VIIIth EAJS Congress: Past and present perspectives in Jewish Studies

VIIIth EAJS Congress: Past and present perspectives in Jewish Studies

European Association for Jewish Studies; International Center for Russian & East European Jewish Studies
150, Prospect Mira, Moscow, 129366, Russia
Russian Federation
Vom - Bis
23.07.2006 - 27.07.2006
Zinaida Shvamental

The Executive Committee of the European Association for Jewish Studies is glad to announce that the next congress of the EAJS will take place in Moscow on July, 23-27, 2006. It will be the first EAJS Congress held in Eastern Europe. More then 400 scholars from 34 countries will attend the Congress to present their researches on Jewish history and culture from Bible to modern ages as well as linguistics, sociology, Israeli studies etc.

The theme of the Congress is "Past and present perspectives in Jewish Studies". This theme focuses on the philosophy and the prospects of Jewish Studies. There has been no lack of ideas and research during last decades, yet there is a feeling that a lot can be changed and renewed now.

1. Are we moving into the age of Post-Postmodernism?
2. Are we returning to old patterns?
3. Do we need meta-history once again?


Sunday, July 23, 2006
Opening Ceremony
Moscow Synagogue

Monday, July 24, 2006
Session 1
9:00 – 10:30

Section “Talmud, Midrash & Rabbinics.” Mishnah and Early Halakhah
Chair: Sacha Stern

The Penal Code from Qumran and the Beginning of Legal Midrash (Aharon Shemesh)

One Case of Compulsory Divorce in Mishna (Boris Ostrer)

Boundaries and Borders in Early Rabbinic Judaism. The Case of the Gentile in Mishnah (Simcha Fishbane)

Section “Jewish History in Late Antiquity.” Judaism Up to 200 CE I Qumran Scrolls
Chair: Martin Goodman

Fear of Death in the Legislative Texts from Qumran (Svetlana Babkina)

Defilement of Sin in the Community Rule (Ludmila Ginsbursky)

A New Perspective on the Qumran Damascus Document in the Light of Sectarian Exegesis (Liora Goldman)

Section “Medieval & Early Modern Jewish History & Culture.” The History of Medieval Jewish Communities I
Chair: Albert Van der Heide

Rabbenu Jacob Tam's Service on Behalf of the King of France in Reims (Civitas Remorum) and the Question of Remois Jewish Scholarship in the 12th Century (Norman Golb)

Rabbanites and Karaites under the Fatimid Caliphs: Toward a New Model of Religious Sectarianism (Marina Rustow)

Jewish Inter-Communication in the Mediterranean Basin during the 11th Century as Documented in the Letters of Eli Ben Amram (Elinoar Bareket)

Section “Sephardi-Mizrahi History and Culture.” Personalities and Collective Memory
Chair: Valeriy Dymshits

Family and Immigration: a New Strategic of Jewish Sephardic Survival: the Case of Salonika (1910-1943) (Gila Hadar)

Sephardi Press Between Ladino and French: A Case Study from the Turn of the 20th Century Salonica (Olga Borovaya)

Section “Modern Jewish Literature.” Modern Jewish Literature in Non-Jewish Languages I
Chair: Glenda Abramson

The Family Novel as a Form of Holocaust Testimony (Rita Horváth)

Jewish State as a Way to Realize “Jewish Dream” (According to Philip Roth’s Novels) (Olga Karasik)

Section “Modern Hebrew Literature.” National Narratives and Conflicts.
Chair: Tsila Ratner

Zion and Diaspora in the Fiction of A.B. Yehoshua (Gilead Morahg)

So, What Did You Do in the Army? – On the Absence of Military Experiences in Israeli Women’s Writing (Tsila Ratner)

Section “Israeli Studies.” Israeli-Arab Relations in the International Context I
Chair: John Bunzl

Revisiting the Twice Promised Land: Britain, Zionism and Arab Nationalism (James Renton)

Trauma and Terror - The Influence of the Expulsion of Palestinians 1948 and the Deportation of Chechens 1944 on Their Respective National Movements (Tessa Szyszkowitz)

Section “Linguistics.” Modern Hebrew: From the Origin to Recent Studies
Chair: Ewa Geller

Classic Idiomatic Language – A Hard Nut to Crack/Classic Idiomatic Language – A Hard Nut to Crack/From an Ancient to a Living Language: Development of Dictionaries for Hebrew Learners, Past and Present (Edna Lauden)

Recent Research Studies of Contemporary Hebrew: A Description of Its Current State (Ora Schwarzwald)

Coffee-break 10:30 – 11:00

Monday, July 24, 2006
Session 2
11:00 – 13:00

Section “Talmud, Midrash & Rabbinics.” Targum Studies and the Structure of the Talmud
Chair: Arkady Kovelman

Past and Present Perspectives in Targum Studies: The Problem of Defining Targum ( Alberdina Houtman)

Past and Present Perspectives in Targum Studies: The Problem of Defining Targum (Harry Sysling)

The Prospects and Potentials of a Narratological Approach to the Pentateuch Targums (Simon Adnams)

