Episcopal Elections in Late Antiquity. International Conference

Episcopal Elections in Late Antiquity. International Conference

FWO- V Forschungsprojekt "Bischofsnachfolge in der Spätantike" Theologische Fakultät, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Faculty Club / Convent van Chièvres, Leuven
Leuven, Belgium
Vom - Bis
26.10.2009 - 28.10.2009
Carla Nicolaye

The Faculty of Theology at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven is pleased to announce an international conference on ‘Episcopal Elections in Late Antiquity’, 26-28 October 2009. The conference programme will include fourteen keynote lectures and eleven short paper sessions. Registration, travel and accommodation information is available on the conference website, and further information can be requested from the conference secretary.

Scientific Committee
Pauline Allen (ACU Brisbane), Jean-Marie Auwers (Louvain-la-neuve), Boudewijn Dehandschutter (Leuven), David Engels (Bruxelles), Hans Hauben (Leuven), Mathijs Lamberigts (Leuven), Johan Leemans (Leuven), Hartmut Leppin (Frankfurt), Peter Van Nuffelen (Exeter), Andrea Schmidt (Louvain-la-neuve), Stefan Schorn (Leuven), Ewa Wipszycka (Warsaw)

Organising Committee
Boudewijn Dehandschutter (Leuven), Shawn Keough (Leuven), Johan Leemans (Leuven), Carla Nicolaye (Leuven-Aachen), Peter Van Nuffelen (Exeter)

URL: http://theo.kuleuven.be/page/esla
Secretary: shawn.keough@theo.kuleuven.be

It is well known that episcopal elections in the later Roman Empire were often a complicated and complicating event, as the controversy (and even violence) attendant upon the elections and successions of many bishops indicates. This conference will approach the phenomenon of episcopal elections and succession from the broadest possible perspective, examining the varied combination of factors, personalities, rules and habits that played a role in the process that eventually resulted in one specific candidate becoming the new bishop, and not another. The many diverse and even conflicting aspects of this phenomenon will be addressed: the influence of doctrinal conflicts, the relationship between Church and State, patronage, local habits and regional differences, chronological developments, ethnic identity. Also relevant is the development of images of the ideal bishop, especially the manner in which such idealized representations shaped the outcome of contested elections and affected the character and exercise of episcopal authority in late antique society.

All those interested in conference registration and other information are encouraged to contact the conference secretary, Dr. Shawn Keough [shawn.keough@theo.kuleuven.be].



Pauline Allen (ACU, Brisbane)
Episcopal Succession in Post-Chalcedonian Syria (451-600)

Timothy Barnes (Toronto/Edinburgh)
The Election of Ambrose of Milan

George Bevan (Queen’s, Kingston)
Theodoret of Cyrrhus and Syrian Episcopal Elections

Philippe Blaudeau (Angers)
L’élection d’archevêques diphysites au trône alexandrin (451-482): une désignation artificielle et contrainte?

Peter Bruns (Bamberg)
Bischofswahl und -ernennung im Synodicon Orientale

Bruno Dumézil (Paris X)
La royauté mérovingienne et les élections épiscopales au VIe siècle

Geoffrey Dunn (ACU, Brisbane)
Canonical Legislation on the Ordination of Bishops: Innocent I’s Letter to Victricius of Rouen

Rudolf Haensch (DAI, München)
Christlicher Euergetismus ob honorem? Die Einsetzung von Klerikern in ihre Ämter und die von diesen vorangetriebenen Bauprojekte

David G. Hunter (Kentucky)
Asceticism and Episcopal Elections in the Latin West: From Siricius to Leo I

Hartmut Leppin (Frankfurt)
Bischofswechsel in Konstantinopel unter Justinian

Veit Rosenberger (Erfurt)
Severinus of Noricum: The Saint and the Bishop

Raymond Van Dam (Michigan)
Late Antique Episcopal Elections: A Demographic Approach

Eckhard Wirbelauer (Strasbourg)
Les élections épiscopales à Rome du IVe - VIe siècles. Élire: choisir ou confirmer le candidat choisi?

