Technologies of Globalization

Technologies of Globalization

Graduate School Topoloy of Technology, TU Darmstadt
Maritim Rhein Main Hotel Darmstadt
Vom - Bis
30.10.2008 - 31.10.2008
Karsten Uhl, KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme, Stiftung Hamburger Gedenkstätten und Lernorte

Presently (re-)shaping social life as well as economics and science, globalization is in manifold ways related to and in fact highly dependent on technology.

The first international conference of the post-graduate school “Topologies of Technology” seeks to explore in greater detail and from a deliberately interdisciplinary angle the role(s) and function(s) of world-embracing information and communication technologies, transport, and computing facilities in the global age.

In plenary discussions and a variety of interdisciplinary streams, the conference
- inspects the novel ways in which global(ized) technologies enable mobility (and require new modes of managing these)
- attempts to clarify how newly developed technologies contribute to and assist the currently observable developments in the particular field of engineering and, more generally, in labor distribution and organization
- traces their influence on the re-definition of “the local” against the backdrop of “the global”
- gives space to historical considerations aiming at the disclosure of precursors of technology-enhanced globalizing tendencies
- discusses the world-wide efforts of controlling and improving body movement(s) for the target group of old-age people, in sport science / kinesiology and perceptual computing


Keynotes by
- Thomas Sattelberger (Chief Human Resources Officer, Deutsche Telekom AG)
- Johann Dietrich Wörner (CEO of German Aerospace Center DLR)
- Reinhard Blomert (Chief Editor ‚Leviathan’)
- Jyoti Hosagrahar (Columbia University)
- Rupert Deger (Parametric Technology Corporation)

- Managing Mobility
- Informatized Work: Towards a New Division of Labor?
- Glocalization in the Production of Built Environment
- Globalization Revisited: World-Embracing Technologies in a Historical Perspective
- Aging as a Global Issue – A Challenge for Technology and Society

Stream 4: Globalization revisited: World-embracing technologies in a historical perspective

Thursday, 30 October, 14.00h-16.15h

Denisa Kera (Charles University, Prague): Flat World Metaphor, Microglobalization and GIS Mashups

Torsten Kathke (LMU Munich): Lightning Messages and Glocal Media - Reparticularization in US News Reporting

Aristotle Tympas (University of Athens): Universal Machines vs. National Languages: Computerization as Product

Friday, 31 October, 9.00h-12.30h

Teresa Pinheiro (TU Chemnitz): Jesuits Worldwide. The Influence of Communication on the Spread of Portuguese and Spanish Jesuit Missions in the 16th Century

Lars Bluma (Ruhr University Bochum): Globalization and the Rise of Telecommunication Networks

Marco Sávio (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brasil): Technology Transfer and Modernization: The Case of Sao Paulo's Tramway System (1900-1909)

Sonja Neudörfer (TU Darmstadt): Transmission of Artisanal and Professional Company Knowledge


Ulf Blanke

TUD - FB 20 - Multimodal Interactive Systems
Hochschulstrasse 10, D-64289 Darmstadt
+ 49 6151 16-2006
+49 6151 16-4117
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