History - Migration - Anthropology

History - Migration - Anthropology

Network Migration in Europe e.V. in cooperation with Arbeitsstelle Historische Anthropologie at the University of Erfurt and Centre Marc Bloch
Begegnungsstaette Kleine Synagoge, 99084 Erfurt, An der Stadtmuenze 4/5 and Erfurt University-Campus, Nordhaeuser Strasse 63
Vom - Bis
07.11.2002 - 09.11.2002
Rainer, Ohliger

History – Migration – Anthropology: New Perspectives on Migration and Migration History
Third Workshop on Contemporary European Migration History

organized by: Network Migration in Europe e.V. in cooperation with Arbeitsstelle Historische Anthropologie at the University of Erfurt and Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin

The conference will be kindly supported by the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin



Thursday, November 7, 2002

2.00-2.15 pm

Opening and Welcome
Network Migration in Europe e.V./Arbeitsstelle fuer Historische Anthropologie/Centre Marc Bloch Berlin

2.15-2.45: Introduction to the Topic
Michael Esch, Alf Luedtke, Jan Motte, Rainer Ohliger, Ulrich Raiser

2.45-4.45 pm

Panel I: Locating Migrants: Social and Economic Constructions of Place and Identity
Chair: Jan Motte (Network Migration e.V.)

Floris Vermeulen
Institut voor Migratie en Ethnische Studies, Amsterdam
Organisations and Community Structure: A Historical Research on Migrant Organisations in Amsterdam 1960-1990.

Anastasia Christou
Aegean University, Athens
Narrating the Ethnography of Return: Interdisciplinary Contributions to Migration Research

Sally S. Booth and Jeffrey E. Cole
Dowling College
Migration and Domestic Labor in Sicily

Antoine Pecoud
Oxford University
Self-employment and Immigrants’ Incorporation

4.45-5.15 pm: Coffee Break

5.15-7.15 pm

Panel II: Migrant Memories: Path Dependencies – Past Dependencies
Chair: Alf Luedtke (Arbeitsstelle fuer Historische Anthropologie and MPI fuer Geschichte)

Onur Yildirim
Middle East Technical University, Ankara
Representation of the 'Lausanne Refugees' in Turkish and Greek Historiographies

Susanne Schwalgin
Universitaet Muenster
Narrating a „Nation in Exile“: (Re-)Constructing Community in the Armenian Diaspora of Greece

Segolene Plyer
Centre Marc Bloch Berlin and Institut fuer Europaeische Geschichte Mainz
A Village Divided: Sudeten Expellees and their Paths of Integration in the two Germanies after 1945

8.00 pm: Dinner

Friday, November 8, 2002

10.00-12.00 am

Panel III: Discourses of Belonging: Mediating Migrant Identities (1)
Chair: Michael Esch (Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin)

Ayse Caglar
FU Berlin and European University Institute Florence
Media, Advertisement Industries and theTransformations in the Public Spheres: Transnational Spaces of Turkish Immigrants in Europe

Rita Chin
Oberlin College
Migrant Literature and the Discourse of Integration in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1978-1985

Robert P. Stephens
Virginia Tech
Migrations of Goods and People: Drugs, Immigration, and the German Auslaenderproblem, 1960-1975

12.00 am-2.00 p.m: Lunch

2.00-3.30 pm

Panel IV: Discourses of Belonging: Mediating Migrant Identities (2)
Chair: Rainer Ohliger (Network Migration in Europe e.V.)

Yvan Gastaut
Universite de Nice
Public Opinion and Immigration in Contemporary History: Problems of Sources and Methods [Opinion publique et immigration en histoire contemporaine: problemes de sources et de methode]

Rachel Greenwald
University of Wyoming
Orientalism and Contemporary Images of Islam in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1970-1989

3.30-4.00 pm: Coffee Break

4.00-5.30 pm

Panel V: Constructing and De-constructing Immigrant Statuses and Images
Chair: TBA

Edna Lomsky-Feder and Tamar Rapoport
The Hebrew University
Reading and Relocation: Russian-Jewish Homecomers in Israel

Jan Motte and Rainer Ohliger
Network Migration in Europe e.V.
Visualizing and Representing Migration History: Images of the Other - Other Images?

8.00 pm: Dinner

Saturday, November 9, 2002

9.30 am-11.30 am

Panel VI: Shared Ethnicities – Split Identities ?
Chair: Ulrich Raiser (Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin)

Ari Sammartino
University of Michigan
The Russian Past and the Soviet Future: Reactions to the Post-World War I Refugee Crisis in Weimar Germany

Victoria Hegner
Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin
Russian Jewish Migrants in Berlin and in Chicago: A Comparative Study

Theodora Dragostinova
University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne
The Voluntary and Reciprocal Population Exchange between Bulgaria and Greece in the Interwar Period: Some Issues of Methodological Reciprocity

Dimitrina Mihaylova
Oxford University
Nesting Transnationalism and Hindered Migrations: Pomaks from South Eastern Bulgaria and their Experiences at and Across the Border

11.30-12.00 am

Coffee Break

12.00 am-1.30 pm

Final Debate: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to European Migration History: Challenges – Opportunities – Limits

Individual Lunch


Contact address: ulrichraiser@gmx.de

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