Chair, Sr Marion Norman, IBVM
"Medieval Feminist?: The Scivias of Hildegard of Bingen" Wendy Matlock, University of Wyoming
"'Totus orbis martyris': The Dissemination of the Becket Liturgy in Continental Sources" Kay Slocum, Capital University
"Miracula Vera: the Authentication of Miracles in the Later Middle Ages" Michael Goodich, York University, & University of Haifa
"The Heroic Abbess of Nuremberg: The Memoirs of Mother Charitas Perkheimer, a Poor Clare Sister, and Superior of St. Clare Abbey -- Zealous Polemicist or Nuanced Leader? " Thomas F. Eckenrode, Fort Lewis College
12:00 Box lunches, Max Bell Lounge
1:00 Fourth Plenary Session
Max Bell Auditorium
"Blessed Bodies: Anglo-Saxon Female Saints and their Reception" Philip Pulsiano, Villanova University
Chair, R J S Grant, Univesity of Alberta
2:00-2:15 Break
2:15-3:45 Concurrent sessions
1. Max Bell 160 Medieval Spanish Literature
Organizer and Chair, John T. Cull, College of the Holy Cross
"Dating the Libro de Alixandre": The Historical Evidence" Richard Kinkade, University of Arizona
"Geographical Lore of the Libro de Alexandre" Francisco Gago Jover, College of the Holy Cross,
"Tratimentos de la muerte en la prosa sentimental de los siglos XV e XVI" Pablo Pastrana Perez, University of Wisconsin at Madison
2. Max Bell 155 Aspects of the Heroic
Chair John Considine, University of Alberta
"Sustained by glorious deeds': Warriors and the Heroic in Ninth-Century England and Twentieth-Century Africa" Kenneth Saycell, University of South Africa
"The Cry-Baby Kings in Courtly Romances: Are they really weak?" Albrecht Classen, University of Arizona
"And She Took Away His Sword S ": Encounters with the Wild Woman in the Middle High German "Wolfdietrich B" Daniela Hempen, University of British Columbia
3. Max Bell 156 Early Modern Women's Writing
Chair, Katherine Binhammer, University of Alberta
"Seeing Women: Narcissism Recuperated in Lady Mary Wroth's Urania" Natasha Hurley, Mount St Vincent University
"Corporeal 'Fixions':Women's Visual and Visceral Modes of Reading in MaryWroth's Urania" Theresa Smalec, University of Western Ontario
"Eagle Eyes Gazing Against the Sun: Women, Seeing, and Reading in Aemelia Lanyer's Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum" Edith Snook, University of Western Ontario
4. Max Bell 158 Humanist Writings
Chair, J. N. Wickenden, University of Alberta
"Erasmus and the Apparent Pedantry of Renaissance Imitation: A Revaluation of the Ciceronianus" Gideon Burton, Brigham Young University
"Sebastian Brant -- A Humanist at Sea in the Narrenschiff? Harry Vredeveld, Ohio State University
" The Last Great Latin Epic: Henri Estienne's Thesaurus Linguee Grecee" John Considine, University of Alberta
5. Max Bell 159 Shakespeare
Chair, Rick Bowers, University of Alberta
"Unnatural Relations: The Dilemma of Family in The Comedy of Errors" Anita Helmbold, California State University at Fullerton
"'My Art is Not Past Power': Helena and the Art of Negotiation in All's Well That Ends Well" Mary Hjelm, Washington State University
"Shakespeare After Marx" Stephen Regan, The Open University
3:45 -4:15 tea break, Max Bell Lounge
4:15-5:45 Concurrent sessions.
