'Violence, Justice, and the Work of Memory', International Journal of Conflict and Violence

'Violence, Justice, and the Work of Memory', International Journal of Conflict and Violence

Klaus Neumann and Dan Anderson, guest editors, International Journal of Conflict and Violence focus section
From - Until
26.10.2012 -
Klaus Neumann

Violence, Justice, and the Work of Memory
International Journal of Conflict and Violence focus section

CfP deadline: 28 February 2013
Deadline for expressions of interest: 26 October 2012

This IJCV Focus Section seeks to bring together papers from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds (including but not limited to history, political science, anthropology, political philosophy, law, psychology, and sociology) and fields of study (memory studies, peace and conflict studies, transitional justice studies) to explore the role of memory in post-conflict contexts. Our aim is to shed light on the ways that memory is generated and challenged in transitional justice processes, and more broadly, on the relationships between memory and recognition, memory and historical truth, and memory and repair. We aim to feature a broad range of case studies, but welcome also papers concerned with methodological or theoretical issues, rather than with specific cases. For more information, see http://www.historicaljusticeandmemorynetwork.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/IJCV_CfP-Violence-Justice-and-the-Work-of-Memory.pdf

Enquiries and submissions: Klaus Neumann, Swinburne Institute for Social Research, kneumann@swin.edu.au


Contact (announcement)

Klaus Neumann

Swinburne Institute for Social Research, Swinburne University of Technology
Hawthorn VIC 3122, Australia

