"Other fronts, other wars?" 6th Biennial Conference of the International Society for First World War Studies

"Other fronts, other wars?" 6th Biennial Conference of the International Society for First World War Studies

Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck; Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz; International Society for First World War Studies
Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Hauptgebäude, Aula, Raum 1001, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck
From - Until
21.09.2011 - 23.09.2011
Nicole-Melanie Goll; Georg Hoffmann

Die Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck wird zwischen 21. und 23. September gemeinsam mit der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz die sechste Konferenz der International Society for First World War Studies von 21.-23. September 2011 ausrichten.

Der Schwerpunkt dieser Konferenz liegt dabei, wie der Titel „Other fronts, other wars?“ ausdrückt, auf weniger bekannten Forschungsfeldern des Ersten Weltkrieges und nimmt dabei vor allem den ost- sowie südosteuropäischen Raum in den Fokus. Es wird dabei von insgesamt 32 Referenten ein thematischer Bogen gespannt werden, der von medizinhistorischen bis zu wirtschaftlichen und politischen Aspekten reicht, und der vor allem Zugänge und Betrachtungen des „Raumes“ im Ersten Weltkrieg thematisiert. Als Keynote Speaker konnte Mark Cornwall gewonnen werden. Den Abschluss der Konferenz werden ein von Prof. Gerhard Hirschfeld geleiteter Roundtable sowie eine mehrtägige Exkursion in das Gebiet der ehemaligen Dolomitenfront bilden.

Ziel dieser international besetzten Konferenz ist es, jungen ForscherInnen eine Plattform zu bieten, auf der sie ihre Forschungsergebnisse präsentieren und in einem größeren Rahmen mit renommierten WissenschaftlerInnen diskutieren können und so den wissenschaftlichen Austausch über nationale aber auch disziplinäre Grenzen hinweg zu fördern.

Da die Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt ist, wird um Anmeldung unter firstworldwar@gmx.at bis 31. August 2011 gebeten!

Weitere Informationen über die Konferenz finden Sie auf http://www.firstworldwar.org und http://www.zegibk.at/firstworldwar/start.htm


This timetable is still provisional, and elements may be subject to change!

Wednesday, 21st September
8.30 – 9.15 Registration
9.15 – 10.00 Opening the Conference

10.15 – 11.45 Panel 1 „Front and Occupation“
Chair: Petra Svoljšak (Ljubljana)

Nicolas Patin (Paris), A world of enemies: the experience of different fronts in Reichstag MP´s war
Commentator: Arndt Weinrich (Paris)

Altay Atli (Istanbul): Vision of "Winter" in Ottoman War Narratives: Voices from the Caucasus and Eastern Europe
Commentator: Andrey Pavlov (St. Petersburg)

Wolfram Dornik (Graz): The experience of war and occupation in Eastern Europe 1914–1921
Commentator: Jonathan Edward Gumz (West Point)

13.15 – 14.45 Panel 2 „Prisoners of War“
Chair: Rüdiger Overmans (Freiburg)

Mahon Murphy (London): Brücken, Beethoven und Baumkuchen: German and Austro-Hungarian POWs and the Japanese home front
Commentator: Hannes Leidinger (Wien)

Kate Walton (Brisbane): The forgotten front: Australian POWs in the Ottoman Empire
Commentator: Jenny Macleod (Hull)

Christian Steppan (Innsbruck):The camp newspaper “Nedelja” as reflection of wartime experiences of Russian POWs in Austria-Hungary
Commentator: Laurie Cohen (Innsbruck)

15.15 – 17.15 Panel 3 „Hinterland and Homefront“
Chair: Gerhard Hirschfeld (Stuttgart)

Patrick J. Houlihan (Chicago): Lost Causes: Towards Religious History of the Home Front in Germany and Austria-Hungary, 1914 – 1922
Commentator: Sabine Haring (Graz)

Rudolf Kucera (Prague): Preserving Manliness. Bohemian Workers and the Experience of the home Front
Commentator: Gunda Barth-Scalmani (Innsbruck)

Andrea Griffante (Vilnius): The Front in Mind. Lithuanians and the Perception of Home Space during WW1
Commentator: Petra Svoljšak (Ljubljana)

Eva Krivanec (Vienna): War on Stage. Home Front Entertainments in European Metropoles 1914-1918
Commentator: Martin Moll (Graz)

17.45 – 18.45 Panel 4 „Urban Spaces“
Chair: Gunda Barth-Scalmani (Innsbruck)

Felicita Ratti (Salzburg): Modena and Salzburg during and after FWW. The case of mobilization of urban elites and bourgeoisie during the world and in the aftermath
Commentator: Monika Stromberger (Graz)

Bernhard Liemann (Münster): Provincial cities at war. Local public spheres in German, Belgian and Dutch towns in the border region compared (1914-1919).
Commentator: Harald Potempa (Potsdam)

