Small Cinemas. Promotion and Reception

Small Cinemas. Promotion and Reception

International Relations and European Studies, West University of Timisoara
Blvd. V. Parvan 4 Timisoara 300223
From - Until
01.06.2012 - 03.06.2012
Center for Eastern European Film and Media Studies, West University of Timisoara, Romania

Organizing Institution: Center for Eastern European Film and Media Studies, West University of Timisoara, Romania, contact email:

Plenary Speakers: Dina Iordanova, Professor of Film Studies and Provost, St. Leonard's College, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK; Janina Falkowska, Professor of Film Studies, University of Western Ontario, Canada.

The third annual international conference, Small Cinemas, brings together scholars and professionals from around the world to discuss the regional, national and international reception and promotion of small cinemas. We are interested in papers focusing on the status and the particularities of small cinemas’ audiences, film criticism, film scholarship, governmental support, festival participation, marketing strategies, and media outlets. The conference organizers understand the notion of “small cinemas” to be fluid and plural, including both documentary and fiction, from the cinemas of small nation-states to the small “postage stamp” films of mobile devices; from the cinemas of ethnic and religious minorities to the productions of minors and so-called “minor” authors.

Presentations are invited on any aspect of the reception and promotion of small cinemas. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

- The theorizing of styles, genres, new waves, and auteurship of small cinemas
- Journals, scholarly studies, collections, blogs
- Films in schools
- Stars and glamour
- Racial, ethnic, universal informed reception
- Internet, television and print media promotion
- Communal, regional, national, supra-national promotion
- Distribution, transmission, diffusion
- DVD sales and rental
- Dubbing and subtitling
- Co-productions, exports, imports
- Public and private financing
- Globalization and miniaturization
- Festivals

300-word abstracts and a short bio should be sent to Constantin Parvulescu Submission deadline: 1 February 2012.


Contact (announcement)

Center for Eastern European Film West Univ. of Timisoara

Blvd. V. Parvan 4
Timisoara 300223, Romania

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