New Research on German and Central European Zionism

New Research on German and Central European Zionism

The Center for Austrian and German Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Beer-Sheva / Sde Boker
Vom - Bis
31.05.2011 - 02.06.2011
Stefan Vogt

International Workshop for Doctoral Students and Postdoctoral Scholars

In recent years, a number of scholars of the younger generation have embarked on new research on the history of German and Central European Zionism. They brought new attention to a field that for a long time was on the margins of both German-Jewish historiography and the historiography of Zionism. This new work is characterized by modern methodological approaches, especially those of cultural and intellectual history, and by the emphasis on integrating Zionism into the German and Central European intellectual traditions. The task of this workshop is to discuss the results of this new research and the perspectives it offers for future work on the history of Zionism and German-Jewish history.

The workshop is organized in cooperation with the Abrahams-Curiel Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), the Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), the Centre for German-Jewish Studies (University of Sussex), the Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem, the Martin Buber Chair for Jewish Thought and Philosophy (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main) and the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). It is supported by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.


Tuesday, May 31, Marcus Family Campus Beer-Sheva

Building 26, Olam Oren, Conference Room A

16:00-16:30 Greetings

Mark H. Gelber, Director of the Center for Austrian and German Studies, Ben-Gurion University

David Newman, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ben-Gurion University

Stefan Vogt, Convener, Ben-Gurion University

16:30-17:30 Keynote Lecture

Francis Nicosia (University of Vermont)
German Zionism at the Crossroads: 1933

17:30-18:00 Coffee Break

18:00-20:00 Session 1

Chair: Shulamit Volkov (Tel Aviv University)

Yotam Hotam (University of Haifa)
Reflections on the Zionist Political Imagination in a Post-Secular Age

Zohar Maor (Bar Ilan University)
German Zionism beyond Bildung and Liberalism

Comment: Moshe Zimmermann (Hebrew University)

Building 26, Kreitman Common Room

20:00 Reception

Wednesday, June 1, Marcus Family Campus Beer-Sheva

Building 71 (Milada and Samuel Ayrton Administration Building), Room -136

8:30-9:00 Coffee

9:00-11:00 Session 2

Chair: Mark H. Gelber (Ben-Gurion University)

Manja Herrmann (Universität Erfurt)
Zionist Identity Models

Ivonne Meybohm (Freie Universität Berlin)
Zionism and Social Democracy 1897-1914

Comment: Avi Bareli (Ben-Gurion University)

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-12:30 Session 3

Chair: Anja Siegemund (Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem)

Helen Przibilla (Universität München)
The German Book of Jiskor

Comment: Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin (Ben-Gurion University)

12:30-13:30 Lunch Break

13:30-15:30 Session 4

Chair: Christian Wiese (Universität Frankfurt a. M./University of Sussex)

Amir Engel (Stanford University)
Gershom Scholem’s Zionism and his Study of Sabbatai Sevi

Noam Zadoff (Universität München/Hebrew University)
In the Eye of the Storm: Gershom Scholem’s Zionism and the Holocaust

Comment: Steven Aschheim (Hebrew University)

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-18:00 Session 5

Chair: Michael Elm (Ben-Gurion University)

Michael Enderlein (Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung)
The Limitations of the Civic Ideal: Hans Kohn’s Concept of Nationalism

Romy Langeheine (Universität Frankfurt a. M.)
Hans Kohn’s Importance for the Zionist Movement

Comment: Mark H. Gelber (Ben-Gurion University)

Thursday, June 2, Campus Sde Boker

Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism

8:45-9:15 Coffee

9:15-10:15 Session 6

Chair: Nahum Karlinsky (Ben-Gurion University)

Malgorzata Maksymiak (Universität Trier)
Female Responses to Zionism 1920-1948: The Case of Gerda Luft and Gabriele Tergit

Comment: Gilat Gofer (Ben-Gurion University)

10:15-10:45 Coffee Break

10:45-12:45 Session 7

Chair: Paula Kabalo (Ben-Gurion University)

Stefan Vogt (Ben-Gurion University)
Between Colonialism and Colonization: Zionism and “Weltpolitik” in Imperial Germany

Hanan Harif (Hebrew University)
Zionism in Transnational Context: The Case of Pan-Asianism

Comment: Christian Wiese (Universität Frankfurt a. M. / University of Sussex)

12:45-13:30 Francis Nicosia (University of Vermont) and Mark H. Gelber (Ben-Gurion University)
Conference Wrap-Up

13:30-14:30 Lunch

14:30-16:00 Short Tour to the Ben-Gurion Archives and Ben-Gurion’s gravesite


Stefan Vogt

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Center for German Studies, P.O.Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel

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