Network for Theory of History, Seminar at November 13th 1999 Microhistory - towards a new theory of History?

Network for Theory of History, Seminar at November 13th 1999 Microhistory - towards a new theory of History?

danish Network for Theory of History
Vom - Bis
13.11.1999 -
Anne Katrine Gjerl

Dear Collegues

November 13th the danish Network for Theory of History presents a seminar at Odense University on "Microhistory" towards a new theory of History?.

Speakers are Carlo Ginzburg, Gianna Pomata and Hans Henrik Appel. The deadline for registration is November the 1th, and the program is as follows.

Yours Sincerely

Anne Katrine Gjerlff coordinator, Network for Theory of History

Network for Theory of History, Seminar at November 13th 1999
Microhistory - towards a new theory of History?

Practical information:

The seminar will take place on Saturday November 13th 1999 from 9 AM to 6.15 PM at Odense University, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M.

NB: The language of the seminar is English.


If you wish to sign up for the course, please contact Anne Katrine Gjerloff, Network for Theory of History, Department of History, Njalsgade 102, 2300 Copenhagen S. email
The deadline is November 1th 1999.

Please remember to pay the fee to the Network's account. The fee is 150 dkr. This covers breakfast, lunch, coffee, etc.
The Network's account is 0911 911 17 55938 in BG Bank. The fee can be paid in any BG Bank or at the post office, or you can have your bank transfer the money. Remember that your NAME must be registered when you pay. The fee may also be payed by enclosing a cheque with your registration form.


Breakfast and registration


1. Microhistory: Introduction and practical presentation

This session will start with a short introduction to microhistory, followed by a practical example of microhistory in order to demonstrate its consequenses in practical analysis.

Lecturer: Dr.phil. Hans Henrik Appel, Tjhusmuseet, Copenhagen
Hans Henrik Appel won his doctorate in the beginning of this year with the thesis Tinget, magte og ren (Ting, Power and Honour)

10.00 - 10.20
Liv Egholm: Short introduction to "the microhistorical landscape"

Dr.phil. Hans Henrik Appel: A microhistorical perspective

10.50 - 11.05

11.05 - 11.20
Lene Wul: Rejoinder to Appel

11.20 - 12.15

12.15 - 13.15

2. The microhistorical method: possibilities and problems

Based on a micro hitorical "case", this session will deal with methodological possibilities and problems associated with the use of microhistorical mehodology.

Lecturer: Dr.phil. Gianna Pomata, Università degli studi Bologna and University of Minnesota

Gianna Pomata has written, among other things: Contracting a Cure: Patients, Healers, and the Law in Early Modern Bologna from 1998 (original Italian version from 1994). Her article Unwed Mothers was translated to English in Muir and Ruggero's microhistorical anthology Microhistory and the Forgotten People. She is co-editor of the Italian microhistorical periodical Quaderni Storici.

13.15 - 14.00
Gianna Pomata

14.00 - 14.30

14.30 - 15.30

15.30 - 15.45

3. The status of sources and the microhistorical concept of scholarship

The session will deal with the concept of scholarship employed by microhistory (or which microhistory is a consequence of)

Lecturer: Dr. phil Carlo Ginzburg, Università degli studi Bologna and University of California

Carlo Ginzburg has written, among other things: The Cheese and the Worms, which gave him international popularity. Since then he has regularly published monographs and a wide range of theoretical articles.  A collection of his articles will be published in Danish around November1st in the anthology Carlo Ginzburg: Spor. Om historie og historisk metode, Morten Thing and Gert Soerensen, editors.

15.45 - 16.30
Carlo Ginzburg

16.30 - 16.45

16.45 - 18.15

18.15 - 18.30
Conclusion 09.00-09.45
Breakfast and registration


1. Microhistory: Introduction and practical presentation

This session will start with a short introduction to microhistory, followed by a practical example of microhistory in order to demonstrate its consequenses in practical analysis.

Lecturer: Dr.phil. Hans Henrik Appel, Tjhusmuseet, Copenhagen
Hans Henrik Appel won his doctorate in the beginning of this year with the thesis Tinget, magte og ren (Ting, Power and Honour)

10.00 - 10.20
Liv Egholm: Short introduction to "the microhistorical landscape"

Dr.phil. Hans Henrik Appel: A microhistorical perspective

10.50 - 11.05

11.05 - 11.20
Lene Wul: Rejoinder to Appel

11.20 - 12.15

12.15 - 13.15

2. The microhistorical method: possibilities and problems

Based on a micro hitorical "case", this session will deal with methodological possibilities and problems associated with the use of microhistorical mehodology.

Lecturer: Dr.phil. Gianna Pomata, Università degli studi Bologna and University of Minnesota

Gianna Pomata has written, among other things: Contracting a Cure: Patients, Healers, and the Law in Early Modern Bologna from 1998 (original Italian version from 1994). Her article Unwed Mothers was translated to English in Muir and Ruggero's microhistorical anthology Microhistory and the Forgotten People. She is co-editor of the Italian microhistorical periodical Quaderni Storici.

13.15 - 14.00
Gianna Pomata

14.00 - 14.30

14.30 - 15.30

15.30 - 15.45

3. The status of sources and the microhistorical concept of scholarship

The session will deal with the concept of scholarship employed by microhistory (or which microhistory is a consequence of)

Lecturer: Dr. phil Carlo Ginzburg, Università degli studi Bologna and University of California

Carlo Ginzburg has written, among other things: The Cheese and the Worms, which gave him international popularity. Since then he has regularly published monographs and a wide range of theoretical articles.  A collection of his articles will be published in Danish around November1st in the anthology Carlo Ginzburg: Spor. Om historie og historisk metode, Morten Thing and Gert Soerensen, editors.

15.45 - 16.30
Carlo Ginzburg

16.30 - 16.45

16.45 - 18.15

18.15 - 18.30
In the evening there will be a trip to a restaurant in town payed for by the participants themselves. If you wish to participate, please mention it when registrating.


Anne Katrine Gjerloff, Network for Theory of History, Department of History, Njalsgade 102, 2300 Copenhagen S. email

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