The Tractate of Conversion - From Form to Substance (Moshe Lavee)

Section “Jewish History in Late Antiquity.” Judaism up to 200 CE II
Chair: Svetlana Babkina

Psychoanalysis and Kol Nidre (Tamara Prosic)

Names of the Jewish Nation in Late Antiquity: ‘Jew’, ‘Israel’ and ‘Hebrew’ in the First Two Centuries CE (Martin Goodman)

Judaism in the Second Century: Some Thoughts (James Carleton Paget)

Some Essential Aspects of Apocalyptic-eschatological Thinking Among the Jewish Writers of the Second Temple Period (Valts Apinis)

Section “Medieval & Early Modern Jewish History & Culture.” Medieval Jewish Science. How the Jews Saw Khazaria
Chair: Wout van Bekkum

Studies on Hebrew Medical Translations (Lola Ferre)

The Epistle of the Number by Isaac Ben Salomon Ben Al-Ahdab (Ilana Wartenberg)
Khazaria in Jewish Sources: the Problem of Eschatological Context? (Boris Rashkovsky)

Section “Karaite Studies.” Karaite History and Archelogy
Chair: Alexander Gertsen

The European Karaite Intellectual: a Preliminary Profile (Daniel J. Lasker)

Karaite Ms in the Collection of Kazan State University (Ilya Zaytsev)

Some Results and Problems of Archaeological Researches of Karaites' Monuments in Crimea (Alexander Gertsen)

To Be the True Jew – Identity Formation by a Karaite Group in Israel (Inbal Ester Cicurel)

Section “Sephardi-Mizrahi History and Culture.” History
Chair: Valeriy Dymshits

Excessive “Zeal and Noise: Two Case Studies Concerning the Patriotism of Ottoman Sephardim in 1897 ( Julia Phillips Cohen)

The Power of the Word: Sephardic Magic Spells from Sarajevo (Tamar Alexander)

Slavic Influences on Bosnian Judeo-Spanish as Attested in the Literary Texts from the First Half of the 20th Century (Eliezer Papo)

The Interaction between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews in NYC at the Dawn of the 20th Century the Perspective of the Sephardic Jews (Daniel Florentin)

Section “Modern Jewish Literature.” Modern Jewish Literature in Non-Jewish Languages II
Chair: Alexander Kobrinskiy

Babel, Bialik, and Others: The Hebrew Context of a Soviet Jewish Writer (Efraim Sicher)

Matvei Roizman as a Russian-Jewish Writer (Alexander Kobrinskiy)

Three Fates of Motle in Modern Jewish Literature (Rita Kleiman)

Purimshpeils by Activists of the Jewish Movement in the Historical-Cultural Context of the 1970s and 1980s (Rita Genzeleva)

Section “Modern Hebrew Literature.” Modern Hebrew Poetry
Chair: Tsila Ratner

Disrobing the Body and Soul: U Z Greenberg’s Idea of ‘Nakedness’ (Glenda Abramson)

Bialik Confronts Eretz Israel (Monty Noam Penkower)

Hebrew is a Sex-maniac (and It’s a Good Thing Too!): Deconstructing Linguistic Determinism in Yona Wallach’s Poem “Hebrew” (Zafrira Lidovsky Cohen)

Section “Modern Jewish Thought and Theology.” Political Thought and the Existence of Jewishness
Chair: Boris Gubman

Leo Strauss and The Defense of Western Civilization (Leonard R. Sorenson)

Jewish "Rituals": On a Concept of Political Philosophy in the Renaissance and Early Modern Period (Giuseppe Veltri)

Exile and Interpretation: Popper’s Invention of the History of European Political Thoughts (David Weinstein)

Individual and Community in the Zionist Enterprise: Eliezer Schweid’s Perspective (Joab Eichenberg-Eilon)

Section “Linguistics.” Between Yiddish and Translation Studies
Chair: Alexander Militarev

The Slavonic Linguistic Frame of Yiddish (Ewa Geller)

Standard Orthographies of Hebrew Words in Modern Hebrew and Modern Yiddish: a Contrastive Study of Their Different Principles (Tsuguya Sasaki)

Translation Studies and Yehuda Amichai’s Early Poetry (Sara Ferrari)

Hebrew Translation of Sh. Rustaveli’s “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” as a Subject Linguistic of Investigation (Manana Gotsiridze)

Lunch (on your own) 13:00 – 14:00

Monday, July 24, 2006
Session 3
14:00 – 15:30

Section “Medieval & Early Modern Jewish History & Culture.” Jewish Christian Contact and Conflicts from Dialog to Martyrdom
Chair: Albert Van der Heide

Ashkenazi vs. Sephardi Attitude towards Kiddush ha-Shem: Jewish Historiography and Suicide Theory (Galina Zelenina)

The Problem of “hillul ha’shem” and “kiddush ha’shem” in the Jewish Chronicles during the B. Chmielnicki’s Uprising and the Jewish-Orthodox Relations (Andrey Shpirt)

