'Critical Matter'. Internationale Graduiertenkonferenz

'Critical Matter'. Internationale Graduiertenkonferenz

Alexander Brunke, Jeanette Ehrmann, Sabine Flick, Andreas Folkers, Tobias Goll, Philip Hogh, Daniel Keil, Sonja Kleinod, Darja Klingenberg, Greta Wagner und Thomas Telios
IG Farben Campus, Casino
Frankfurt am Main
Vom - Bis
31.05.2012 - 02.06.2012
Jeanette Ehrmann

Nach The Futures of Critical Theory (2009) und Emerging Forms of
Sociality (2010) findet vom 31.05. bis 02.06.2012 mit Critical
Matter die dritte internationale Graduiertenkonferenz zur Zukunft
k/Kritischer Theorie/n in Frankfurt statt. Anlässlich des gegenwärtig
konstatierten "material turn" in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften werden 40 Vortragende aus unterschiedlichen Ländern und Disziplinen über neue Formen von Materialität, Materialismus und materialistischer Kritik diskutieren.

Die Konferenz ist kostenfrei und barrierefrei zugänglich,
Interessent_innen sind ohne Voranmeldung herzlich eingeladen.

Prof. Nina Lykke (Unit of Gender Studies, Linköping University):
Feminist Post-Constructionism
Prof. Gunzelin Schmid Noerr (Hochschule Niederrhein): The Materiality
of Reason - Die Materialität der Vernunft
Prof. Hanjo Berressem (University of Cologne): Actual Media - Virtual

Cultural Program:
On the Civilizing Power of Aesthetics - The IG Farben Building, its
Past and Present. Guided Tour provided by Initiative Studierender am
IG Farben Campus

"We love IvI" Bar Night
Institut für vergleichende Irrelevanz [IvI]

In Kooperation mit:

Institut für Sozialforschung, Frankfurt (IfS)
Cornelia Goethe Centrum für Frauenstudien und die Erforschung der
Geschlechterverhältnisse (CGC)
Institut für Grundlagen der Gesellschaftswissenschaften & Institut für
Philosophie, Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Vereinigung von Freunden und Förderern, Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Institut für vergleichende Irrelevanz, Frankfurt [IvI]

Programm und weitere Infos:



critical matter
3rd international graduate conference 2012
may 31 – june 2
goethe university frankfurt

Thursday, May 31

13:00 Registration & Refreshments (Foyer Casino, 1st floor)

13:30 “The IG-Farben Campus – Its Past and Present”: Guided tour provided by Initiative Studierender am IG Farben Campus

15:00 Welcome & Opening Address: Sabine Flick & Jeanette Ehrmann
(Casino 1.801)

15.30 - 17:15 Concurrent Panels
(Casino 1.801)

Chair: Tino Plümecke

Verena Namberger (Free University Berlin): Re-thinking the Racialised Body: On the Materialisation of ‘Race’

Orazio Irrera (Paris VII Denis Diderot): An Environmental Genealogy of Forest Management in India under British Rule (1864 - 1931)

Moritz Altenried (Goldsmiths, University of London): The Border as Milieu: On the Spatiality of Biopolitics

(Casino 1.802)

Chair: Nadja Meisterhans

Felix Trautmann (Goethe University Frankfurt/University of Basel): Material Imaginations. The Critique of Ideology in Louis Althusser’s Aleatory Materialism

Josef Barla (University of Vienna): New Materialism, Technology, and the Body: Theorizing Technology-Body Entanglements and Apparatuses of Bodily Production from an Agential Realist Perspective

Moritz Hagemann (Goethe University Frankfurt): Opening Hegelian Dialectics to an Irreducible Otherness

17:15 Refreshments

18:00 Keynote Address (Casino 1.801)

Prof. Nina Lykke (Linköping University): Feminist Post-Constructionism

Chair: Andreas Folkers

20:00 Reception (Casino Foyer & Terrace)

Friday, June 1st
10:00 - 11:45 Concurrent Panels

Revolutionary Matter
(Casino 1.801)

Chair: Darja Klingenberg

Le Zhou (Université Paris Dauphine): Chinese Women in Cultural Revolution: An Experience of Emancipation?

