Global Studies Conference

Global Studies Conference

University of Illinois
University of Illinois
Chicago, USA
United States
Vom - Bis
16.05.2008 - 18.05.2008
Katja Castryck-Naumann, Verflechtung und Globalisierung, Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa

The International Conference on Global Studies is to be held annually in different locations around the world, each selected for its particular place in the dynamics of globalization. This year, it is being head in Chicago and will include a special focus on the role of the United States in the global context in this critical election year. In future years, we plan to move between different locations in the ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’.

The deadline for the next round in the Call for Papers is 14 February, 2008.
The conference organising committee is currently inviting proposals to present 30-minute papers, 60-minute workshops and jointly presented 90-minute colloquium sessions. These might describe 'real world' initiatives or they may be academic research papers.

Only one proposal of any format may be accepted per registered presenter. This means that two proposals may be accepted in the case of two registered presenters in a joint presentation, so long as both presenters are registered to attend in person or as a Virtual participant.

Presenters may choose to submit their papers to the Global Studies Journal at any time before the Conference, and up until one month after the Conference. Participants requiring full refereeing before the Conference must submit their papers at least three months before the Conference.

Plenary speakers may also submit their session details via the Online Submission Process for inclusion in the Conference program.

Description of Presentation Formats
30 minute Presentation:
A conference session involving a 15 minute speaker presentation, followed by questions and answers. Allow 5 minutes within the 30 minute timeslot for people to move between rooms. If you would like a chair or facilitator for your session, the conference organisers suggest that you find a person to fulfil this role from amongst other conference participants. The chair's role is to introduce the presenter/performer, keep the presentation within the 15 minute time limit and manage the question and answer session. Presenters may also chair their own sessions, but are requested to keep to this format. We recommend against reading whole papers, and suggest that handouts (20 or 30 copies-please bring these with you, as there are no photocopying facilities at the conference) and visual supports (data slides or overhead transparencies) to assist delivery. Multiple-authored presentations are welcome, though only one article can be submitted to the journal based on each presentation.

60 minute Presentation:
A workshop, crafted panel, staged conversation, dialogue or debate. This is a conference session involving substantial interaction with the audience. It must not simply be a long paper-papers are for 30 minute sessions only. If you wish to submit an article to the journal based on a workshop session, it should be a single, jointly authored piece.

90 minute Colloquium:
A conference session involving at least five registered participants (for instance, a chair or facilitator plus four or more presenters who present for no more than 15 minutes each). At least 15 minutes must be left for audience interaction. The conference committee does not organise these sessions. Presenters need to conceive and design the session and submit a proposal through the call for papers area on the conference website. Either a single article or multiple articles can be submitted to the journal based on the content of a colloquium session.

Virtual Participation:
A paper submitted without the participant attending the conference in person, but eligible to be refereed and published (if accepted) in the journal. A virtual registration allows you to join the conference community in the following ways:
- Your conference proposal will be listed in the Session Descriptions of the conference. Acceptance of a conference proposal for a virtual participant is based on the same criteria as that for an attending participant.
- You can submit a paper to the Global Studies Journal.

Your journal paper submission will be refereed by conference participants and you will in turn referee paper submissions of other conference participants.
If accepted, your paper will be published in the same volume as conference participants from the same year. You will also have online access to all papers published in the journal from the time of registration until one year after the conference end date.

Presentation/Paper Focus: Practice, Research, Theory
Presentations and published papers may have a theory, research or practice focus:
Practice Focus:
A presentation or publication which describes innovative or exemplary practices or programs in the community, in workplaces, in education institutions and the like. This may take the form of case studies, narratives, demonstrations or technical reports. The outcomes of practice may be improved frameworks, concepts, understandings or structures, such as enhanced capacity through the development of skills, knowledge and operational effectiveness. This kind of work may involve putting theory and research into practice.

Research Focus:
A presentation or publication reporting upon original research, based on the systematic collection and analysis of data or facts. This kind of work may involve the application or testing of theory.

Theory Focus:
A presentation or publication which is broad and generalising in its emphasis, reflecting upon and systematically referenced against one or more bodies of literature or systems of thought. Referees for presentation proposals and of submitted papers will base their assessment upon the kind of focus of a particular presentation or paper.

This Conference is to be held at the University of Illinois, Chicago, USA from 16-18 May 2008. It will address critically important issues related to globalization in the world today, as well as focusing on a special theme - the place of the United States in this process, during this crucial Presidential election year.

Main speakers include some of the leading thinkers in global studies, as well as numerous paper, colloquium and workshop presentations.

Participants are welcome to submit a presentation proposal either for a 30-minute paper , 60-minute workshop, jointly presented 90-minute colloquium session or a virtual session. Parallel sessions are loosely grouped into streams reflecting different perspectives or disciplines. Each stream also has its own talking circle, a forum for focused discussion of issues. For those unable to attend the Conference in person, virtual participation is also available.

Presenters may choose to submit written papers to the Global Studies Journal, a fully refereed academic Journal. Virtual participants also have the option to submit papers for consideration by the Journal. All registered Conference participants receive a complimentary online subscription to the Journal when registration is finalised. This subscription is valid until one year after the Conference end date.

This is a Conference for any person with an interest in, and concern for, the question of globalization - including researchers, teachers and graduate students. All are encouraged to register and attend this significant and timely Conference. Accommodation options are also available.

If you would like to know more about this Conference, bookmark the Global Studies Conference site and return for further information ─ the site is regularly updated. You may also wish to subscribe to the Conference and Journal Newsletter.

For all inquiries, please contact the Conference secretariat.



Conference Secretariat

Conferences, Research
University of Illinois Research Park
2004 S.Wright Street
Urbana Illinois, 61802-1000 USA
Ph: +1 217 328 0405
Fax: +1 217 328 0435

Publishing, Software
PO Box 463, Altona
Victoria 3018 Australia
Ph: +613 9398 8000
Fax: +613 9398 8088
Office: Cnr Millers Rd & Esplanade, Seaholme
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