Thursday, 22nd September

9.00 – 10.30 Panel 5 „Alliances and Coalitions“
Chair: Pierre Purseigle (Birmingham)

Franziska Heimburger (Paris/Dublin): Mapping Language Space in the allied coalition on the Western front
Commentator: Alexandra Ludewig (Perth)

Jan Vermeiren (London): The "Prussians of the South-East": Imperial Germany and the Hungarian Alliance 1914–1918
Commentator: Mark Cornwall (Southampton)

Giorgio Rota (Vienna): "Moderate expectations and not-so-bitter disappointment: on the role of Austria-Hungary in neutral Persia during the Great War"
Commentator: Wim Klinkert (Amsterdam)

11.00 – 12.30 Panel 6 „Russia and the First World War“
Chair: Anthony Heywood ( Aberdeen)
Discussant: J.W. Steinberg (Statesboro)

Paul Simmons (Oxford):Desertion in the Russian Army in 1914-1917
Commentator: Reinhard Nachtigal (Freiburg)

Christopher Gilley: Ukrainian Warlordism during the Russian Civil War

Vasilii Kashirin: The Dobrudzha Expedition in autumn 1916: an unknown campaign by Russian troops south of the Dunai

14.00 – 16.00 Panel 7 „Medicine, Health and Welfare“
Chair: Heather Perry (Charlotte)

Indira Durakovic (Graz): Serbia as a threat to Europe’s health. The epidemic typhus of 1914/15
Commentator: Leo van Bergen (Amsterdam)

Philipp Rauh (Nuremberg-Erlangen)/Cay Rüdiger Prüll (Heidelberg): Other fronts, other diseases? Comparisons of Front-specific Practices in Medical Treatment
Commentator: Hans-Georg Hofer (Bonn)

Ke-chin Hsia (Chicago): Care provisions for wounded and disabled soldiers in WW1 Austria: Revisting Civil Society-State Relationship
Commentator: Pierre Purseigle (Birmingham)

Andrea McKenzie (New York): Our common colonial voices! Nation and Canadian Nurses on Lemnos 1915
Commentator: Karin Schmidlechner-Lienhart (Graz)

16.30 – 18.00 Panel 8 „Documentation and Commemoration“
Chair: Helmut Konrad (Graz)

Beatriz Pichel (Madrid): Photographic albums as sites of emotional memory. The amateur practice during the First WW in France
Commentator: Lisa Budreau (Kansas City)

Katja Škrlj (Ljubljana): Thanks for the Memory: War diaries and memories of Slovenian and Italian “Ordinary People”
Commentator: Gunda Barth-Scalmani (Innsbruck)

Katarina Relic (Toronto): In the name of father and son: Commemoration, repression, obsession and the FWW in Serbia
Commentator: Werner Suppanz (Graz)

18.15 – 19.15 Keynote
Mark Cornwall (Southampton): 'The Habsburg Monarchy's Final Crisis: from Loyalty to Liquidation 1914-1918'

Friday, 23rd September:

9.00 – 11.00 Panel 9 „Media and Propaganda“
Chair: Dirk Rupnow (Innsbruck)

Elisabeth Haid (Vienna): Conquest or liberation? Galicia as object of wartime propaganda in the Austrian and Russian press
Commentator: Harald Binder (Vienna)

Maciej Górny (Warsaw): A war between allies. Polish and Ukrainian scientists and the national propaganda 1914–1923
Commentator: Anna Veronika Wendland (Jena)

Bernhard Bachinger (Graz): Eigen- und Feindbildkonstruktion der österreichischen Presse am Beispiel der Saloniki-Front
Commentator: Harald Potempa (Potsdam)

Tilman Lüdke (Freiburg): Strange fronts, strange wars: the battle for "Islam" between Germany and the allies in the Middle East during WW1
Commentator: Catriona Pennell (Exeter)

11.30 – 13.00 Panel 10 „Economic Mobilization“
Chair: to be announced

Stephan Lehnstaedt (Warsaw): Two kinds of occupation? German and Austrian economic policies in Poland 1915-1918
Commentator: Helmut Kuzmics (Graz)

Ana Paula Pires (Lisbon)/Maria Fernando Rollo (Lisbon): Other fronts, different arms: economic mobilization for war. The Portuguese case
Commentator: Samuel Kruizinga (Amsterdam)

Ekatarina Romanova (Moskow): Perception of war burden sharing in the Russian society during FWW 1914-Feb.1917
Commentator: Reinhard Nachtigal (Freiburg)

14.00 – 15.30 Roundtable
Chair: Gerhard Hirschfeld

Gunda Barth-Scalmani/Pierre Purseigle/Alun Edwards/Ellen Geisriegler/Irina Renz

16.00 End of Conference

Contact (announcement)

Mag.a Nicole-Melanie Goll
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz,Institut für Geschichte (Zeitgeschichte)Attemsgasse 8/II, A-8010 Graz