The Representation of the Flight and Expulsion of Germans in Contemporary German Culture

The Representation of the Flight and Expulsion of Germans in Contemporary German Culture

Bill Niven, Nottingham Trent University
Nottingham Conference Centre, Trent University, Nottingham NG1 4BU, England
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
20.10.2011 - 21.10.2011
Bill Niven

“The Representation of the Flight and Expulsion of Germans in Contemporary German Culture” is an international conference designed to explore the way the flight and expulsion of Germans from eastern Europe is represented in contemporary German culture (e.g. literature, film, memorials, exhibitions).


Provisional Programme:

20th October

10.00-10.45: Arrival

10:45-11.00: Welcome (Bill Niven)

11.00-12.00: Keynote Lecture : K. Erik Franzen (Munich), Germany’s Story of Flight, Expulsion, Integration after 1989: Back to the Future?

12.00-12.30: Lunch

12.30-14.30: Session 1: Museums

Cornelia Eisler (Oldenburg) From ‘Unforgotten Heimat’ to ‘Flight and Expulsion’ – Representations of Refugees and Expellees in Germany’s Regional Museums

Arddun Hedydd Arwyn (Aberystwyth), East and West Prussian Heimat Museums in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1950-2010

Tim Voelkering (Berlin), Die Themen „Flucht, Vertreibung und Integration“ in historischen Wander- und Sonderausstellungen

14.30-14.45: Tea and Coffee

14.45-16.45: Session II: Literature

Michael Ennis (Cincinatti), Toward a Critical Empathy: The Literary History of the ‘Wilhelm Gustloff’

Charlton Payne (Erfurt), Fictions of the Autobiographical in Contemporary German Literature of ‘Flucht und Vertreibung’

Carola Hähnel-Mesnard (Lille), Flucht und Vertreibung im Werk zeitgenössischer ostdeutscher Autoren zwischen Opferdiskurs und Distanzierung

16.45-18:45: Session III: Film

Christian Haase (Nottingham), ‘Riding West’: Marion Gräfin Dönhoff, ‘Die Flucht’ and the Memorialisation of the Expulsion of the East Prussian Aristocracy

Andrew Wormald (Sheffield), ‘Die Flucht’ (2007): Vergangenheitsbewältigung or ‘Vertriebenen-Melodram’?

Kirsten Moeller (Berlin), ‘Unkenrufe’ or Flight and Expulsion as a topic of German-Polish Understanding

19:30 Dinner

21st October

9.00-11.00: Session IV: Memorials

Stephan Scholz (Oldenburg), Öffentliches Gedenken an Flucht und Vertreibung. Vertriebenendenkmäler in der Berliner Republik

Jen Grogan (Nottingham), Passive Victim or Active agent? The Female Form in Four Monuments to Expelled ‘ethnic Germans’, 1952-2001

Jeffrey Luppes (Michigan), Commemorating the lost Heimat: Germans as Kulturträger on the Monuments of the Danube Swabians

11.00-11.15: Tea and Coffee

11.15-14.00: Session V: Case Study: Romania

Ioana Duta (Timisoara), ‘Everything I own I carry with me’: Flight and Expulsion in the Collective Imaginary

James Koranyi (St. Andrews), ‘The only Ethnic Victims in Romania’: Ethnic Germans and the Legacy of Deportations

Smaranda Vultur (Timisoara), Heimat – Lieux de mémoire and Identity in the German Refugees from the Banat in 1944 – 1945

Brigid Haines (Swansea), Return from the Archipelago: Herta Müller's ‘Atemschaukel’ as Soft Memory

14.00-14.30: Lunch

14.30-16.00: Session VI: Legacies

Ingo Eser (Cologne), A ‘Century of Expulsions’ and ‘Ethnic Cleansing’? The German Debate on the Historical Place of ‘Flight and Expulsion’

Inge Weber-Newth (London), The Burden of the Past: Psychological Impact of Flight and Expulsion as a Socio-cultural Phenomenon

16:00 Conference closes


Bill Niven

History and Heritage, Clifton Campus, NTU, Nottingham, England

0115 848 3232
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