Women and business networks in industrialising Europe 1700-1900

Women and business networks in industrialising Europe 1700-1900

International Economic History Congress,
Vom - Bis
21.08.2006 - 25.08.2006
Dr. Margrit Schulte Beerbühl

Second-Call Session Proposal for XIV International Economic History Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 21–25 August 2006

Women and business networks in industrialising Europe, 1700–1900

Dr Alastair Owens, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Dr Margrit Schulte Beerbühl, University of Düsseldorf, Germany
Dr Jon Stobart, Coventry University, UK

Aims of the session
While new institutional studies of business networks and social capital have opened up new perspectives on the economic history of industrialising northern Europe between 1700–1900, there remains a clear gender bias, both in the focus of empirical study and in the formulation and application of theory. This session seeks to place questions of gender more centrally in our analyses of the social and economic dimensions of business history. We invite papers of case studies that examine women’s roles in business networks in different European countries and in different economic sectors over the period 1750–1900. Topics might include the relationship between personal, family and business networks; the role of women in shaping inter-generational networks, or the link between networks, business practice or personal mobility/migration. We are also interested in how questions of gender might be incorporated into the theorisation of business networks, especially in relation to new institutional approaches. Finally, we seek papers that consider the significance of the study of business networks for understanding women’s economic agency. Can the study of the role of women in dynamic networks that transcend the categories of public and private, provide an alternative framework for understanding women’s economic power to the discredited ‘separate spheres’ thesis?

Relevant experience
The session organisers have complementary research interests in: women, business and investment (Owens); commercial networks and migration (Schulte Beerbühl); and personal, urban and business networks (Stobart). Each has published extensively in their area of expertise. All three organisers are experienced in organising sessions for international conferences, including panels for the European Social Science History Conference, the International Conference on Urban History, and the Economic History Society Annual Conference. In addition, Schulte Beerbühl co-organised the highly successful conference ‘Spinning the commercial web’ (Düsseldorf, March 2002).

Organisational structure
The deadline for submission of proposals for the session (c.300 words) is 30th April 2005. Accepted papers should be sent to the session organisers by 31st October 2005. These will be circulated for comment amongst all participants of the session, along with two specially invited commentators, including Michael C. Schneider of the University of Düsseldorf. A virtual pre-conference, organised from University of London and scheduled for 4-6th January 2006, will provide a forum for discussion of and feedback on the submitted papers. The purpose is to improve and hone the papers ready for publication as a special issue of a journal.
From those who would like to participate, we would need a title and, preferably, a short abstract (c.150 words). As the deadline for session proposals is fast approaching (31 January), we would like to get
responses as soon as possible and preferably by 24 January so that we can include names in the proposal that we submit.

Dr Margrit Schulte Beerbühl, Historisches Seminar II, Universität Düsseldorf, Universtitäts Str. 1, 40225 Dusseldorf, Email: schulteb@phil-fak.uni-duesseldorf.de



Margrit Schulte Beerbühl

Historisches Seminar II, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf

0211 8114085


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