Die Einsamkeit der Opfer. Methodologische, ethische und politische Aspekte der Zählung von Menschenverlusten des Zweiten Weltkriegs

Die Einsamkeit der Opfer. Methodologische, ethische und politische Aspekte der Zählung von Menschenverlusten des Zweiten Weltkriegs

Europäisches Netzwerk Erinnerung und Solidarität in der Zusammenarbeit; mit dem Deutsch-Russischen Museum Karlshorst
Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Uri u. 53, 1014 Budapest
Budapest, Ungarn
Vom - Bis
09.12.2011 - 10.12.2011
Dominik Pick

Das Europäische Netzwerk Erinnerung und Solidarität lädt zu folgender internationalen Konferenz nach Budapest ein.


December 9th, Friday
Richard Overy, Opening: 'The unnumbered dead: estimating victim statistics for World War II'

10:30-12:15 Section 1, Part 1: The Great Numbers. The Total Numbers of Victims - Process of their Formation and Functions in the Post-War Time.

Boris Sokolov, ‘Some Methodological problems of calculation of the Soviet war losses during the Second World War’

Rüdiger Overmans, ‘German Loses during and after the World War II. Current researches after more than 60 years’

Vladimir Tarasov, ‘Losses of the USSR during the Second World War: The Current State’

Tamas Stark, ‘Human loses of Hungary’

13:45-15:30 Section 1, Part 2

Lukasz Kaminski, ‘Between Politics and Ethics – Polish Dilemmas Concerning Victims Counting of the Second World War Loses’

Mateusz Gniazdowski, ‘Polish Human Loses – Methodology, Institutions and Politics’

Peter Jašek, ‘Slovakia's Human Losses during World War II and their Political Aspects in the Slovak Postwar Historiography’

Vida Deželak Baric/ Tadeja Tominšek Cehulic, ‘Methodology of Compiling the World War II Casualties’ List in Slovenia’

16:00-17:45 Section 2, Victims’ Identification Programs

Dariusz Pawlos, ‘Human Losses and Victims of Repression under the German Occupation – Polish Documentary Program’

Maciej Wyrwa, ‘‘Indeks Represjonowanych’ . Documentation of Soviet Repression against Poles and Polish Citizens 1939-56’

Alfons Aragoneses, ‘Database of Spanish Deportees to the Nazi Camps’

Beata Halicka, ‘Political Instrumentalization of the Numbers of German Victims of Forced Migration. The case of Ost-Dokumentation”

December 10th, Saturday

09:00-10:45 Section 3, Part 1. Holocaust Victims. Auschwitz

Alexander Avraham, ‘Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names’

Piotr Setkiewicz, ‘Reserach Perspectives on Counting of the Victims of the Auschwitz’

Robert Jan van Pelt, ‘The Auschwitz Victim Count: Truth and Politics.’

11:00-12:30 Section 3.2: Holocaust Victims. Cases from Different Countries.

Stefan Tröbst, ‘Trying to Keep the Cake while Eating It. Bulgarian and European Debates on the Fate of Bulgaria’s Jews in World War II’

Laszlo Karsai, ‘Hungarian Holocaust Victims and Holocaust Survivors, Old Documents, New Estimations’

Adrian Cioflanca, ‘Counting the Victims of Holocaust in Romania’

Alexandru Muraru, ‘Perpetrators and Victims in the Forgotten Blood Summer. Debates and Findings Regarding the Romanian Retreat from Bessarabia and North Bukovina in 1940’

14:00-15:30 Section 4.1, Soviet and East European Victims

Barbara Stelzl, ‚Soviet dead of the II World War in Austria. Identifying individuals at their names and grave locations'’

Aleksander Gurjanov, ‘Statistics of Soviet political repression against Poles and Polish citizens during World War II’

Lukasz Adamski, ‘Cuius Regio, Eius Victimae. The Dispute over the International Law Status of the Eastern Provinces of the Second Republic of Poland during 1939-1945 and its Impact of the Statistics of World War II Victims in Poland and in the Eastern Neighbors of Poland’

15:45-16:45 Section 4.2

Marek Kornat, ‘Victims of the Soviet Occupation in Eastern Poland 1939-1941. Discussion in Polish Historiography’

Harald Knoll, “Austrian Prisoners in the Soviet Union. Historical Researches, Database and Service for the People”

17:00-19:00 Panel Discussion,

Tomasz Szarota, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw

Stefan Troebst, Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas, Leipzig

Alexander Avraham, Yad Vashem Institut, Jerozolima

Richard Overy, Exeter University, Exeter

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