InterFace 2011: Third International Symposium for Humanities and Technology

InterFace 2011: Third International Symposium for Humanities and Technology

InterFace 2011 Committee
University College London
London, UK
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
27.07.2011 - 29.07.2011
Alberto Campagnolo

InterFace is a symposium for humanities and technology. In 2011 it is being jointly hosted by colleges across London and will be an invaluable opportunity for participants to visit this active hub of digital scholarship and practice.

The symposium aims to foster collaboration and shared understanding between scholars in the humanities and in computer science, especially where their efforts converge on exchange of subject matter and method. With a focus on the interests and concerns of Ph.D students and early career researchers, the programme will include networking activities, opportunities for research exposition, and various training and workshop activities.

A core component of the programme will be a lightning talks session in which each participant will make a two-minute presentation on their research. The session will be lively and dynamic. Each presentation must be exactly two minutes long, making use of necessary, interesting, appropriate, or entertaining visual or sound aids, and condensing a whole Ph.D’s worth of ideas and work into this short slot.

Participants will be able to join workshops in:

- network analysis;
- bibliographic software;
- data visualisation;
- linked data.

There will be talks on:

- user studies and social research;
- discourse analysis in science and technology;
- how to get your work published;
- how to apply for research funding.

There will also be two keynote talks given by speakers whose work marks the leading edge of technology in scholarship and practice. The speakers will be:

- Steven Scrivener (University of Arts London): Design research and creative production

- Melissa Terras (UCL): Digitisation of cultural heritage and image processing

Finally, the symposium will conclude with an unconference; a participatory, collaborative, and informal event in which the form and content is decided on by participants as it unfolds and in which discussion and production is emphasised over presentation and analysis.

Participants may wish to share their own skills, learn a new skill, establish and develop a collaborative project, or hold a focused discussion.

We are now seeking applications for participation in InterFace. Applications are encouraged from Ph.D students and early career researchers in all humanities and computing disciplines. The key component of your application will be a 150-word abstract for your proposed lightening talk.

You can submit your application here:

The deadline for applications is Friday 25 February 2011.

The committee will select participants from among the applications received and successful applicants will be informed on Monday 4 April 2011. If your application is accepted, you will then be invited to register. A participation fee will be charged to cover costs of lunches, refreshments, venue, and speakers. This fee will be £35.

Key Dates:

- Friday 25 February: Deadline for applications
- Friday 1 April: Notification of successful applications
- Monday 18 April: Deadline for registration for successful applicants
- Wednesday 27 July: InterFace 2011 begins

We look forward to receiving your application.

The InterFace 2011 Committee



InterFace 2011 Committee
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