Ewa Wipszycka (Warsaw)
La succession épiscopale dans l’Égypte des VIe-VIIe siècles

Roberto Alciati (Turin)
Strategies for Episcopal Successions in Late Antique Gaul (4th-6th Centuries)

Frédéric Alpi (CNRS, Ifpo/Beyrouth)
Episcopal elections in the East under Severus of Antioch (512-518)

Daniel Alt (Bamberg)
„Nein, ich will“! – oder haben Heilige eine Wahl ? Ein Ausblick auf frühmittelalterliche Bischofserhebungen in den Viten heiliger Bischöfe

Thomas Böhm (Freiburg)
Die Beteiligung der Gemeinde an der Bischofswahl

Renate Dekker (Leiden)
Bishop Pesunthios of Coptos (Egypt): “He did not pursue the honour, but the honour pursued him”

Federico Fatti (Perugia)
An Ordinary Bishop. Eusebius of Caesarea in Cappadocia

Matthew Gaumer (Leuven)
The Election of Primian of Carthage: The Beginning of the End of Donatist Christianity?

Chris Hanlon (ACU, Brisbane)
The Case of Salona

Oliver Hihn (Gießen)
The Election and the Deposition of Meletius of Antioch: The Fall of an Integrative Bishop?

Christian Hornung (Bonn)
Kontinuität und Wandel: Zur Bischofsnachfolge des Siricius von Rom

Ovidiu Ioan (Sibiu)
The Profile of the Ideal Bishop in the Letters of the East-Syrian Catholicos Īšō‛yahb III (649-659)

Juan Antonio Jiménez Sánchez (Barcelona)
Le recours aux professionels de l’amphitheatre dans certaines luttes pour l’élection episcopale

Shawn Keough (Leuven)
Alexandrian Episcopal Succession in the Breviarium causae Nestorianorum et Eutychianorum by Liberatus of Carthage

Taras Khomych (Leuven)
'Chosen by God to exercise ministry' (Vita Polycarpi 10): Polycarp's Episcopal Election in Light of his Martyrdom

Young Richard Kim (Calvin College)
Epiphanius of Cyprus vs. John of Jerusalem: An Improper Ordination and the Escalation of the Origenist Controversy

Avshalom Laniado (Tel Aviv)
Les notables laics et les élections épiscopales dans le monde byzantin

Susan Loftus (Macquarie)
Examination of Episcopal Elections: the Normative View of the Concilia Galliae versus the Narrative Accounts

Aram Mardirossian (Paris X)
Les élections épiscopales dans l'Eglise arménienne du IVe au VIIIe siècle

Jaclyn Maxwell (Ohio)
Education, Lack of Ambition and Ideal Bishops in Late Antiquity

David McOmish (Glasgow)
The Manipulation of Tradition: The Past as a Tool for Political and Religious Victory During the Laurentian Controversy

Dragos Mirsanu (Leuven)
The Episcopal Election of Ulfila of Gothia

Carla Nicolaye (Leuven – Aachen)
Episcopal Election in North Africa under Vandal Reign

Ari Ojell (Helsinki)
The Pauls and the Timothies of Their Own Time: Basil as an Ideal Bishop According to Gregory, the Bishop of Nyssa

Michael Proulx (North Georgia College & State University)
For the Record: Revealing “Public Secrets” and Influencing the Electorate in Early Episcopal Hagiography

Claudia Rammelt (München)
Ibas als Bischof von Edessa. Stimmungswechsel oder administrative Verfügung?

Josef Rist (Bochum)
Zum Beispiel Proklos von Konstantinopel. Über Chancen und Grenzen des spätantiken Bischofsamtes

Marianne Sághy (CEU Budapest)
Episcopal Election and Martyr Cult in Fourth-Century Rome

Oleh Shchuryck (Leuven)
The Election of Catholicos Sahak I and his Position as the Head of the Armenian Church in the Break of the 4th and 5th Centuries

Andreas Thier (Zurich)
Procedure, Hierarchy, and Autonomy: Models of Episcopal Election in Late Antique Conciliar and Papal Law

Dana Iuliana Viezure (Toronto)
The Election of Paul the Jew (519) in light of the Theopaschite Controversy

J.A. van Waarden (Amsterdam)
Episcopal Self-Fashioning: Sidonius Apollinaris and the Episcopal Elections in Bourges AD 470

Robert Wisniewski (Warsaw)
And the Lot Fell to Matthias… And to Nobody Else?

Jamie Wood (Sheffield)
Selecting and Rejecting Bishops in Late Antique Spain


Carla Nicolaye

Sint-Michielsstraat 6 Bus 3102 - B - 3000 Leuven


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