Section “Sephardi-Mizrahi History and Culture.” Identity
Chair: Valeriy Dymshits

Analyzing Salonikan Jewry Beyond the Prism of Sephardi Iberian Identity (Yitzchak Kerem)

A New Perspective on the Communal Identity of Damascus and Aleppo Jewry (Harel Yaron)

Self-Dejudaisation: Designing of Non-Jewish Identity as Struggle for Delf-Preservation (Valery Dymshits)

Section “Modern Jewish Thought and Theology.” Spinoza in Jewish Context
Chair: Donatella Di Cesare

Spinoza a ‘Jewish’ Philosopher? (Paul Auerbach)

Refining Spinozism and Discovering Jewish Enlightenment Tradition: Moses Mendelssohn and the Maskil Readings of Spinoza (Jan-Hendrik Wulf)

Reception of Modern Jewish Thought in Russian-Jewish Intellectual Traditions – the Study of Reception of Spinozism as a Test Case (Igor Kaufman)

Section “Modern Jewish History in Eastern Europe.” Jews of Belarus' and Lithuania
Chair: Oleg Budnitskii

Transformation of Shtetl of Belarus in 1920-1939 (Socio-Economic and Ethnic Aspects) (Andrei Zamoiski)

The Regional Factor in the History of Jews in Multiethnic Russia: the Case of Byelorussian Jewry (Claire Le Foll)

Jewish Organizations of Lithuania. According to the Data of the Census of Organizations, 1931 (Saulius Kaubrys)

Section “Israeli Studies.” Israeli-Arab Relations in the International Context II
Chair: Ekaterina Usova, Evgenue Satanovsky

Is Israel Moving Towards Full Membership? Convergence and Divergence in the Relations between the EU and Israel (Elisabeth Kuebler)

Current Jewish Versus Muslim Narratives of Jerusalem (Yitzhak Reiter)

Section “Linguistics.” Biblical Hebrew
Chair: Ewa Geller

Hebrew within Semitic: Position in the Genealogical Tree and Chronology of Separation (Alexander Militarev)

The Tense of QATAL in the Prophetic "Laments" (Alexei Lyavdansky)

The Adverbial and Aspectual Verbs in Biblical Hebrew (Polina Skorodumova)

Meeting of the Outgoing EAJS Executive Committee
14:00 – 16:00

Coffee-break 15:30 – 16:00

Monday, July 24, 2006
Session 4
16:00 – 17:00

Section “Bible.” Understanding the Bible
Chair: Alexander Nemirovskiy

Did the Masoretes Get It Wrong? The Pointing of Ezekiel 28:12-19 (Hector Patmore)

Seafaring and Shipbuilding in the Bible (Leonid Dreyer)

Section “Medieval Jewish Philosophy.” Judeo-Arabic Philosophy
Chair: Dmitriy Frolov

Convention and Innovation in the Introductions of the Medieval Arabic-to-Hebrew Translators of the Philosophic Texts (Steven Harvey)

Conceptions of Good Writing in the Islamic World: the Case of Judeo-Arabic Bible Exegesis (Miriam Goldstein)

Section “Medieval & Early Modern Jewish History & Culture.” The History of Medieval Jewish Communities II
Chair: Wout van Bekkum

The Restrictions of the Jewish Living - Space in the Towns of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Jurgita Verbickiene)

Irish Jews in Georgian Dublin - an Unknown History (Maria Diemling)

Section “Modern Hebrew Literature.” Historical Changes and Transformations
Chair: Tsila Ratner

On the Cusp of the Christianity: the Gospel According to Jephtah by Amos Oz (Yael Feldman)

Jewish Traditions of Translations – From the Golden Age to the Age of Haskalah: a Comparative Description (Aminadav Dykman)

Section “Modern Jewish Thought and Theology.” The Issues of Theology and Thought
Chair: Boris Gubman

The Road to Nowhere: The Unknown History of the Theology of the Neologue Movement in Hungary (Gabor Balazs)

Towards a Jewish Hermeneutic of the Devine Love (Yehudit Kornberg Greenberg)

Section “Modern Jewish History in Eastern Europe.” Jewish Political Activity East and West
Chair: Anke Hilbrenner

Reflections on the Sources of Political Culture of Eastern European Jewry (François Guesnet)

Jewish Self-Rules in the Context of Ukrainian Statehood (1917–1920) (Victor Gusev)

Monday, July 24, 2006
Plenary session
17:15 – 18:15

Hegelianism, Orientalism, and the Prospects of Jewish Studies
Chair: Martin Goodman

Islam as Judaism Gone Mad: Reflections on Hegel (Ivan Davidson Kalmar)

Hegelianism and Multiculturalism in Classical Jewish Studies. (Arkady Kovelman)

For the programme of the rest of the conference please take a look at:


Zinaida Shvamenta
VIIIth EAJS Congress Committee
Russia, Moscow, 123056, Pereulok Krasina, dom 15, stroyeniye 1, office 19, 21
Tel.: +7 (495) 254-2556
Fax: +7 (495) 254-8244