1. Max Bell 160 Chaucer
Chair : Glenn Burger, University of Alberta
"Medieval Patience Literature and Women's Social Selves" Robin Waugh, University of British Columbia
"Conning Griselda: The Bare Bones of the Clerk's Tale" Garth Clayton, University of Alabama
"Masculinities in 'The Nun's Priest's Tale': What Chaucer did to the Cock in the Roman de Renart Paul Thomas, Brigham Young University
2. Max Bell 155 Sixteenth Century English Literature
Chair, Ian McAdam,University of Lethbridge
" Unlikely Heroes: Aspects of Psychological Realism in Spenser's Christian Knights" Mark Bayer, McGill University
"High Expectations: Signification and Spenser's View of Audience" Lysbeth Em Benkert, Northern State University, South Dakota
"Sidney and the 'Scene' of Reading." Deniz Sengel, Trinity University
3. Max Bell 156 English History and History Plays
Organizer and Chair, David Middleton, Trinity University
"Time Frames: Temporality and Narration in Richard the Second " Robert Flynn, Trinity University
"Narrativity and Edward the Second " George Geckle, University of South Carolina
"How Audiences Know: Framing the Character of 14th Century English Kings" David Middleton, Trinity University
Respondent: Benjamin Taggie, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
4. Max Bell 158 Renaissance Tragedy
Chair: Garrett Epp, University of Alberta
"'Therefore, Since I Cannot Prove a Lover": How a Warrior-Villain Woos a Woman" Donna Oestreich-Hart, Greenville College
"'Speaking' the Female Subject: Creating Female Subjectivity in The Duchess of Malfi" Mary Ellen Havens, Washington State University
"Qualifying Community and Value in Webster's White Devil: Counting Blackness and the 'Apples of Sodom'" Lowell Galllagher, UCLA
5. Max Bell 159 Questions about Women
Chair Susan Frye, University of Wyoming
"The Disappearing Queen: Looking for Isabel in Henry V" Diana. E. Henderson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Hanging by the Umbilical Cord: Representations of Elizabeth's Maternal Power: Margaret H. Dupuis, University of Oregon
"The First Captive: Pocahontas in Ralph Hamor's Captivity Romance and Simon van de Passe's Engraving" Karen Robertson, Vassar College
6:00 Dinner, Donald Cameron Private Dining Room, RMMRA Business Meeting and Award of the Allan Breck Prize

Saturday May 17
7:00 - 8:30 Breakfast, Donald Cameron Hall Dining Room
9:00 Fifth Plenary Session
Max Bell Auditorium
"Milton and the New World: Custom and Relativism" Paul Stevens, Queen's University
Chair, Marie Loughlin, University of Calgary
10:00-10:30 coffee break, Max Bell Lounge
10:30-12:30 Concurrent Sessions
1. Max Bell 160 The Written Word
Chair : Catherine Parry, Brigham Young University
"Re-Placing Henry VIII in Literary History: Poetics, Politics, and Acts of Critical Engagement" Raymond G. Siemens, University of British Columbia
"Mispointing and Missing the Point: The Duplicitous Letter in Udall's Ralph Roister Doister" Joshua Fisher, University of Washington
"Arabella Stuart's Letter 16 and the Second Earl of Essex" Maureen King, University of Alberta
"New Donne Writings from the Chester Archives" Dennis Flynn, Bentley College
2. Max Bell 155 Comparative Medieval Epics: Italian, French, English
Organizer and Chair: William L. Hendrickson, Arizona State University
"Nationalism and the Italian Epic" Juliann Vitullo, Arizona State University
"Less than Epic Heroes: Wiglaf and Thierry in Beowulf and the Chanson de Roland. " Deborah Schwartz, California Polytechnic University
"Geste de Guillaume ou de Garin de Monglane?" William L.Hendrickson
"Tasso's Domestication of Allegory" Stan Benfell, Brigham Young University
3. Max Bell 156 "Two Great Sexes": Milton and Issues of Gender
Chair, David Gay, University of Alberta
"Some Early Women Readers of Milton" John T. Shawcross, University of Kentucky
"Seventeenth Century Male Readers of Eve" Kristin Pruitt McColgan, Christian Brothers University
"'Beyond this had been force': The Separation Scene in Paradise Lost" Charles W. Durham, Middle Tennessee State University
