Studentenproteste in den 60er Jahren

Studentenproteste in den 60er Jahren

Dr Gerard DeGroot Senior Lecturer University of St Andrews
St Andrews
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
11.06.1997 -
DeGroot, Gerard

I have been asked to edit a collection of articles on student protest from the 1960s to the present. It is intended that the articles will not be confined to protest movements in the United States in the 1960s, though emphasis will obviously be in that area. I am also interested in articles about student protesters in Europe in the 1960s, and more recent movements in, for instance, Eastern Europe, Asia, or South America.

The book will be published as part of a series entitled "People, Passions and Power: Social Movements, Interest Organizations and the Political Process". The series is being organized by Dr John Green of the Ray C bliss Institute of Applied Politics at the University of Akron.

Though I have had tremendous success in locating possible contributors on most areas I want to cover, I am still in need of a Germanist able, perhaps to write on the 1968 protests, or those in East Germany leading up to 1989. I would be pleased to hear from anyone who might have an idea for an article, or a suggestion as to whom I might contact. Those interested in contributing should submit an abstract of no more than 250 words as soon as possible. Feel free to send the abstract to me by e-mail.

Contributors will be paid an honorarium of $100 -- small, I know, but at least its something.

We are working on a very tight publication schedule, the aim being to get the book out by the end of 1998, which means a completed manuscript by early 1998. Potential contributors should bear this in mind before volunteering.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Dr Gerard DeGroot
Senior Lecturer
University of St Andrews
St Andrews Fife
Scotland Ky16 9AL



Dr Gerard DeGroot
Senior Lecturer
University of St Andrews
St Andrews Fife
Scotland Ky16 9AL

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