After the Storm. The Historical Memory upon 1812 in Russia and Europe

After the Storm. The Historical Memory upon 1812 in Russia and Europe

Deutsches Historisches Institut Moskau
Russian Federation
Vom - Bis
28.05.2012 - 30.05.2012
Dr. Denis Sdvizkov, Deutsches Historisches Institut Moskau

On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the invasion of Russia by Napoleon's Grande Armée, this international conference will discuss the aftershocks the upheaval of 1812 caused and the deep marks it left in historical memory.

The conference aims to contribute to a critical discussion of Russian cultural memories of 1812 and to place the memory of 1812 in the larger context of Russia as an empire and Russia in/and Europe.


First Panel: „European“ Remembering upon 1812
Moderator: Jakob Vogel, Paris
Keynote Address Jakob Vogel

Moutchnik, Alexander, Munich
1812 in the Historical Memory of Munich and Bavaria. The Obelisk on the Karolinenplatz as a Site of Memory

Peters, Lars, Berlin
„Through Russian Snows“. Memories upon 1812 in English Novels 1815-1945

Rocher, Yves-Marie, Paris
The Memory upon 1812 in the French Army: The Work of the Dépot de la Guerre

Scharf, Claus, Mainz
Experience and Narrative: Dr Anton Nordhof as Eye-Witness and Historian of World History in Moscow 1812

Stamm-Kuhlmann, Thomas, Greifswald
From Tauroggen to the German-Russian Arms Comradeship. The Prussian Changeover from 1812 and the Year 1813 in German Culture of Remembering until the End of the GDR

Postnikova, Alena Aleksandrovna, Ekaterinburg
The Grand Armée at the Berezina in the Historical Memory of French-German Relations

Sdvizhkov, Denis Anatol’evich, Moscow
Short memories of the Holy Alliance, 1812-1817/19

Second Panel: Remembering upon 1812 by the Nationalities of the Russian Empire and by its Neighbors
Moderator: Ruth Leiserowitz, Warsaw

Filatova, Natal’ja Maratovna, Moscow
Russia in the Polish Propaganda Literature of 1812 and its Subsequent Transformation

Pugaciauskas, Virgilijus, Vilnius
Lithuania and Russia in 1812: Illoyal Subordination

Soloshenko, Viktoriia Vital’evna, Kyiv
Historical Memory Upon Ukraine and Ukrainians in the Fatherland War of 1812

Fabrykant, Margaryta Saulovna, Minsk
„With Horses, People and Straw“: De-Romanticizing the War of 1812 in the Belarus Historical Narrative

Pollock, Sean, Dayton
“You Showed How a Russian Ought to Die for Rus’ ”: Prince P. I. Bagration’s Posthumous Contributions to Russian Nation Building

Wassholm, Johanna, Åbo
Interpretations of the Year 1812 from the Perspective of the Finnish Grand Duchy. Contemporary Experience and Historical Memory

Third Panel: Politics of History and Historical Memories in Russia
Moderator: Andrei Jur’evich Andreev, Moscow

Wortman, Richard, New York
Historical Memory and Myth in the Evocations of 1812

Martin, Alexander, Notre Dame
„It Was the Lord’s Will That I Not Leave Moscow“: An Immigrant’s Epiphany in 1812

Edel’man, Ol’ga Valerianovna, Moscow
The Decembrists - Children of 1812?

Fedotova, Marina Sergeevna, St. Petersburg
1854 as 1812: The Construction of Two Wars in Russia’s Patriotic Culture During the Crimean War

Zherdeva, Juliia Aleksandrovna, Samara
The Fatherland War in the Visual Culture of World War I

Ul’ianova, Galina Nikolaevna,Moscow
The Centenary of Borodino in August 1912: The Meaning of Commemoration

Fourth Panel: Social Groups and the Medialization of the Historical Memory upon 1812
Moderator: Claus Scharf, Mainz

Hausmann, Guido, Munich
The „Trophies of the War“. Commemorating Captivity

Kamenev, Evgenii Vladimirovich, Petrozavodsk
Key Concepts in the Commemoration of 1812 by Officers of Russia’s Army Until the Mid 1820 s

Mährle, Wolfgang, Stuttgart
Images of a Military Disaster: Watercolors and Drawings of the Württembergian Officer of Artillery Christian Wilhelm von Faber du Faur

Saburova, Tat’iana Anatol’evna, Omsk
Remembering and Identity: The Generational Factor in the Memoirs Upon the Fatherland War of 1812

Noheil, Regine, Freiburg
The Image of Napoleon in the New Media of Contemporary Russia

Viktoria Olegovna Chistiakova, Moscow
1812 in the Cinema

Closing Lecture
Dominic Lieven, Cambridge


Denis Sdvizkov

Nachimovskij Prospekt 51/21
117418 Moskau
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