Jeanette Ehrmann (Goethe University Frankfurt/Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne): From ‘Algeria Unveiled’ to ‘Topless Warriors’: The Un-/Veiled Woman’s Body as a Revolutionary Matter

Alexander Neupert (University Osnabrück): No_body should starve. Physical Needs as an Index for Utopia

(Casino 1.802)

Chair: Daniel Loick

Thomas Telios (Goethe University Frankfurt): Thing, Commodity, Product: Towards a Materialist Politics of Solidarity and Coalition

Valentin Badura (Humboldt University Berlin): Towards a Neo-Durkheimian Approach to the Theory of Ideology: Sacralization as Integrative Mechanism

Eva Youkhana (University of Bonn): Religious Belonging as Expression for Colonized Transnational Bonds: Latin American Migrants in Madrid

11:45 Refreshments

12:15 - 14:00 Concurrent Panels

The Matter of Revolution
(Casino 1.801)

Chair: Julia König

Mareike Schwarzwälder (Goethe University Frankfurt): The Potentiality of Revolutionary Action

Miguel Candioti
(Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona): On the Anti-Materialism of Early Italian Marxism

Oliver Schupp (University of Siegen): Layers of Communist Memories

(Casino 1.802)

Chair: Daniel Keil

Francesca Caligiuri (Humboldt University Berlin): Adorno’s Reification of Things

Elena Lange (University of Zurich): Transcendental Materialism. Contrasting Alfred Sohn-Rethel’s Materialist Epistemology with Adorno’s Reading of the Kantian Ding an sich

Elmar Flatschart (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna): Between Materialism and Constructivism: The Commodity and its Other

14:00 Lunch

15:15 - 17:30 Concurrent Panels

(Casino 1.801)

Chair: Sonja Kleinod

Martin Tanšek (Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Frankfurt): Who’s Afraid of the Heterosexual Matrix?

Viviana González González (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México): The Ontology and Epistemology of Bolívar Echeverría’s Materialistic Approach to Art

Peter Müller (University of Potsdam): The Strange Case of the Humans Leaving the Picture

Landi Raubenheimer (University of Johannesburg): The Materiality of Relational Artworks

(Casino 1.802)

Chair: Sabine Flick

Guido Croxatto (Universidad de Buenos Aires): The Law, the Body and Affectivity

Filipe Campello (Goethe University Frankfurt): The Social Reality of Affects. A Critical Interpretation in Light of Hegel

Till Hilmar (University of Vienna): Storyboards of Remembrance. Representations of the Past in Visitor’s Photography at Auschwitz

Dave Mesing (Duquesne University, Pittsburgh): Complicating Utopia: Materialism, Death, and Hope

17:30 Refreshments

18:15 Keynote Address (Casino 1.801)

Prof. Gunzelin Schmid Noerr (Hochschule Niederrhein): The Materiality of Reason – Die Materialität der Vernunft

Chair: Philip Hogh
Translation: Felix Hauf

Saturday, June 2
10:00 - 12:15 Concurrent Panels

(Casino 1.801)

Chair: Nadine Marquardt

Simon Sontowski (University of Zurich): Opening the Black Box of Border Management

Sascha Engel (Goethe University Frankfurt): The Rhythm of the World: Toward a General Economy of Spatial Materiality

Daniel Keil (Goethe University Frankfurt): Territory and Tradition – Some Notes on the Relation of the Rescaling of Statehood and National Identity

Nicolas Schlitz & Katharina Fritsch (University of Vienna): ‘Anormal Bodies’ under Construction – Analysing Viennese Squats

(Casino 1.802)

Chair: Jeanette Ehrmann

Lotte Arndt (Humboldt University Berlin/Paris VII Denis Diderot): Against the Grain of the (Post-)Colonial Museum Archives: Sammy Baloji’s Work on Chief Lusinga’s Skull

Franziska Dübgen (Goethe University Frankfurt): Translating Emancipation(s)

Tobias Berger (Free University Berlin): Lost in Translation? Transnational Law and Legal Practices in Bangladesh

Dina Spörri (University of Bern) & Maya Hatsukano (Goethe University Frankfurt): Translating Vulnerability. (Post-)Colonial Reverberations in the International Climate Change Regime

12:15 Brunch

13:15 - 15:30 Concurrent Panels

(Casino 1.801)

Chair: Greta Wagner

Katharina Fritsch (University of Vienna): Trans-Skin – Skin bleaching as Diasporic Embodiment

Anna Petran (University of Vienna): Binge-Drinking in Youth in Neoliberal Society

Benjamin Haas (Humboldt University Berlin): Making of Impairment – Material Effects of Disourses on ADHD

(Casino 1.802)

Chair: Alexander Brunke

Marina Martínez Mateo (Goethe University Frankfurt): Neoliberalism and the Sovereignty of Life. About the Politics of Abortion in Chile

Federica Bueti (Journal …ment, Berlin) & Hilary Koob-Sassen (London): Kata strephein and the Semiotic Machine of Catastrophe

Andreas Folkers (Goethe University Frankfurt): After virtù and fortuna. Foucault and Althusser on the Governmentality of Aleatory Economic Events

15:30 Refreshments

16:15 Keynote Address (Casino 1.801)

Prof. Hanjo Berressem (University of Cologne): Actual Media | Virtual Media

Chair: Tobias Goll

19:00 End of Conference & Dinner at Apple Wine Tavern Dauth-Schneider

22:00 We ♥ IvI Bar Night Institut für vergleichende Irrelevanz [IvI] Frankfurt am Main


Jeanette Ehrmann

Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main

