The Local and the Global. Practices and Politics of Representing, Narrating and Negotiating the Past

The Local and the Global. Practices and Politics of Representing, Narrating and Negotiating the Past

Madelon de Keizer; Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie, Amsterdam; Sonja Kmec, University of Luxembourg; Claudia Lenz, HL-Senteret, Oslo
University of Luxembourg, Campus Walferdange
Vom - Bis
26.01.2009 - 27.01.2009
Sonja Kmec

This conference will discuss how cultural practices of representing and interpreting the past are being reshaped by interrelated processes of globalization, de/re-nationalization and localization in the long term. Researchers with different discipinary perspectives will seek to address historical (dis)continuities concerning the connection of local memory cultures and global world orders throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

PARTICIPATION is free of charge, but REGISTRATION is kindly requested.


Monday, 26 January 2009

14.00 Introduction by Michel Margue, dean of the Faculty

14.30 Michael Lang (University of Maine, USA):
Historical Thought after Globalization

15.00 Anne-Sophie Krossa (Lancaster University, UK):
Beyond “the Local versus the Global”: the Concept of Glocalization

15.30 Coffee Break

16.00 Tor Einar Fagerland (Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Trondheim, Norway): Stiklestad 1030-2008: A Place of Contested Identity

16.30 Kateryna Ruban (Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine):
Habsburg Nostalgia: Attraction to the Local or following the Global?

17.00 Wladimir Fischer (Boltzmann-Institute for Urban History, Vienna, Austria):
"We Want Suffrage in the Human Race" Serbian Memory Strategies and the "Gap" in Balkan History

17.30 Discussion

19.00 Diner

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

9.30 Libora Oates-Indruchova (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic and Collegium Budapest Institute for Advanced Study, Hungary):
Global Perspective, Local Negotiations: Memories of Everyday Practices during State Socialism

10.00 Carol Bergami (Université Paris I-Sorbonne Nouvelle, France and Albert-Ludwig Universität, Freiburg, Germany):
A Capital City for Europe. Success and Failures in Promoting Marginal Cities as Seats of European Institutions

10.30 Coffee Break

11.00 Louis Avgita (City University London, UK):
Marketing Difference: the Visual Representations of the Balkan Past in the Context of Globalization

11.30 Helene Egeland (Norway):
Reimagining Local Identity

12.00 Sina Lucia Kottmann (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany and University of Grenada, Spain):
"Moors" on Christian Shores - Spain in touch with Past and Present Excitabilities. Local Identity Management in the Face of Global Occurrences

12.30 Discussion

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Elisabeth Boesen (University of Luxembourg):
Traditionalist Images and Global Constraints. Reflexes of Contradictory Identity Aspects in the Memories of Luxembourgish Farmer Families

14.30 Anna G. Piotrowska (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland):
Between the Local and the Global: the Mediating Nature of the World Music Phenomenon

15.00 Simona Bealcovschi (Institut de la Recherche scientifique, Montréal, Canada)
Internationalizing the Local: Re-structuring Time and Space in Sibiu-Hermanstadt, Romania

15.30 Coffee Break

16.00 Daniel Habit (Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, Institut für Volkskunde / Europäische Ethnologie, Germany):
The Local vs. the Global? European Capital of Cultures, Collective Memories and the Urban Space

16.30 Sara Saleri (University of Bologna, Italy):
The Glocal City? Towards a Common Memory?

17.00 Discussion

17.30 Conclusions


Sonja Kmec

Université du Luxembourg
Unité de Recherche IPSE
L-7201 Walferdange

Tel.: (+352) 466644 6745
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