The European Tributary States of the Ottoman Empire

The European Tributary States of the Ottoman Empire

Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropa an der Universität Leipzig (GWZO) und the Institute for Historical Sciences in Dubrovnik of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts ( HAZU )
Institute for Historical Sciences in Dubrovnik of the Croatian Academy of Sciences
Dubrovnik, Kroatien
Vom - Bis
21.05.2009 - 23.05.2009
Ewa Tomicka-Krumrey

The status as an Ottoman tributary state has until recently been treated mainly in the frames of national historiographies. Croatian, Italian, Hungarian, Romanian and Transylvanian German historians have dedicated numerous studies to the contacts between the Ottoman Empire and the country to which they declared allegiance. These national historiographies uncovered many important details in the history of these states; however, their focus on the single states as closed units tended to cause serious distortions in the interpretative process. Seeing the single case as unique – or applying only a rather coarse definition of the other states being in a “better” or “worse” situation – resulted in misinterpretations of Ottoman attitudes and domestic responses: the nature and causes of the connection.

In recent decades, the most important development of historical scholarship that had its impact on the histories of the Ottoman tributary states was the re-assessment of the history of the Empire itself, with an emphasis on its composite state character, a re-evaluation of its activities and the identification of its inner logic of empire-building. The shift of perspective from “the Ottoman yoke” to the “Pax Ottomanica” – or, rather, an emphasis on the negotiation between the Imperial and the domestic perspectives – resulted in a more nuanced understanding of the history of Ottoman-dominated Europe. Also, a change in the assessment of the Ottoman tributary status took place, with more understanding for the Imperial perspectives. Given the wide geographic area covered and the linguistic variety of the sources, it is clear that only an international network of scholarly exchange would render it possible to create a nuanced understanding of the experience of tributary states that would “give voice” to both imperial and domestic sides, and at the same time be able to take into account general trends and regional differences.This conference is the first one to set the aim of creating this international scholarly network by bringing together acknowledged experts of the various tributary states to discuss the state of the art and further possibilities of research.


21st May
Arrival to Dubrovnik,
20:00 Informal get-together

22nd May
9:15-9:30 Welcome speeches: Slavica STOJAN (Dubrovnik) and Robert BORN (Leipzig)

9:30–11:00 The Legal Status of the Tributary States in the Ottoman Empire I
Chair: Relja SEFEROVIĆ (Dubrovnik)
Viorel PANAITE (Bucureşti): Wallachia and Moldavia under the Ottoman Rule (16th–17th Centuries)

Natalia KRÓLIKOWSKA (Warszawa): Allies or Rivals? The Ottomans Viewed by the Crimean Tatars

Teréz OBORNI (Budapest): Transylvania’s Legal Status between Vienna and Constantinople (1541–1690)

Coffee Break

11:20–12:20 The Legal Status of the Tributary States in the Ottoman Empire II
Chair: Klaus SCHNEIDERHEINZE (Leipzig)

Victor OSTAPCHUK (Toronto): Cossack Ukraine in the Orbit of the Ottomans: An Atypical Northern Black Sea Tributary?

Vesna MIOVIĆ (Dubrovnik): The Republic of Dubrovnik: An Example of Ottoman Pragmatism

Lunch Break

13:00–14:30 Economic Relations between the Ottoman Empire and Its Tributaries
Chair: Ivana BURĐELEZ (Dubrovnik)
Bogdan MURGESCU (Bucureşti): Financial Dimensions of the Ottoman-Wallachian Relations

Stefano D’ATRI (Salerno): Economic Aspects of the Ottoman–Ragusan Relationship in the Early Modern Age

Mária PAKUCS-WILLCOCKS (Bucureşti): Oriental Trade and Oriental Merchants. Economic Relations between the Ottoman Empire and Transylvania in the Sixteenth Century with an Outlook to the Seventeenth Century

15:00–18:00 A Visit to the Dubrovnik State Archives and the Old Town

Evening: Reception

23rd May
9:30–11:00 The Diplomacy of the Tributary States at the Sublime Porte
Chair: Robert BORN (Leipzig)
Radu G. PĂUN (Paris): Enemies Within: Networks of Influence and the Military Revolts against the Ottoman Power (Moldavia and Wallachia, 16th–17th Centuries)

Lovro KUNČEVIĆ (Dubrovnik): Representation of the Tributary Status in the Rhetoric of Ragusan Diplomacy in Istanbul

Gábor KÁRMÁN (Leipzig): The Tributary Status as a Challenge to Diplomacy: The Case of Transylvania

Coffee break

11:20–13:10 Military Cooperation between the Ottoman Empire and Its Tributaries
Chair: Norbert SPANNENBERGER (Leipzig)
Mária IVANICS (Szeged): Militärische Zusammenarbeit des Khanats der Krim mit dem Osmanischen Reich im 16.–17. Jahrhundert

Domagoj MADUNIĆ (Budapest): Between the Uskoks and the Ottomans: The Cost of the Defensive System of a Tributary State – Ragusa, 1590–1620

Nedim ZAHIROVIĆ (Leipzig): Militärische Zusammenarbeit zwischen Siebenbürgen und dem Osmanischen Reich im 17. Jahrhundert

Lunch break

16:30–18:30 The Tributary Status: Discussions around the Concept
Chair: Marko PETRAK (Zagreb)
Ivica PRLENDER (Dubrovnik): Interpretations of Ragusan Tributary Status from the Renaissance to the Present

Dariusz KOŁODZIEJCZYK (Warszawa): What is In and What is Outside? Tributary States in the Ottoman Politics

Markus KOLLER (Gießen): The “Involuntarily Protected” – Comments on the Ottoman Interpretation of the Tribute

Sándor PAPP (Budapest–Szeged): Continuity and Change in the Contacts of the Ottoman Empire and Ist Vassals

18:30–19:30 Roundtable Discussion
Moderated by: Gábor KÁRMÁN (Leipzig), Lovro KUNČEVIĆ (Dubrovnik)
The State of the Art, New Perspectives, Further Chances for Co-operation


Gábor Kármán

GWZO, Luppenstr. 1B, 04177 Leipzig

+49 (0) 341 - 97 35 530
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