National cultures and European common identity. Fourth international conference RICHIE 2008

National cultures and European common identity. Fourth international conference RICHIE 2008

RICHIE (Réseau International des jeunes Chercheurs en Histoire de l'Intégration Européenne). This conference is organised in cooperation with the university of Cergy-Pontoise (CICC- Civilisations et identités culturelles comparées des sociétés européennes et occidentales) and is supported by the UMR IRICE (Identités, relations internationales et civilisations de l’Europe).
Vom - Bis
11.12.2008 - 13.12.2008
Wenkel, Christian (RICHIE)

Now in its fourth year, the Richie association is happy to present the call for papers for its annual conference which will take place in France, hosted by the university of Cergy-Pontoise in the Paris region. The conference will focus on national cultures and common European identity.

Common identity in the European Communities and the European Union has been the subject of academic research from diverse perspectives. In this conference emphasis is put on the relation of a European public space to a greater sense of common identity. This research could shed light on the current European common identity. For the purpose of the conference, we will refer to this identity as the totality of values shared by the citizens of the member states in the European communities (later the European Union), often represented in concrete images. It is related to the topic of the sense of being part of the process of unification. Central to this conference are questions about the reality and nature of the identity which the European unification process has brought about. To what extent can we speak of a common identity which imposes itself more or less purposely on the citizens of the European communities (European Union)? Does the European identity oppose itself to or is it superimposed to the national cultures? Is the common identity necessary to the success of the European project?

We invite papers on the following topics :

- The nature of European common identity. Does it mainly have a political, economic, social or cultural character? Can it be conceived as the outcome of a voluntary or of an imposed process?

- The role played by the European institutions in the formation of a common identity. What policies did the European institutions pursue (e.g. student mobility, Europe day May 8)?

- The role of other actors and other factors. Besides the European institutions, other actors contributed to the emergence and the content of a common identity (e.g. media, political parties, supporter of the European integration process). Other factors might also be considered (e.g. European electoral campaigns or schoolbooks)

- The symbols of the common identity: the Euro, European passport, the European flag or the notion of the founding fathers.

The topic of identity and European conscience has often been approached by historians from the angle of civilization, historical heritage and shared culture. Since 1993, the Pierre Renouvin institute (university Paris 1), the network of European historians « les chemins et les temps de l’Europe » and the « Groupe de liaison des professeurs d’histoire contemporaine auprès de la Commission européenne » have developed several research tracks (with conferences organised in Salamanca, 1997 and Paris, 1999). This conference intends to follow in the footsteps in this line of research while focusing on the theme of the European public space.

Further information

PhD students and young scholars in the field of history, as well as geography, sociology, political sciences, semiology, are invited to send proposals. These should include an abstract of around 500 words, a short bio of 200 words and a summary of their doctoral thesis or their main research subject in 200 words. Only applications including these three elements will be taken into consideration. They can be written either in English or French and must be sent by email (word, rft or pdf format) to or/and

The deadline for application is May 31, 2008. The proposals will be studied and selected by a scientific board including professors of several European universities:

- Gérard Bossuat (University de Cergy-Pontoise)
- Robert Frank (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
- Eric Bussière (University Paris IV-Sorbonne)
- Antonio Varsori (University de Padoue)
- Piero Craveri (University de Naples)
- Piers Ludlow (London School of Economics)
- Etienne François (Freie Universität de Berlin)
- Ine Megens (University de Groningen)
- Kiran Patel (Institut universitaire européen de Florence)

Selected candidates will be contacted before September 20. After the conference the papers will be published.

Accommodation costs will be covered by the organization. Transport costs will be covered as well for students who do not have enough funds to cover these costs (as far as within our financial capacities).



Jenny Raflik

Université de Cergy-Pontoise
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Englisch, Französisch
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