Lecture by Moshe Rosman "Reconstructing the Early Modern Jewish Library of Aschkenas/Poland"

Lecture by Moshe Rosman "Reconstructing the Early Modern Jewish Library of Aschkenas/Poland"

Emmy Noether-Forschungsgruppe "Wege der Rechtsfindung in ethnisch-religiös gemischten Gesellschaften. Erfahrungsressourcen in Polen-Litauen und seinen Nachfolgestaaten", Institut für Slavistik, Universität Leipzig und Polnisches Institut Berlin - Filiale Leipzig
Polnisches Institut Berlin - Filiale Leipzig, Markt 10, 04109 Leipzig
Vom - Bis
08.07.2010 - 08.07.2010
Kleinmann, Yvonne

Die Emmy Noether-Forschungsgruppe „Wege der Rechtsfindung in ethnisch-religiös gemischten Gesellschaften“ (Institut für Slavistik der Universität Leipzig)

und das Polnische Institut Berlin – Filiale Leipzig laden ein zu einem Gastvortrag von

Prof. Dr. Moshe Rosman
(Bar Ilan University / Israel)

am Donnerstag, den 8. Juli 2010, um 17 Uhr c.t.
Vortragsraum des Polnischen Instituts, Markt 10, 04109 Leipzig
mit anschließendem Empfang

"Reconstructing the Early Modern Jewish Library of Aschkenas/Poland"

In 1572 David Darshan of Krakow owned some 400 books which he offered to serve as the basis of a Jewish communal library. How can we attempt a reconstruction of the contents of this proposed library? What can it tell us about early modern Jewish culture in Aschkenas/Poland?

Moshe Rosman, professor in the Department of Jewish History of Bar Ilan University in Israel, was born in Chicago. He has been a Fulbright scholar and a visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Yale and other universities. His research interests include the history of the Jews in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the history of Hasidism, gender history in the early modern period and historiography. Rosman’s books include The Lords' Jews: Jews and Magnates in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1990), Founder of Hasidism: A Quest for the Historical Ba’al Shem Tov (1996), and How Jewish Is Jewish History? (2007). His latest research projects are a history of Jewish women in Poland and a study of the social functions of the Jewish book in early modern Poland.



Yvonne Kleinmann

Institut für Slavistik, Universität Leipzig
Beethovenstr. 15, 04107 Leipzig


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