'Atlas of the Institutions of European Historiographies 1800 to the Present'

'Atlas of the Institutions of European Historiographies 1800 to the Present'

European Science Foundation, Strasbourg Professor Ilaria Porciani (University of Bologna) Professor Jo Tollebeek (University of Leuven) Dr. Claus Møller Jørgensen (University of Århus)
Institute of History and Area Studies, University of Århus. History Department
Vom - Bis
23.11.2007 - 24.11.2007
Sven de Roode

The five-year European Science Foundation-funded Scientific Programme "Representations of the Past: The Writing of National Histories in Europe (NHIST)" runs since 2003. It aims to
• analyse in depth national historiographies and their relationship to wider national historical cultures,
• study systematically the construction, erosion and reconstruction of national histories across a wide variety of European states,
• bridge the existing historiographical gap within Europe by bringing together the histories of Western and Eastern Europe,
• combine cultural transfer and comparative approaches in examining the relationship between national historiographies and national historical cultures.
The programme is the collaborative effort of more than one hundred scholars from around 30 European countries. Its agenda is being implemented by four teams occupied with
• the institutions, networks and communities which produced national histories and were themselves influenced by the idea of national history (Team 1)
• the construction, erosion and reconstruction of national histories in their relationship with competing representations structured by the social cleavages in a society (Team 2)
• national histories and their relationship with regional, European and world histories (Team 3)
• the national histories in their spatial relationships and mutual interdependency with other national histories (Team 4)

Team One will hold a workshop at the Institute of History and Area Studies at the University of Århus between 23rd and 24th November 2007. It will be organised by Professor Ilaria Porciani (University of Bologna) and Professor Jo Tollebeek (University of Leuven). The local organiser will be Dr. Claus Møller Jørgensen, head of the Danish Graduate School of History at the University of Århus. The workshop will bring together members of Team 1 who are contributing to Volumes 1 and 2 of the `Writing the Nation' series to be published by Palgrave Macmillan.

The workshop will bring together contributors to Volume 1, titled `Atlas of the Institutions of European Historiographies 1800 to the Present', and contributors to Volume 2, titled `Institutions, Networks and Communities of National Historiography Comparative Approaches'. It will provide an opportunity for contributors to meet and discuss the progress of the respective volumes. Therefore, discussions will focus on the progress of the Atlas volume, including recent contributions, and the second draft of a number of contributions to the second volume. It will also allow for the NHIST chair and Programme Coordinator to outline the NHIST programme to contributors, and discuss the two volumes, and their respective style guides, publication schedules and promotion.


Friday November 23


Welcome addresses

9.00-9.15 Jan Ifversen, Head of Institute, Institute of History and Area Studies

9.15-9.30 Stefan Berger (Manchester) The NHIST programme

9.30-9.45 Ilaria Porciani (Bologna) - Jo Tollebeek (Leuven)

Welcome Address

9.45-10.30 Claus Moller Jorgensen (Arhus) The Journals

10.30-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-12.30 Monika Flacke (DHM Berlin) - Ilaria Porciani (Bologna) History Museums

12.30-14.00 Lunch and recreation

14.00-14.45 Daniela Saxer (Lausanne) Edition of sources

14.45-15.30 Marcello Verga (Florence) Biographical dictionaries

15.30-17.00 Gabriele Lingelbach (Trier), Professional Associations

19.00 Dinner

Saturday November 24

9.00-9.45 Coffee

9.45-10.30 Gabriele Clemens (Trier) The aristocracy

10.30-11.15 Emmanuelle Picard (Paris): Extra-university research institutions

11.15-12.00 Revision of contributions for the atlas

Mariano Esteban de Vega (Salamanca): Spain

12.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00-16.15 Revision of contributions for the atlas

Leszeck Zygner (Gottingen): Poland

Renata Latala: Ukraina

Anna Zadora (Strasbourg): Belarus

16.15-16.30 Coffee break

16.30 Ilaria Porciani- Jo Tollebeek concluding remarks

19.00 Dinner


Sven de Roode

University of Manchester
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0044 161 236 93 25
0044 161 275 3031

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