Brazil in Global Context (1870-1945) / Brasil no contexto global (1870-1945)

Brazil in Global Context (1870-1945) / Brasil no contexto global (1870-1945)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Rinke / Georg Fischer / Christina Peters / Frederik Schulze, Freie Universität Berlin
ZI Lateinamerika-Institut (LAI), FU Berlin, Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56, 14197 Berlin, R. 201
Vom - Bis
27.10.2011 - 29.10.2011
Fischer, Georg

The conference aims to take stock of developments in the field of Brazilian history as the discipline as a whole is experiencing a shift to transnational and global perspectives. We seek to emphasize regional and local configurations of global(-izing) processes, emerging concepts of nationhood, material and intellectual exchange, and circulation of knowledge between 1870 and 1945. The conference is organized by the chair for Latin American history at the LAI in cooperation with the Center for Brazilian Research/Centro de Pesquisas Brasileiras at the FU Berlin.


Thu, 27 October

15:30-16:00 h
Welcome Reception

16:00-16:45 h
Introductory Remarks

16:45-17:45 h
Keynote Lecture I
Barbara Weinstein (New York University): “Spatial Inequalities at Home and Abroad. Rethinking Brazilian National History from Regional and Global Perspectives”

18:15-20:15 h
Panel I. Envisioning the Nation
Chair: Georg Wink (FU Berlin)

Sven Schuster (KU Eichstätt): “Progresso, civilização e raça: a autoimagem do Brasil nas exposições nacionais e universais, 1861-1929”

Dawid Danilo Bartelt (Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Rio de Janeiro): “Entre as virtualidades republicanas da Nação. Canudos e as redefinições do Brasil na transição do século XIX a XX”

Debora Gerstenberger (WWU Münster): “Gilberto Freyre. A Brazilian Theorist of Globalization”

Fri, 28 October

9:00-11:00 h
Panel II. Migrations
Chair: Jeffrey Lesser (Emory University)

Maria Isabel de Jesus Chrysostomo (Universidade Federal de Viçosa) / Laurent Vidal (Université de La Rochelle): “As hospedarias de imigrantes no Brasil. Um dispositivo esquecido no caminho da emigração para o Brasil (1880s-1900s)”

Ursula Prutsch (LMU München): “Migrants in the Periphery. Indigenous Peoples, Europeans and Japanese in Northern Paraná from 1900 to the 1930s”

Frederik Schulze (FU Berlin): “Questões de imigração no Estado Novo entre nacionalidade e regimes globais de regulação”

11:30-13:30 h
Panel III. Popular Culture and the Urban Experience
Chair: Susanne Klengel (FU Berlin)

Sebastian Dorsch (Universität Erfurt): “The Invention and Experience of Future Between Open Frontiers and Neurasthenia. The Atlantic Metropolis São Paulo, 1870-1930”

Christina Peters (FU Berlin): “A formação de relações regionais em um contexto global. A rivalidade no futebol entre Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, 1900-1930”

Matthias Röhrig Assunção (University of Essex): “Capoeira, 1930-1950. A modernização de uma arte marcial brasileira”

13:30-15:00 h
Lunch Break

15:00-17:30 h
Panel IV. State Institutions and Transfers of Knowledge
Chair: Jaime Larry Benchimol (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro)

Débora Bendocchi Alves (Universität zu Köln): “Exploração inglesa nas minas de ouro em Minas Gerais. Adaptabilidade ao mercado de trabalho brasileiro (1870-1888)”

Marcos Costa (Université du Québec à Montréal / Universidade Federal de Pernambuco): “A circulação de ideias de reforma penitenciária na América Latina. O caso do Brasil, fins do século XIX aos princípios do século XX”

Georg Fischer (FU Berlin): “‘Iron Mountains.’ Applied Geology, Expert Networks, and Economic Policy in Brazil, 1880-1914”

Sören Brinkmann (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg): “Leite e raça. Ideologia e políticas de alimentação na era Vargas”

18:00-19:00 h
Keynote Lecture II
Sérgio Costa (FU Berlin): “‘Males de origem?’ Manuel Bomfim, Sylvio Romero e as fontes transnacionais do nacionalismo no Brasil”

19:00-20:00 h
Keynote Lecture III
Jeffrey Lesser (Emory University): “Ethnic Myths as National Identity in Brazil”

Sat, 29 October

9:00-10:00 h
Keynote Lecture IV
Stefan Rinke (FU Berlin): “Germany and Brazil, 1871-1945. A Relationship Between Spaces”

10:30-12:30 h
Panel V. German-Brazilian Relations
Chair: Stefan Rinke (FU Berlin)

Karen Lisboa (Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Guarulhos): “Qual Europa para qual Brasil? Viajantes alemães e suas propostas para pensar as relações entre dois mundos”

Jaime Larry Benchimol (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro): “Medical and Scientific Relations Between Germany and Brazil, 1850-1918. An Overview”

Igor Gak (FU Berlin): “Arautos do dissenso. A política cultural exterior alemã para o Brasil e sua recepção durante o governo Vargas (1938-1942)”

12:30-13:00 h
Final Discussion
Chair: Barbara Weinstein (New York University)

How to get there
Subway station – bus stop “Breitenbachplatz”: Subway line U3, Bus 101, 248, 282

Conference Languages: Portuguese and English

Support: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung


Georg Fischer (
Christina Peters (
Frederik Schulze (

ZI Lateinamerika-Institut, FU Berlin, Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56, 14197 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0)30-838-55556 / -55573
Fax: +49 (0)30-838-55464
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Sprach(en) der Veranstaltung
Englisch, Portuguese
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