In addition to the general program of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Historians in the German Association for American Studies three workshops will be held on gender history, political history and international relations, and on the history of law. These workshops are meant to provide an opportunity to scholars to present their work in progress in a more informal setting. The topics of the papers need not be related to the overall conference theme. The selection of papers will be made by the organizers. Please submit your proposals as soon as possible to the following colleagues:
Gender history: Prof. Dr. Michael Hochgeschwender and Dr. Petra Dolata-Kreuzkamp
Political history and international relations: PD Dr. Philipp Gassert
and Prof. Dr. Michael Wala
Law and Politics in Society and Culture: Dr. Dietrich Herrman and Prof. Dr. Michael Dreyer
The organizers have specified the scope of this workshop as follows:
The sphere of law has always been intertwined with society and culture, particularly in the United States. As Tocqueville notes, every important political issue tends to become a legal issue, such as important judicial decisions often have far-reaching political implications. As in earlier years, the workshop intends to pursue this relationship, which has been a continuous strand in American history. Papers for this workshop could address issues of contemporary interest such as judicial nominations or the notion of popular constitutionalism, but also more general matters concerning the relationships of law in society and culture such as competing policy interests of courts and democratically legitimated bodies, constitution and constitutional jurisprudence, etc