Narrating the Portuguese Diaspora (1928-2008): International Conference on Storytelling

Narrating the Portuguese Diaspora (1928-2008): International Conference on Storytelling

Brock University, Ontario (Canada), University of Massachusetts Amherst (USA) and CEAUL/ULICES – University of Lisbon, Centre for the Study of English (Portugal)
University of Lisbon
Lisbon, Portugal
Vom - Bis
23.10.2008 - 25.10.2008
Naumann, Katja

This Conference will provide a forum on the Portuguese Diaspora and on some of its most significant features as observed from a variety of disciplinary fields (literary, linguistic, sociological, historical, cultural, and others). The event will be open to participants world-wide interested in all forms of narrating the Portuguese diaspora across the media, discussing diasporic experience, and exploring the effects on both those who made it happen and those who remained behind.
1928 was chosen as a tentative temporal boundary and also as a way of celebrating the publication of Os Emigrantes by Ferreira de Castro, a key-novel about the Portuguese Diaspora in Brazil.

History: This Conference is a follow up of other similar events (1999; 2001; 2005) initially organized by Irene Maria F. Blayer. The 2005 Conference – International Conference on Storytelling and Cultural Identity / Congresso Internacional de Literatura Oral e de Identidade Cultural – was organized by Francisco Cota Fagundes and Irene Blayer and took place in Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira, Azores, Portugal. It was attended by over one hundred scholars and specialists from over forty countries and the five continents.

Venue: Narrating the Portuguese Diaspora (1928-2008): International Conference on Storytelling will take place in the University of Lisbon, Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa (October 23-25). It is the result of a joint venture of Brock University, Ontario, Canada, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, and CEAUL/ULICES – University of Lisbon Centre for the Study of English. Lisbon has been chosen for its symbolic and historical significance as a seaport from where Portuguese emigration reached out east, west, south and northwards.

Call for Papers: Abstracts (20 min. paper), and panel proposals are invited for submission. All forms of the diaspora (literary, linguistic, sociological, historical, cultural, and others) will be considered as long as they relate to the theme explicit and implicit in the title of the conference. Please consult the website for suggested topics within the scope of the Conference.

Two copies of the abstract (500-words) should be sent via e-mail to by March 15, 2008. Please send one anonymous copy for peer reviewing; the other should include the author's name, affiliation, e-mail address, and paper title.

Late submissions will not be accepted, and we cannot accept papers that are to be published elsewhere. Acceptance of your paper for presentation implies a commitment on your part to register and attend the conference. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by April 15, 2008.
Papers may be presented in any of the following languages: English, Portuguese, French, and Castilian.

A selection of the papers presented will be published in the independent refereed volumes (not proceedings). The submitted papers will go through a blind peer-review process. More information about the volumes will be circulated amongst the participants soon after the notification of acceptance. The deadline for submitting papers for evaluation is December 15, 2008.

Thematic clusters: topics might include but are not limited to:
Diaspora generally considered
- theoretical aspects of the diaspora (e.g., diaspora vs. migration vs. exile vs.
- estrangeirados)
- history of the Portuguese diaspora of the 20th century
- anthropology and diaspora
- diaspora and identity (e.g., designations and epithets: Portuguese-American, hyphenated Portuguese, Portagee, etc.)

Diaspora in literature, the arts, and the media
- diaspora in non-migrant Portuguese literature (i.e., works by artists who were not themselves migrants to foreign countries, e.g., Olga Gonçalves, Cristóvão de Aguiar, João de Melo, etc.)
- literature of estrangeirados and/or exiles (e.g., writers who lived abroad but who did not consider themselves primarily economic migrants
- literature written by immigrants (in the US, Canada, European countries, etc.) in Portuguese
- ethnic literature (i.e., works written by descendants of Portuguese migrants in the host country language(s))
- the depiction of Portuguese in host country literatures and other arts, especially the cinema
- Portuguese diaspora and the arts
- Portuguese diaspora and the media

The Geography and Economy of Diaspora
- Portuguese regions and diaspora
- the Portuguese diaspora in specific countries: historical, regional, and economic aspects (Brazil and other Latin American countries, United States of America, Canada, countries of the European Union, African countries, Asian countries, Australia)
- migration and identity: the role of geographical place
- Economics of the diaspora

Sociology and Psychology of the Migrant Experience
- diaspora and the family
- diaspora and religion
- tradition and social change
- socio-cultural-identity issues of Luso-descendants
- perception of original country traditions
- migrant experience and multicultural awareness

Linguistic aspects of diaspora
- the Portuguese language in contact with other languages
- bilingualism and multilingualism (oral vs. written languages and culture)
- language and cultural identity
- context and culture in language learning (e.g., what contexts contribute to heritage language maintenance in the host country)
- speech community and representation of discourse (e.g., communication in Portuguese within communities made up of groups from various countries/ areas of the Lusophone world)
- linguistic issues and gender
- oral vs. written narratives: Portuguese migrant stories (life stories and other narratives)
- diaspora and children: language, emotion, and identity

Diaspora and politics (e.g., the participation, or non-participation, of migrants in the political life of the host countries and the country of origin after migration)

Material and non-material culture
- material culture (letters; unpublished life stories; monuments; visual arts; other aspects of material culture (e.g., foodways) (migrant as donor and receiver)
- non-material culture (traditions; celebrations; music; visual arts (migrant as donor and receiver))



Teresa Alves (University of Lisbon), Irene M. F. Blayer (Brock University), Teresa Cid (University of Lisbon), Francisco Fagundes (UMASS Amherst)

Tel.: (413) 545 4914
Fax: (905) 641-8140
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