East meets West: a gendered view of legal tradition

East meets West: a gendered view of legal tradition

International Research Network "Gender Difference in the History of European Legal Cultures"
Central European University
Budapest, Hungary
Vom - Bis
10.03.2011 - 12.03.2011
Jacobsen, Grethe

The international research network "Gender Difference in the History of European Legal Cultures" announces its 6th conference, taking place March 10th to 12th, 2011, in Budapest.

The network has its roots in the current flowering, often gendered, research in European legal history, found in several European countries. The organizers of the conference have been especially committed to bring together young scholars and established scholars from all areas of Europe in the hope that it will inspire them to include a gendered perspective in their research and also situating their work in a broad European context.

The search for common traits across chronological and geographical borders will also reveal which local features are unique and therefore of general interest. As can be seen from the places where the previous conferences (Frankfurt a.M., Trento, Copenhagen, Crete) have been held, the network has moved across Europe and away from Western Europe, which traditionally has been the focus for much legal history.

The papers from the conferences have covered topics in European legal history ranging in time form the Early Middle Ages to the 20th century, and geographically from Iceland to Turkey. A few papers have dealt with Baltic and Eastern European legal history. However, much more awareness of this research is needed.


Thursday March 10th:

Welcome by the CEU, Heide Wunder and Grethe Jacobsen

Keynote by Hanne Petersen: Multiple masculinities, legal tradition and contemporary conditions

11:00-11:30 Coffee/Tea

Law and gender 20th century
Eva Schandevyl: Women’s Access to Law Courts in Belgium in the Twentieth Century: Gendered Work Roles under Discussion
Barbara Havelkova: European Gender Equality under and after State Socialism: Legal Treatment of Prostitution in the Czech Republic

13:00-14:00 Lunch

Panel Organized by Andrea Peto
Andrea Peto and Ildiko Bama: Transitional justice and gender. International perspectives and considerations

15:30-16:00 Coffee/Tea

Wolfgang Form, Susanne Raidt and Michael Hamilton: Transitional justice and gender. International perspectives and considerations; Comments

Friday March 11th:

Keynote by Anna Loutfi: The Struggle for Gender Order in Nineteenth-Century Europe

Transition: 18th - 19th Century
Stefania Licini: Family law, property rights and women’s economic activity

10:45-11:15 Coffee/Tea

Ellinor Forster: „The West“ transformed the norms of „the East“ – or vice versa?
Evdoxios Doxiadis: The transformation of women’s property and work rights with the establishment of the modern Greek state in the early 19th century

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch

Transition: 4th-5th Century; The Middle Ages
Cristian Gaspar: Sacrosanctum ... hospitium virilis animae: Reasserting Masculinity in Late Roman Imperial Legislation
Tomislav Popic: Who owns the dowry? Tracing one Dubrovnik-Zadar story from the late 14th century

15:30-16:00 Coffee/Tea

Marija Karbić: The Role of Women in the Economic Life of Medieval Slavonian Towns as Reflected in Urban Legislation and Everyday Life
Etleva Lala: Women’s Status in Albanian Medieval Laws

Saturday March 12th

The Early Modern period
Dave De ruysscher: The legal capacity of married women to contract in the Early Modern Period: new approaches
Jurgita Kunsmanaité: Gender, Community and Law - property rights and economic influence

10.30-11:00 Coffee/Tea

Projects - comparisons
Dorothee Rippmann: Marriage and marriage contracts in the 15th and 16th centuries
Anna Bellavitis: Gender and apprenticeship in Early modern Western Europe (especially France and Italy )

12:30-13:30 Lunch

Elke Kamm: “My virginity is my honour”: Women and honour in Tetritskaro, Georgia

Keynote Tentative by Merry Wiesner-Hanks: A Global perspective

Next conference: Margareth Lanzinger and Ellinor Forster

Closing: Heide Wunder and Grethe Jacobsen


For more information please contact:
Dr. Grethe Jacobsen
The Royal Library
Copenhagen, Denmark

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