Commemorating Migrants and Migrations

Commemorating Migrants and Migrations

Netzwerk Migration in Europa e.V. in Kooperation mit dem Deutschen Historischen Institut Paris, der Heinrich Böll Stiftung und Génériques
Deutsches Historisches Institut
Vom - Bis
15.11.2004 - 16.11.2004
Rainer Ohliger

Fourth Conference on Contemporary European Migration History

Die beiden Themen Migration und historische Erinnerung haben in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Dies gilt sowohl mit Blick auf Politik, Bildung und Geschichte als auch auf die breitere, mediale Öffentlichkeit. Allerdings gibt es bislang nur geringe Schnittstellen beider Diskurse: einen festen und bedeutenden Ort der Erinnerung und der historischen Darstellung der Migrationsgeschichte gibt es in der bzw. in den europäischen Gesellschaften bislang nicht.

Die vierte migrationsgeschichtliche Tagung des Netzwerks Migration in Europa e.V. "Commemorating Migrants and Migrations: Towards New Interpretations of European History" will einen Beitrag zur Debatte um den historischen Ort der Migration in der europäischen Gedächtnis- und Erinnerungslandschaft liefern. Die Veranstaltung ist für eine begrenzte Anzahl von Zuhörern offen. Der Abendvortrag von Prof. Dirk Hoerder "Europe's Many Worlds and Their Global Interconnections" am Dienstag, den 16. November um 20.15 ist öffentlich.

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Die Konferenzsprache ist Englisch.

Dates: November 15-16, 2004

Conference Venue: Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris, 8, rue Parc-Royal, 75003 Paris

Commemorating Migrants and Migrations: Towards New Interpretations of European History

Organized by: Network Migration in Europe e.V. ( in cooperation with Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris (, Heinrich Böll Stiftung ( and Génériques (

The event will be financially supported by the Werner-Reimers-Stiftung (, the Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung.



Sunday, November 14 (evening)
Informal meeting over dinner and drinks

Monday, November 15

9.00-9.15 am
Werner Paravicini (Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris)

9.15-9.45 am
Short Introduction
Driss El Yazami (Génériques) and Rainer Ohliger (Network Migration in Europe)

9.45.-11.00 am
Opening Session: Panel Discussion
Migration Between Commemoration and Historical Reconstruction

Etienne François (Technical University of Berlin) and Philippe Rygiel (Panthéon-Sorbonne/Laboratoire de sciences sociales de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure)

11.00-11.30 am
Coffee Break

11.30 am-1.00 pm
Panel 1: Migrants, Migrations and Plurality in Early Modern Europe

Alexander Schunka (University of Stuttgart): Historical Representations and Collective Memory of Bohemian Migrants in Saxony

Hanna Helena Sonkajärvi (European University Institute/Florence): Early Modern Citizenship versus the Denationalization of the Foreigner: Some Methodological Considerations Related to a Study of étrangers in the 18th Century Strasbourg

Klaus Weber (University of London): Memory as a Mirror of Shifting Identities: Huguenots in Hamburg, Hamburg Hosting Huguenots (1685-1985)

Chair: Mareike König (DHI Paris)

1.00-2.30 pm
Lunch Break

2.30-4.00 pm
Panel 2: Social Memory and the Historiography of Immigration

Wladimir Fischer (Univ. of Vienna): Proposing an Historiographic Strategy for ‘Former Yugoslav Migrations’ to (and from) Vienna

Patrick Farges (Université de Paris VIII – Saint Denis): Between the Cracks of the Canadian Mosaic: Culture and Identity of German-speaking Exiles in Canada, 1933-2003

Vassiliki Lalioti (Hellenic Open University/Crete): ‘Only We Have the Right to Bear the Flag’: Social Memory, Immigrants, and Greek Ethnic Identity

Chair: Susanne Schwalgin (University of Münster)

