Cortona Colloquium 2007 - War, Law and Global Order

Cortona Colloquium 2007 - War, Law and Global Order

Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Milan; University of Florence; Jura Gentium Center (Italy); Coordinator: Danilo Zolo, Professor of Philosophy of Law and of Philosophy of International Law at the University of Florence
Cortona (Italy)
Vom - Bis
19.10.2007 - 20.10.2007
Benjamin, Sara

The Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, one of Europe’s foremost centers for scholarly research on modern political, economic and social history, in cooperation with the University of Florence and the Jura Gentium Center, invites doctoral candidates and young PhD recipients or researchers to submit proposals for participation at the Cortona Colloquium 2007 – War, Law and Global Order, to be held 19–20 October 2007 in Cortona, Italy.

This year’s edition of the Foundation’s international conference will feature Antonio Cassese (former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and currently Professor of International Law at the University of Florence) as its keynote speaker, and will be coordinated by Danilo Zolo (Professor of Philosophy of Law and of Philosophy of International Law at the University of Florence).

The Colloquium will be focused around, but not limited to, the following five sub-themes:
- The “New Wars” and the National and International Protection of Human Rights
- The Problem of Peace and the Function of International Criminal Justice
- How to Define the Notion of “War of Aggression”?
- Terrorism and International Law
- The Palestinian Question as the Epicenter of the Wars in the Middle East, and the Impotence of the International Community

To ensure a fruitful exchange of ideas from diverse perspectives, we welcome proposals from a variety of fields and disciplines, including international relations, international law, history and philosophy of international law, theory of human rights, history of the Middle East, political theory of globalization, political philosophy, political science and philosophy of law.

The Colloquium will take place on 19–20 October 2007 at the Centro Convegni S. Agostino in Cortona, a lovely medieval city in Tuscany. Participants will be expected to arrive on the afternoon or evening of the 18th.

A small number of applicants (ten) will be selected to attend the Colloquium. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to present and discuss their doctoral research projects, or a specific part of their research, within five workshops chaired by prominent scholars from the fields related to the main subjects of the Colloquium. The Feltrinelli Foundation will arrange and cover the cost of accommodations in Cortona for these applicants and provide a lump-sum contribution sufficient to cover low-cost roundtrip travel within Europe. A limited number of grants will be available to cover accommodation and travel for applicants from countries outside of Europe.
The working languages of the Colloquium will be English and Italian. Simultaneous translation will be available.

Interested candidates must submit a proposal for participation no later than 4 May 2007. Proposals must include two separate documents:
1. a completed application form (see below)
2. an abstract (maximum of 700 words) on the research to be discussed, along with a title and 3-5 keywords

Applications and abstracts should be in English and named per the following indications: “last name application.doc” (e.g. “Parr application.doc”) and “last name abstract.doc” (e.g. Parr abstract.doc). Please email all materials and inquiries to the attention of Sara Benjamin at

A Scientific Committee headed by Danilo Zolo will evaluate all proposals and notification of acceptance will be sent by 20 June 2007. Successful applicants will be required to submit a full paper (maximum of 5,000 words, in English and conforming to standard academic guidelines in terms of style and presentation), along with a brief curriculum vitae, by 1 September 2007.

Cortona Colloquium 2007 – War, Law and Global Order
19-20 October 2007 in Cortona, Italy

Please complete this application form and email it along with an abstract* no later than 4 May 2007 to the attention of Sara Benjamin at:

Please provide the following information:
First name:
Last (family) name:
Country of current residence:
Country from which you would travel:

Academic affiliation and mailing address (if applicable):
Position and/or title (if applicable):
Title of your Ph.D. thesis or research project:
Current mailing address:
Current email address:
Daytime telephone number(s):
Personal webpage (if applicable):

* Please provide your abstract as a separate document. It should provide a brief description (contents and structure) of your research project and be no more than 700 words. Please also provide a title and 3-5 keywords.



Sara Benjamin
International Programs & Publications
Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
Via Romagnosi 3, 20121 Milan - Italy
tel: 39-02-874175
fax: 39-02-86461855
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