Prof. Dr. Oliver Janz
Donnerstag, 14. April 2011, Deutsches Historisches Institut, 14.00-19.30
14.00 Michael Matheus (Rom): Benvenuto
14.10 Oliver Janz (Rom): Introduzione
14.30 Michael Broers (Oxford): Italy in the Napoleonic Empire
15.20 David Laven (Manchester): Foreign Rule? The Lombardo-Veneto as part of the Habsburg-Empire
16.10 Kaffeepause
16.40 Ferdinand N. Göhde (Florenz): Tedeschi nei conflitti armati del Risorgimento
17.30 Simon Sarlin (Rom): L’Antirisorgimento come esperienza europea
18.20 Lucy Riall (London): Garibaldi, a transnational story
Freitag, 15. April 2011, British School at Rome, 9.30-13.30
9.30 Christopher Smith (Rom): Welcome
9.40 Marco Meriggi (Neapel): Nord e Sud in prospettiva transnazionale
10.30 Manuel Borutta (Bochum): European Orientalism, Italian Nationalism and Catholic Globalization: The Roman Question Revisited
11.20 Kaffeepause
11.40 Silvana Patriarca (New York): National and International Perceptions of Italy in the Risorgimento
12.30 Carlotta Sorba (Padua): Tra cosmopolitismo e nazione: L’opera italiana nel Risorgimento
13.20 Paul Ginsborg (Florenz): Comments and Conclusions