Monday, 5 September 2011
9:00 Welcome Addresses
Grudrun Gersmann (Director of the GHIP), Franz Mauelshagen, Grégory Quenet, and Christian Pfister (Conference Organizers)
9:30 SESSION 1 – The State of the Art of Historical Climatology
Short Presentations (15 min. per presentation)
9:30 Climate Reconstruction in Historical Climatology (Rudolf Brázdil et al.)
9:45 Historical Climate Impact Research: Methologies, Examples, and Future Chal-lenges (Christian Pfister et al.)
10:00 Cultural Representations and History of Knowledge about Climate (Franz Mauelshagen et al.)
10:15 Discussion
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 First Keynote Lecture
Facing the Current Challenge of Climate Change: What Historians can Contribute (Martin Parry)
12:30 Lunch at the GHIP
14:00 SESSION 2: New Research
14:00 Assessing the Medieval Climate Anomaly in the Middle East: The Potential of Arabic Documentary Sources (Steffen Vogt et al.)
14:30 Climate, Disease and Society in the 14th Century (Bruce Campbell)
15:00 Cold, Rain and Famine: Three Crises in the Burgundian Low Countries During the Fifteenth Century (Chantal Camenisch)
15:30 The Animal Crisis: The Commencement of the Little Ice Age, Fodder Scarcity and the Great Cattle Pestilence in Northern Europe in the Early Fourteenth Century (Philip Slavin)
16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 Spatio-Temporal Change of Climate Induced Regional Vulnerability and Resil-ience in Central Europe since AD 1000 (Rüdiger Glaser et al.)
17:00 City Fires as Natural Hazards? Climate Anomalies and Fire Impact Severity (Eleonora Rohland et al.)
17:30 The « Year Without a Summer » 1816 and the Social Vulnerability of Switzer-land (Daniel Krämer)
18:00 Coffee Break
18:30 Public Lecture
L’historien face à l’histoire du clima (Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie)
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
9:00 SESSSION 3 – Fresh Ideas in Historical Climatology
9:00 Historical Perspectives and Developments on the Reconstruction, Reanalysis and Societal Impacts of Tropical Cyclones: A Review (Cary Mock)
9:30 Transational Flood Risk History of the Upper-Rhine Valley (Brice Martin et al.)
10:00 Tanks, Dishpans, and Reality: On Experimenting the Atmospheric Circulation (Isabell Schrickel)
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 SESSION 4 – Historical Climatology and the Historical Discipline
11:00 Historical Climatology and Environmental History (Ranjan Chakrabarti, John R. McNeill)
11:30 Climate History and Historical Epochs (Christian Rohr et al.)
12:00 Historical Climatology of the Anthropocene: The Need for a Climate History of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Franz Mauelshagen, Steven Engler)
12:30 Lunch at the GHIP
14:00 Second Keynote Lecture
The Meaning of the Anthropocene to Human History (Dipesh Chakrabarty)
15:00 SESSION 5 – Global Warming and the Future of Climatology
15:00 The Future of Climate Research in the Natural Sciences (Ricarda Winkelmann)
15:30 The Future of Climate Research in the Social Sciences (Claus Leggewie, Bernd Sommer, François Gemenne)
16:00 Discussion
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 Final Roundtable Discussion: The Future of Historical Climatology