Heuristics of Physics

Heuristics of Physics

FV Geschichte der Physik; AG Philosophie der Physik, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft eV (DPG)
Bad Honnef
Bad Honnef
Vom - Bis
08.03.2010 - 15.12.2010
Prof. Dr. Klaus Hentschel

Call for papers for a workshop on HEURISTICS IN PHYSICS
in Dec. 2010 in the Physics-Center, Bad Honnef near Bonn, Germany

From Dec. 10-12, 2010, the Section for History of Physics and the Working Group of Philosophy of Physics in the German Physical Society (DPG) are organizing an international workshop on heuristics in physics. Herewith we invite submissions of abstracts of minimum 1-page length for 30-min. talks to be presented during this workshop (in English only).

Historical case studies of the use of specific heuristics in the history
of physics from all periods, diachronic or synchronic comparisons, and
more general philosophical analyses or classifications of heuristics in
the physical sciences are equally welcome.

Invited plenary speakers include:
- Prof. Olivier Darrigol (CNRS, Paris) on heuristics of early quantum theorists,
- Prof. Nancy Nersessian (Georgia Tech) on heuristics in Maxwellian electrodynamics,
- Prof. John Norton (Pittsburgh) on heuristics in Einstein's special theory of relativity.

The workshop will take place in the Physik-Zentrum Bad Honnef, http://www.pbh.de/index.shtml
an impressive 19th-century mansion located on the banks of the Rhine and not far from the Drachenfels, one of the most picturesque rocks in the lovely Rhine valley. Conference fee will be EUR 120,- (whole conference) plus EUR 25,- per night for bed & breakfast for a limited number of registered participants - room reservations will be done on a first come-first serve-basis.

Please send all abstracts per e-mail to BOTH of the following two
organizers of the workshop before June 15, 2010:

Prof. Dr. Klaus Hentschel (Head of the Section for History of Science and Technology, Univ. Stuttgart and substitute head of the section for history of physics in the DPG): klaus.hentschel@po.hi.uni-stuttgart.de AND
Prof. Dr.Dr. Brigitte Falkenburg (Philosophy Department, TU Dortmund, and
speaker of the working group for philosophy of physics in the DPG):

The organizers will notify all submitters whether their offer for a talk
has been accepted before July 15th, 2010.

Thanks for your interest and for broadly disseminating this call for
papers to students and colleagues. Apologies for cross-posting!


to be determined; see above for the three plenary speakers


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