Masterstudiengang: "Public History and Heritage Management" (Nottingham Trent Univ.)

Masterstudiengang: "Public History and Heritage Management" (Nottingham Trent Univ.)

Nottingham Trent University History, Heritage and Geography Department
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
01.10.2007 -
Bill Niven

Course: MA in Public History and Heritage Management (full- time for 12 months, part-time for 24 months), or Postgraduate Diploma in Public History and Heritage Management (full-time for 9 months, part-time for 21 months)

Content and Aims: What is public history and heritage management? We want you to think about how history, national histories and stories, are presented and consumed. We want you to ponder on the relationship between the heritage industry and history, museums and history, the media and history, and people and history. Public history is the history that belongs to the public. But what exactly does this mean? Is it a distortion, a simplified version of a more complex truth? Is it myth? Is it history for profit or, as we believe, an essential part of who we are that impacts on us all? And how should we, as academics and students, interact with this phenomenon? These questions will form a key strand of your study with us.

The world of museums, libraries and archives is changing rapidly. There is a need for multi-skilled, qualified staff that possess a broad vision of history and knowledge in combination with a secure foundation in theory, research and practical expertise in the care and presentation of
public history and heritage. A postgraduate course in public history and heritage management provides the conceptual framework necessary to develop this vision along with the underpinning knowledge and wide-ranging practical understanding required of modern public history and heritage professionals.

The Public History MA is taught by a range of specialists in Cultural History, History and Public History, AND by expert practitioners with experience of designing museum exhibitions and galleries. Lecturers include Patrick Wright (author of "On Living in an Old Country; the National Past in Contemporary Britain"), Graham Black (author of "The Engaging Museum") and Bill Niven ("Facing the Nazi Past")


To find out more about the Public History and Heritage Management MA programme, about costs, and about preconditions, please contact the Admissions Office at Nottingham Trent University at, or ring 0044 115 848 3111 or 3136.

General information is also provided on the university website (see URL below).

Informal enquiries can be directed to Bill Niven at


Bill Niven

Nottingham Trent University

0044 115 848 3232