History of Schooling: Politics and Local Practice

History of Schooling: Politics and Local Practice

Carla Aubry Kradolfer (University of Zurich) Johannes Westberg (University of Uppsala)
Room 11:129, kv. Blasenhus, University of Uppsala
Vom - Bis
08.06.2011 - 10.06.2011
Carla Aubry Kradolfer

In historical research, studies of education policy and local practice are often investigated in relative isolation from one another. There is a divide between researchers with focus on local studies and those which concentrate on the ‘bigger picture’. Projects tend to deal either with public policy and discourse, or with local practices and cultures.

To integrate illuminating details and wider contextual relations inevitably means that theoretical clarity will sometimes be partially obscured by empirical messiness, while what appear to be significant details in particular institutional and national contexts may get lost in the attempt to make broader generalizations.

The conference will focus on these different levels of historical research. In order to get fresh input (regarding theoretical standpoints, source materials, research literature etc.) the participants will present and discuss their phd- and postdoc projects on subjects such as language education, educational administration, student magazines and elementary school funding.


Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

Lunch (at restaurant Feiroz, Blasenhus)

Opening Remarks by Carla Aubry & Johannes Westberg

13.30-15.00 Sessions: School Culture
Sara Backman Prytz (Uppsala): ‘Gender and Class in Swedish Student-Magazines, 1850-1900’
Achim Scholz & Markus Gippert (Wuppertal): ‘West German School Magazines – Features of Particular School and Youth Cultures in the 1950s and 1960s’


15.30-17.00 Sessions: School Finance
Esbjörn Larsson (Uppsala): ‘The Economy of the Monitorial System, 1820-1870’
Ingrid Brühwiler (Luxembourg): ‘The Capital Providers and the Schoolmasters’ Election’

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

10.00-11.30 Sessions: Textbooks & Journals
Stefan Rimm (Örebro): ‘Textbook supply in 18th Century Sweden: Some Examples’
Peter Voss (Luxembourg): ‘The Role of Journalism in 19th Century Luxembourg School Politics: The Luxemburger Schulbote’

Lunch (at restaurant Feiroz, Blasenhus)

13.00-14.30 Sessions: Economics of Education
Carla Aubry (Zurich) & Johannes Westberg (Uppsala): ‘Economics of Education – some theoretical and methodical remarks’
Samuel Edquist (Södertörn): ‘The Financing of Adult Education 1872-1991’


15.00-16.30 Sessions: Private Education
Peter Bernhardsson (Uppsala): ‘Private Teachers and Language Education, 1800-1850’
Madeleine Michaelsson (Uppsala): ‘Common Schools at Mills and Ironworks, 1850-1900’

Friday, June 10th, 2011

09.00-10.30 Sessions: Public School Reform I
Philipp Eigenmann (Zurich): ‘Reorganizing Public Schools? Local School Reform Practices in Zurich, 1995-2000’
Hakan Forsberg (Uppsala): ‘Strategies among Public Schools in the Market of Education – from the Municipality Point of View in Stockholm, 1990-2010’


11.00-11.45 Sessions: Public School Reform II
Thomas Lenz & Anne Rohstock (Luxembourg): ‚How Schools Change School Reforms. International Reform Agendas and their Local Perceptions in Luxembourg 1945-2010’

Lunch (at restaurant Feiroz, Blasenhus)

13.00-14.30 Sessions: Rural Education
Claudia Gerdenitsch (Graz): ‘Teacher’s Discours on Rural Schools in Austria 1868-1925’
Sune Jon Hansen (Copenhagen): ‘Educating the Countryside: On the Divergence between Local Practices and the Logic of the State Apparatus in late 18th Century Denmark’

Coffee & Summary


Carla Aubry

Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Freiestr. 36, 8032 Zürich

0041 (0) 44 634 27 23

