Time in Environment: Methodological Implications of Narrating

Time in Environment: Methodological Implications of Narrating

Centre for Environmental History in Estonia (KAJAK) in co-operation with the Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts (GSCSA, University of Tartu) and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (Munich)
Historisches Institut der Universität Tallinn; Gutshof Sagadi
Tallinn / Sagadi
Vom - Bis
26.03.2013 - 28.03.2013
Ulrike Plath

The seminar is centered around time- and environment-related methodological problems and will be held in conjunction with the conference “Time in Environment and Environmental History” (March 25th-26th, Tallinn). It consists of individual tasks and group-works that are meant to apply the theoretical ideas presented in the lectures of the conference "Time in Environment and Environmental History"in research practice. The aim of the seminar is to draw attention to the specifics of time as a methodological tool of research and narration; to the temporal diversity of different environmental processes and phenomena; to the challenges related with the need to model the temporal processes in the environment.

For initial program and introduction of lecturers please see:

Interested graduate students (maximum 15) can apply for the seminar by sending a letter of motivation (ca 100 words) to ktkdk@ut.ee by January 25th. You will be notified of your participation by the 5th of February. Students are expected to participate in the conference "Time in Environment and Environmental History" preceding the seminar from the 25th to the 26th of March in Tallinn and do preparatory reading in order to participate in the seminar workshops. Extra credits are awarded for an oral or poster presentation at the conference "Time in Environment and Environmental History".

ECTS points will be awarded on the following conditions:
2 ETC for participation in the seminar and conference
+ 2 ETC for participating in the conference with a presentation or a poster presentation

Participation in the course is free of charge; the accommodation and travel costs of the students of GSCSA will be reimbursed.

The language of the seminar and conference is English.

The seminar venues:
Tallinn University, Institute of History: http://www.tlu.ee/?CatID=2827&LangID=2ID=2 [1]
Sagadi hostel: http://www.sagadi.ee/accommodation/hostel-1

The event is supported by the European Union through the European Social Fund (Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts) and by the Estonian Science Foundation (project 9419).


Initial program

March 26 (Tallinn University, Institute of History)

Afternoon (time specified later) Verena Winiwarter (Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Austria) “The Anthropocene” – a useful concept to understand the present by looking at the past?

March 27 (Sagadi hostel)

9.00 Departure from Tallinn to Sagadi

10.15 Welcome coffee

10.30 Session led by Hannes Bergthaller (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)
Narrative Form and Social Order: Contextualizing Environmental History

12.30 Lunch

14.00 Session led by Kati Lindström (University of Tartu; KAJAK, Estonia)
Scaling Time: Different Temporalities and Time Scales in the Environment and the Meta-Level.

16.00 Coffee

16.30 Session led by Dolly Jørgensen (Umeå University, Sweden)
Is all narrative about change over time?

18.30 Dinner

20.00 Sauna

March 28 (Sagadi hostel)

8.30 Breakfast

9.00 Session led by Frank S. Zelko (University of Vermont, USA; Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Germany) & Kieko Matteson (University of Hawaii; Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Germany)
Big History

11.00 Coffee

11.30 Summing up

13.00 Lunch

14.00 A nature walk in Lahemaa National Park

16.00 Departure from Sagadi

17.00 Back in Tallinn


Helen Kästik

University of Tartu


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