‘Creating a Transnational Rhine Economy, 1850-2000’
Kick-off meeting of a Transnational Rhine Network,
12-14 November 2009, World Museum Rotterdam
19.30 opening
20.00 key note speech: Patricia Clavin (Jesus College Oxford): Routes through Transnational History
9.00-9.30 Hein Klemann and Ben Wubs: Creating a Transnational Rhine Network: Aims and Perspectives
9.30-11.00 First Session: Geographical Perspectives
Theo Notteboom (University of Antwerp): A tale of maritime gateways and barge connectivity: container barge transport on the Rhine between 1968 and 2009
Hugo van Driel and Ferry de Goey (Erasmus University Rotterdam): The Port of Rotterdam and the German Hinterland
Discussant: Mila Davids (TU Eindhoven)
11.30-13.00 Second Session: Macro-economic Perspectives
Hein Klemann (Erasmus University Rotterdam): The Nation, Nationalism and of Modern Macro economics.
Niko Wolf (Warwick): Was Germany Ever United? Evidence from intra- and international trade flows, 1885-1933.
Michel Hau (University of Strasbourg): The Rhine and the Economic Development of Strasbourg, XIXth-XXth Centuries.
Discussant: Jan Otmar Hesse (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
14.00-14.30 Key Note Speech:
Johan Schot (TU Eindhoven)
Transnational Infra structures and the rise of modern Europe
14.30-16.00 Third Session: Institutional Perspectives
Jeffrey Fear (University Redlands): Cartels: Transnational, International, or National?
Harm Schröter (University of Bergen): International Cartels and the Sovereignty of Rhine border States, 1919-1939
Ben Wubs (Erasmus University Rotterdam): The expansion of Dutch multinationals in Germany during the inter-war period, AKU, Shell, Unilever and Philips
Discussant: John Groenewegen (TU Delft)
16.30-17.30 Guided Tour World Museum
9.00-10.30 Fourth Session: Business History Perspectives
Ralf Banken and Werner Plumpe (University Frankfurt): The Rhine as a structuring element of business development in Western Europe
Dieter Ziegler (University Bochum) and Thomas Jovovic (Deutsches Bergbaumuseum Bochum) : The organisation of the Ruhr coal trade in the early twentieth century
Monica Dommann (University of Zürich): Logistics and the Rhine
Discussant: Christian Kleinschmidt (University of Marburg)
11.00-12.30 Fifth Session: Technological Perspectives
Hans Buiter (TU Eindhoven) and Andreas Kunz (Institute of European History): Waterways and Railways
Vincent Lagendijk (TU Eindhoven) Constructing Electricity Networks in Europe
Uwe Lübken (Rachel Carson Center, LMU Munich): Risk Societies? Flooding and the Industrialisation of the Rhine and Ohio River Valleys
Discussant: Alfred Reckendrees (Copenhagen Business School)
12.30-13.00 Werner Plumpe and Ralf Banken: Preliminary Conclusions and Perspectives for further Research. What is Next?
Discussion with audience
14.00 End of Conference.