"Milton's Dialogic Art" Diana Trevino Benet, New York University
4. Max Bell 158 Cultural Interconnections
Chair: Susan Aronstein, University of Wyoming
"An Arctic Expedition 1360-1364: The English Minorite and Inventio Fortunata" Del West, Northern Arizona University
"Borrowing Ancestors: Chaucer's Franklin, the Breton Lay, and the Appropriation of Celtic Difference" John Moffatt, University of Lethbridge
"Jacob Burckhardt and the Cultural History of the Italian Renaissance" Giuseppe Candela, Arizona State University
5. Max Bell 159Women and Language
Chair, Dale Wilkie, University of Alberta
"'And in your mynd ane mirrour mak of me': Women's Sexuality in Robert Henryson's Testament of Cresseid" Audrey-Beth Fitch, California University of Pennsylvania
"A Chorus of Disapproval?: The problem of masculine authority in early modern drama by women" Stephanie Wright, University of Sunderland
"A Space of her own": Aemylia Lanyer's Revision of Literary Patronage in Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum" Nicole Diederich, Washing ton State University
'Margaret Cavendish's Sociable Letters: a grammar of tentativeness and nsistence' Susan Wright, University of Northern Arizona
12:30 Box lunches, Max Bell Lounge
Sightseeing till 5:30
5:30 No-host bar, Donald Cameron Hall Private Dining Room
6:30 Barbecue, outside Donald Cameron Hall, weather permitting, or Donald Cameron Hall Private Dining Room
8:30 Max Bell Auditorium, The Drinking Academy Garrett Epp, University of Alberta, editor and director

Sunday May 18
7:00-8:00 Breakfast, Donald Cameron Hall Dining Room
8:30-10:00 Concurrent sessions
1. Max Bell 160 Shakespeare's Politics and Political Theory
Organizer and Chair, Benjamin B. Alexander, Franciscan University of Steubenville
"Shakespeare, Eric Vogelin, and Machiavelli's 'New Political Science'" Benajmin B. Alexander
"The Gathering Storm: Churchillean Resonances in the Henry VI Plays" Michael Platt, Southern Virginia College
"King Lear: from Oedipus to James the First" Henry Russell, Franciscan University
2. Max Bell 155 Shakespeare's Romances
Chair, Donna Batycki, University of Calgary
"The City's Usuries: Commerce and Cymbeline" Goran Stanivukovic, University College of Cape Breton
"The Texture of Allegiance: The Law, Merchants and Cymbeline." Bradin Cormack, Stanford University
"Suspended Moments: Shakespeare's Manipulation of Time in The Winter's Tale" Sharon Beehler, Montana State University
3. Max Bell 156 Paradise Regained
Chair Sylvia Brown, University of Alberta
"Milton and his Messiah: Double Disclosure in Paradise Regained" John X. Evans, Arizona State University
"'The Starry Rubric': Renaissance Astrology and Political Wisdom in Paradise Regained" David Gay, University of Alberta
10:00 Coffee Break, Max Bell Lounge
10:30- 12:30 Concurrent sessions : Pegagogic questions
1. Max Bell 156 Culture and Context: Teaching with British Women Writers
Co-Chairs: Sara Jayne Steen, Montana State University Elizabeth A. Hageman, University of New Hampshire
"William and Mary: Teaching Shakespeare with the Scottish Queen" Phoebe Jensen, Utah State University,
"Teaching Shakespeare and Sisters: Elizabeth I, Elizabeth Cary, and Amelia Lanyer" Susan C Frye, University of Wyoming,
"Women Writers and Shakespeare's Romances" James Fitzmaurice, Northern Arizona University
2. Max Bell 158 New Technologies for Teaching, with Demonstrations
Chair and Respondent, Stephen Reimer, University of Alberta
"Teaching Distant Audiences and Students" Lizbeth Goodman, The Open University
"Shakespeare Plugged and Unplugged" Lizbeth Goodman and Stephen Regan, The Open University
3. Max Bell 159 Film in the Classroom
Chair: Barry Isaacs, University of Calgary
"The Matter of Tinseltown': Film in the Arthuriana Course" Lan Lipscomb, Troy State University
"Bringing Shakespeare to the MTV Generation: Tattoos, Crosses, and Luhrmann's Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet" Connie Brim, University College of the Cariboo
12:30 Lunch, Donald Cameron Hall Dining Room. Conference concludes.


Jean MacIntyre,