4.00-4.30 pm
Coffee Break

4.30-6.00 pm
Panel 3: Troubled Memories: Predicaments of Migration and Migration History (1)

Anna Lipphardt (Univ. of Potsdam): Reconstructing Vilne, "The Most Yiddish City in the World" in New York, Israel and Vilnius after the Holocaust

Dovile Budryte (Brenau University/USA): Commemorating Forced Migration in the Baltic States

Manuela Bojadzijev (Frankfurt University) and Michael Esch (Centre Marc Bloch): Migration History – Migrant History: Considerations on Autonomy of Migration and Appropiation

Chair: Dirk Hoerder (University of Bremen)

8.00 pm

Tuesday, November 16

9.00-10.30 am
Panel 4: Troubled Memories: Predicaments of Migration and Migration History (2)

Alexander Freund (The University of Winnipeg): Troubling Memories After Migration: Germans in North America Since 1945

Daniel Cohen (Rice University/USA): Remembering Post-War Displaced Persons: From Omission to Resurrection

Pierre de Trégomain (University of Paris III): Constructing Authenticity: The Case of the Transylvanian Saxons in West Germany’s Early Years

Chair: Dirk Hoerder (University of Bremen)

10.30-11.00 am
Coffee Break

11.00 am-12.30 pm
Panel 5: Migrants in the Public Sphere: Representation and Commemoration Practices (1)

Enrica Capussotti (University of Siena): Remembering Lamerica: Emigration, Immigration and the Italian position in Europe

Sarah Vanessa Losego (University of Trier): "La parole aux immigrés": The History of a Radio Programme (Longwy 1979)

Lavinia Snejana Stan (Univ. of Cluj-Napoca): We Have an Exile - What to Do With It? The Image of Romanian Exiles in the Romanian Media before and after 1989

Chair: Rainer Ohliger (Network Migration in Europe)

12.30-2.00 pm

2.00-3.30 pm
Panel 6: Migrants in the Public Sphere: Representation and Commemoration Practices (2)

Myriam Cherti (University of Sussex in Brighton): Reconstruction Moroccan Migration History in Britain: An Oral History Approach

Heike Bungert (Univ. of Cologne/Univ. of Bremen): Festivals of Migrants as a Medium of Ethnic Memory

Rainer Ohliger (Network Migration in Europe) and Jan Motte (LZZ Solingen): Commemorating Immigration History: The German Case

Chair: Michael Esch (Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin)

3.30-5.00 pm
Panel 7: Representing and Displaying Migration History: Museums and Exhibitions (1)

Sorina Capp and Antoinette Reuter (Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines, Luxemburg): Europeanizing Migration History: The European Project of a Transnational Migration Route

Driss El Yazami (Génériques Paris): Towards a French Migration Museum: Debates, Concepts, Projects

Brigitte Jelen (University of California, Irvine):«Leur histoire est notre histoire»: Immigrant Culture in France between Visibility and Invisibility

Chair: Philippe Rygiel (Panthéon-Sorbonne/Laboratoire de sciences sociales de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure)

5.00-5.15 pm
Coffee Break

5.15-6.45 pm
Panel 8: Representing and Displaying Migration History: Museums and Exhibitions (2)

Joachim Baur (University of Tübingen): Commemorating Immigration in the Immigrant Society: Alternative Approaches in three New York Museums

Dagmar Kift (Westphalian Industrial Museum, Dortmund): Representing Migrants and Migration in an Industrial Museum: Issues and Practices

Udo Gößwald (City Museum Berlin-Neukölln): Born in Europe – New Identities: Cultural History of Migrants in the Work of Regional Museums

Chair: Driss El Yazami (Génériques)

7.00 pm
Dinner Buffet

8.15 pm
Concluding Evening Keynote Speech (Public)

Dirk Hoerder (University of Bremen): Europe's Many Worlds and Their Global Interconnections


Rainer Ohliger

Netzwerk Migration in Europa e.V.

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